[EXPANSION] Wrath of the Lich King


#720 me viene de puta madre ese video estoy pensando en subirme un shaman xD.


#709 acabo de ir al GAME, ya está para reservar, he preguntado y me han dicho el 3 de octubre.


#722 pero colega que te pueden decir misa los de blizzard no han dicho fecha los de game ponen fechas por poner si fuera por ellos ya estariamos jugando en agosto xd.


#720 mola, por suerte ya tengo un shamy 70 preparado para ser 80 elemental :)


#722 yo trabajo en GAME y te recomiendo q a la fecha no le hagas mucho caso pero RESERVALO por q con el burning crusade fue un caos ..

solo te digo q van a llegar juegos solo para las reservas venga saludos


yo tmb tng un chaman pero estoy en la duda de elemental o mejora pk los lobos pueden ownear ara levear



Me acuerdo cuando iba a salir la burning que alguien que tambien trabajaba en game (espero que no fueses tu) decia a to dios que saldria en septiembre, que no teniamos ni puta idea que si game decia ese mes era ese mes xD, luego salio cuando salio lel :D


Tb estaba agotado en centro mail, game, ... y en la fnac los vendía a espuertas


Si si siempre la misma historia, con la Burning tambien decian que iban a mandar menos copias que cuentas registradas y en el game donde lo compre yo le sobraban 32523455235 (en el Corte Ingles del edificio de la lao otras tantas)


Nuevos cambios en el Lock (sacado de mmo-champion)



  • Curse of Exhaustion range increased from 30 yards to 36 yards.
  • Haunt casting time reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds.


  • Demonic Empathy reworked: When you or your per is critically hit, the other has a 33/66/100 % chance to have their casting or attack speed increased by 30% for 8 sec. (Previously gave 2/4/6 % increased damage for the next 3 spells or abilities when you or your pet critically hit with a spell or ability
  • Metamorphosis cooldown increased from 3 minutes to 5 minutes. You transform into a Demon, with full health and mana. While in Demon Form, you gain Demonic abilities and your armor is increased to 360%, but your pet is no longer summoned. When leaving Demon Form, your health and mana is returned to normal and your pet is re-summoned. Lasts 45 seconds. (Previously transforms you into a Demon, increasing your armor by 360% and reducing the duration os stun and snare effects on you by 50%. While in Demon Form, you cannot cast spells, but you gain unique demon abilities.)


  • Bane no longer reduces casting time of Haunt.
  • Eternal Flames reworked: Now called Fire and Brimstone. Increases the damage of your Immolate spell by an amount equal to 5% of your spell power, and the critical strike chance of your Conflagrate spell is increased by 5% is the immolate on the target has 5 or fewer seconds remaining. (Previously increased the damage done by your immolate on your target by 1%, and your Searing Pain and Incinerate spells increase the damage of your Immolate on the target by and additional 1/2/3/4/5 %, up to a total of 20%.
  • Chaos Bolt cooldown reduces from 12 seconds to 8 seconds. Sends a bolt of Chaotic Fire at the enemy, dealing 1012 to 1278 Fire damage. Chaos Bolt cannot be resisted, and pierces through defensive immunities. (Previously sends a bolt of chaotic fire at the enemy, dealing 990 to 1256 Fire damage. Chaos Bolt cannot be resisted, and pierces through all absorption effects.)

weno se han dado cuenta que 3 minuto de cd para el demonio era muy poco


No esque entienda mucho ingles pero cuando te tranformas en demonio la pet desaparece no?


but your pet is no longer summoned Bastante claro lo veo yo.


la Metamorphosis va a ser imparable o como va el tema? (alguien que juegue ala beta si puede ser)


#734 hay un video por este post que sale como se tranforma tipo illidan xd


#734 yo creo que la metamorfosis va a estar tocha, pero no solo pq en si pueda aguantar las leches y aumente la armor 360% si no pq luego el lock vuelve con la vida como antes y con pet... es casi como tener que matarle 2 veces (o una y media). Aunque practicamente todas las skills tienen un CD considerable en forma de demonio y se tienen que castear (menos el charge y poco mas), va a estar un poco imba si.


Y el warrior con espada de 2 manos y escudo... enfin


¿Sabeis si en la expansion reinician los puntos de arena?


