[EXPANSION] Wrath of the Lich King


Si os fiais de Amazon para saber cuando sale la exp vamos fatal xD

Si Blizzard aun no ha puesto una fecha oficial es porque falta muuuuucho, cuando exista esa fecha solo hay que sumarle unos 4/6 meses y ya xDDD

P.D aun estoy esperando por el StarCraft 2 xDDDD


#328 lol, ni yo mismo puedo explicarme esa pedazo de falta xDDD


Realmente no van a salir a la par, seria una estrategia de marketing bastante pesima xD, pero en el caso de ke saliese WotLK a la vez ke SCII... ¿a ke dariais mas prioridad? y mojaos, nada de "a los dos" aunke sea verdad xD


We definitely feel the need for warlocks to gain some sort of active defense so we don't have to try to balance them around the assumption that they're "tanking" melee classes. For example, an idea we're running with internally is the concept of a warlock being able to cast a spell that places a circle of demonic power on the ground. The warlock would be able to teleport to this location from within a relatively short range (ie: 40 yards), and would also be able to summon demons more quickly if they're standing within the circle.

Note: this idea is intended as a sneak peek, it's not something that we're planning for 2.4, it would be more likely as an expansion ability, and may change entirely before said time.


estoy pensando en comprarmelo, xro ¿hace falta tener el WoW pa poder jugar a este?


Claro -.-

Por eso es una expansión.


Hombre, teniendo en cuenta que es una expansion que abre nuevos territorios a los personajes de level 70 que quieran subir a 80, pues si, necesitas el juego y la otra expansion, al menos para hacerte un personaje...

16 días después

Blizzard ha actualizado su website de la expansión de World Of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King, con un nuevo mob, el Enano Férreo.

"La Liga de Expedicionarios ha batido ya los rincones más lejanos del mundo buscando descubrir la verdad que se esconde tras los orígenes de los enanos. Ahora parece que está un paso más cerca de revelar los secretos del pasado.

Las últimas pistas provienen de antiguas excavaciones en el Fiordo Aquilonal, donde aparecieron los enanos férreos por primera vez. Cubiertos de grabados con runas de poder y con pulso de luz bajo su gruesa piel metálica, los enanos férreos podrían ser el vínculo perdido entre los enanos y los legendarios titanes del mito. Por desgracia, los malévolos enanos férreos han desafiado abiertamente a La Liga de Expedicionarios y parecen estar determinados a destruir todos los artefactos que les conecten a los sombríos recovecos de la Historia."


alguien espera alguna nueva raza? yo espero ke la haya :D:D:D:D


van excesivamente rapido... la gente no es tan atrapada como la de esos 4 clanes guiris.. Te tiras 6 meses sin jugar y vuelves y todo es nuevo.


Me he encontrado esto por inet



http://www.wow-europe.com/wrath/features/bard/bardclass.xml ...
para mi que la van a cagar con la guitarras. ... xddd


#342 a ver q eso no es cierto, lo pusieron el 1 de abril .... ARPIL'S FOOL :P


dicen que puede ke kede poco para una beta, haber si es verdad


cuando sale esto :(? jueeer XD es pa meterle caña a mi druida o no xd


para navidades minimo


Si del año q viene.


No se podria editar la pagina #1 para que se haga un resumen de lo que incluira la nueva expansion???


Uf, eso del bardo... nose, mola y tal pero lo veo muy infantil/absurdo poner esas cosas. Me gustaría de clase heroe a un verdugo o al maestro de espadas del w3

10 días después

#349 era una coña de blizz

8 días después

Con la exp bajan el precio de la montura epic voladora a 3000g (me refiero a la skill)


#351 fuente?


#351 NO



dicho por un azul en los foros del WoW

dudo q un GM mienta vamos xd


#354 link o todo FAKE.

  • informacion de la expansion

Death Knights

* All players with a level 55 character will be able to create one Death Knight per realm, per account. 
* Blizzard's designers decided to start the class with a full complement of abilities right off the bat, figuring that any player that has advanced a character to level 55 would be able to learn to handle the new class with minimal difficulty.
* Death Knights will have a summonable Skeletal Deatcharger Mount.
* Death Knights aren't using Mana or Energy, the runes are their primary source of power and are slotted into their "blade," which lies underneath their health bar as a visual indicator of what resources are available to the player at any given moment.
* Spent runes automatically refresh after a set period of time, much like a Rogue's energy bar.
* There are six slots in the blade, and the player is free to fill those slots with any given number of Blood, Unholy or Frost runes.
* Death Knights also have a secondary resource called Runic Power generated by using your rune abilities. It will use the same mechanics as rage and increase when you deal damage, or slowly decrease if you're not using it.
* Death Knights will have a lot of abilities that cost all available Runic Power with varying levels of effectiveness based on total Runic Power spent. (Same mechanics as Execute for warriors, or finishing moves for Rogues)
* Death Knights will have spells equivalent to auras called "Presence", providing them with powerful self-buffs depending on their role in the group. (One for tanking, one for damage dealing, etc ...)
* An instant lifedrain spell (described as death coil without the fear component) will be available. 
* Death Knights will be the first class to use diseases as a source of damage, with abilities that become strong depending on how many diseases are already applied to the target. 
* "Army of the Dead" will spawn numerous undead minions to attack nearby hostiles targets.
* Death Knights will also revive an enemy (or ally) as a ghoul to use it as a pet with its own special abilities like a disease-inflicting strike and a stun.
* When an ally is risen as a ghoul, a pop-up will appear and this ally will have the choice to control the ghoul if he wants to.
* The Death Knight's particular niche will be in tanking magic-damage-dealing bosses. They will have an ability much like a banshee's anti-magic shell, greatly diminishing the amount of incoming magic damage they'll receive in combat

Raids & Dungeons

* All raid dungeons in Wrath of the Lich King will have both 10-person and 25-person versions. So at level 80, every major encounter and every big boss fight can be experienced with a group of 10. 
* 25-person raiding progression is not dependent on 10-person raiding progression.
* There will be no attunements or keys to obtain, and you won't be locked out of a 25-person instance if you decide to attempt the 10-person version, and vice-versa. 
* 25-person raids will earn more, higher-level rewards, in what should be the equivalent of one "tier" of loot quality.
* A new instance focused on the different dragonflights "The Chamber of Aspects" might be added to the game, but this isn't confirmed yet. 
* Zero raid bosses have been designed at this point. 


* Players will unlock their flying mount at level 77. 
* You can use your Outland flying mount, and new flying mounts will be available. 

sacado de mmo-champion.com, alli encontrareis muchos videos


#354 Link.


El DK va a estar un poco over o solo me lo parece a mi? xD

Una cosa sobre

"* All players with a level 55 character will be able to create one Death Knight per realm, per account."

Puedes hacer uno por cuenta, uno en cada server o como va?


#358, uno por cuenta y server a mí me suena a que puedes hacer uno en cada server, pero no más de uno en el mismo server con la misma cuenta.


Estos son los videos que han puesto en el otro tema que han cerrado:

Sobre info nueva - DK:


Resumen de la info sobre DK:


Info nueva (General):


Info General - Sacado de:


