Opiniones a destacar :
Q: There are always things that people want to change in the game, whether it's a nerf for some class or a removal of a certain arena, what are your top3 things that you would like to see changed? [Note for readers: Nerf - reduces effectiveness of a particular game element]
- Ring of valor removed from the game or dramatically changed - see my blog at
- Hunter nerfs - all hunter specs are absolutely ridiculous right now, the fact that nobody can play them does not mean that they need to be buffed into oblivion.
- Overall damage of all classes needs to be lowered or health pools need to be increased.
Q: Which team and which setup do you rate as your toughest opponent?
Any beastcleave since this setup is most forgiving of mistakes and everyone makes more mistakes on lan.
Q: Apart from these Beastcleave setups, is there any grudge or a wish to beat anyone more than the others?
Not really, just sick of teams that require no skill to play and perform stupidly well like cleave.
Q: Despite RMP being a favourite choice for a lot of teams, there are players who think that the setup is rather cheap and takes less skill to dominate the arena. What is your view on such claims?
RMP is the highest skillcap comp in the game. Unfortunately with wotlk it has become easier to learn and in turn easier to do well with, causing a lot of people to complain. Fortunately it is still difficult to master at top level since the skillcap of all three classes is so high, i think the only other classes that rival them in terms of difficulty to play at top level would be resto shaman and affliction lock. The three classes in rmp have great synergy, maybe this is why it has been so popular for so long, people who think that the setup takes less skill have no clue about the game and are probably playing cleave at 2200.
pd: No quiero decir que por que sea uno de los mejores jugadores que hay vaya a tener razon.