#736 Ya no vuelves con pet, de todas formas la Metamorphosis en PvP no la veo del todo viable, no hace tanto daño como tener 5 o 6 dots up en un target, y ahora que sales sin pet la cosa va aun peor, ya que tienes que tirar por ejemplo en una arena de Fel Domination y sacarla, y cuando la sakes puede ser un instant kill y adios Warlock.

edit: Oye pues va a hacer que he leeido mal, FAIL! me acabo de despertar ni caso al post xDDD

edit2: Aun asi en PvP me quedo con Affli, Haunt > all.


cosas de feral

Feral Concerns in WotLK
The changes made to things like armor were done mostly to solve itemization problems. We didn't make them to nerf Ferals (or anyone). We did them because we started to consider bosses who needed to drop 30 different pieces of armor (or tokens to trade for them or whatever) because classes and even specs were heading off into distinct niches. You'll get something to make up for it. No, you aren't there yet.

We're not entirely happy with the way the Feral ended up in BC. The idea was that you could be a decent tank and a decent melee dps class, so Ferals were something you wanted to bring if you weren't the kind of guild that swapped different people out for every boss. But I don't think "convenience factor" is ultimately a great value to bring to a raid. The problem was we were kind of stuck because if we made Ferals end-game tanks and amazing melee, then the rogues were screwed, because they couldn't go respec to tank or heal.

But now we have a chance to add some new talents, and we'd like for some of them to be the kind that let a druid declare that she is more of a cat or more of a bear. It doesn't have to be shoehorning two whole talent trees into one, but even offering a few choices would go a long way.

I didn't mean to sound condescending. The pot example was to offer that we haven't forgotten about bears. My point was NOT: hey, you lost armor but gee you got health stones, so why all the QQing? It was cool to see those big armor numbers on bears, and we have some plans for how to replace them (and not just with pots).

The DK gets a lot of attention because it has a lot of catching up to do. There were no DKs in UBRS or MC or TK or even Arathi Basin. Nobody knows how their abilities and power system are going to work so we feel like we have to cover a lot of the ground that was explored literally years ago for some of these other classes.

We will be really disappointed if there aren't bears main tanking Naxx and later raids, and cats that if not consistently as high as rouges, are at least a lot closer than they are now. (Source)

Allow Feral Swiftness Indoor
Seems reasonable to me. Done. (Source)

The design is for bears to be viable, end-game main tanks. The design is for cats to be viable, end-game melee dps. In both cases you are going to need the right talents, good gear, skill and companions who can back you up -- I don't mean to imply raiding will be easy.

If you want to do a little tanking and dps, you probably won't be as optimal at either, though you'll probably always be better at switching between the two than other classes. In order to be as good at tanking as the other classes, you might have to give up a few talents that maximize your dps, and vice versa. This is a good thing -- it lets you choose to actually be a main tank.

We are adding a new class to Lich King, as well as improving the raid viability of specs such as Arcane mage, Survival hunter and Balance druid. That means you have 30 available specs for 25 slots. There are two ways to design around this problem. One is that there are 25 mandatory specs and 5 that shouldn't be raiding. Boo. A more fun, interesting and ultimately fair direction is that you actually have some choices in who to bring. Imagine running a raid with no warrior tanks at all.

Don't worry about your bears. The armor and other changes were done to fix itemization issues, not to nerf druids. You've already gotten the ability to drink pots in bear form and benefit from weapon enchants and windfury. We have plenty of knobs to turn to make sure you can do your job even better than you could in LK. (Source)

llegaremos a ser MT y igualaremos en dps a los rogues o he leido mal?


Bueno, creo que mas o menos xD Básicamente dice que un oso podrá ir de MT y un gato de dps (ambos end-game), pero para ello necesitará llevar los talentos precisos. No he leído nada de igualar en dps a un rogue, la verdad xD


Yeps, eso dice, y que principalmente se va a deber a los talentos y no al gear que lleves.

Sera posible volver a ver un wow, donde alguien "con azules" pueda matar a alguien con epicos?


We will be really disappointed if there aren't bears main tanking Naxx and later raids, and cats that if not consistently as high as rouges, are at least a lot closer than they are now.

No dice igualar al rogue pero si aproximarse bastante


Es que si hiciera el mismo dps que un Rogue, apaga y vamonos...


#742 con epicos de pvp negativo, con epicos pve puede ser.


venga si que hagan el mismo dps que un rogue y tambien le pongan una skill de reduccion de aggro, en fin con los druidas


Cower, causing no damage but lowering your threat a small amount, making the enemy less likely to attack you.
Skill Feral Combat
School Physical
Level 28
Class Druid

de toda la vida.



Ami me ha flipado muchisimo


Creo que porfin vuelve el punto de rol que tenia el wow pre tbc :)


yo hasta q no este el ultimo patch notes no tomare nada en serio xq no paran de hacer cambios y es tonteria