Hoy a las 17h: preguntas a los desarrolladores sobre Legion


#30 Pues lo que han puesto en mmo-champion: http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/5075-Legion-Dev-Talk-Dev-Interviews

Pero vamos, que más escueto no podía haber sido.

1 respuesta

#31 #30 y aqui en español http://www.wowchakra.com/component/k2/item/4001-world-of-warcraft-legion-novedades-charla-con-los-devs

Un poco penoso para todo el hype generado


Menuda ronda de preguntas mas bien orquestada para que solo hablaran de lo que ellos quisieran :psyduck: :psyduck:


Nada interesante o que? :S


El peor y más vergonzoso Q&A de la historia.


#29 ha salido al menos alguna tia buena enseñando chicha o tampoco?

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#36 digo yo que alguna elfa Demon Hunter se habrá visto... fuera del wow supongo que no xD

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#37 Pues vaya mierda cosplais



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#39 díos mío mis ojos Ligia por quéeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Vaya taurens guerreros

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#40 Es la ganadora del concurso xD

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#43 Hombre el cosplay de tauren guerrero le ha salido bastante bien

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#44 Es una barbarian del diablo :psyduck:


#42 Ahora se entienden muchas cosas xD

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El cosplay en sí está genial, muy currado, ahora, con 100kg menos de peso en su portadora sería más agradable de ver, eso por supuesto.


Pues la chica por lo menos sabe hacer cosplays que vayan "a juego" con su peso, hay de cada cosa suelta por ahi que da verguencita.

2 1 respuesta

#44 Creo que es Sonya del Heroes of the Storm no un tauren xD.


#48 Eso es verdad, fuera bromas, es más "bárbara" o más "guerrera" una mujer grande y musculosa que una modelito delgadita y medio bajita.

¿Y ninguna disfrazada de demon hunter? Blizzard quién te ha visto.


¿De que va disfrazada la chica de la izquierda?

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De Symmetra de Overwatch creo.


#51 Symmetra, del Overwatch.




#46 fragnance estaba super delgado y 'fit' en su día.

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#54 Pues ahora lo único fit que tiene es la gorra.

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#55 Naguura mojaba bragas por Daddy Fraggy, supongo que después de haberlo visto lo único mojado será la fuente de su garrison.


#39 Va full Legendarios xDDDD


Ha habido algo parecido a lo del domingo pero que ha aclarado bastantes mas cosas, es un C&P de MMO así que si no os gusta lo siento xd

"Were you excited to announce demon hunters?"
"If there was one class which was in the original game which I wished we could have done, it is Demon Hunter. We wanted to include it in TBC, but weren't ready, then the time never seemed right until now."

"With there being so many tanks and melee DPS already, what makes this class special?"
"This class is distinguished from others by its mobility. Rogues are more about stealth, crowd control, sneaking up on people. Demon Hunters are in-your-face and dive into and out of trouble, but not like the Windwalker who can self-heal and are more hybrid in nature."

"What's the difference between Fury and Rage?"
"They're similar in a lot of ways, the primary difference is in the means they are spent and generated." <= Not really clearly answered

"Do Demon Hunters have any "skillshot" abilities?"
"The Eye Beam is like that, a narrow cone attack, but we don't want it to end up feeling too much like HotS."

"Another big announcement was Class Halls. How have you learned from the Garrison system? What have you taken from that and changed?"
"I'd say they are more different than they are similar. Garrisons were about making a personal space, whereas the class halls are a public space shared by members of your class from both factions. The only similarities are that the halls are where you send your champions on missions, but order halls don't have the 'city' overlap, they aren't a place you will spend all of your time."

"Is it the same Dalaran as before?"
"It's slightly different. There's some changes to the centre and the underbelly, updating of the textures and visuals. The Dalaran in Wrath is remaining as it is on live."

"Still a dueling space underneath Dalaran?"
"We'll see. There is currently a free-for-all PvP space down there, and you can bribe guards to make them go away, but that's still a Work in Progress."

"Demon Hunters only have two talent trees. Would you ever think of removing trees from other classes?"
"I think people would be pretty upset by that. I don't see us doing that. If I could warp back in time, maybe we would have not added some, but now it is too late, we will instead try and make them more distinct.
We are going class-by-class and trying to identify problem areas that have no distinct identity and trying to fix that."

"So class identity is an important part of this expansion?"
"It definitely is. [Recap of earlier announcements about Disc, and Survival]
Assassination, Combat, and Subtlety are going to be more differentiated. Assassination is going to be poisons, Subtlety is a ninja, and Combat is more like a Pirate."

"How does this new honour system work?"
"It's like an experience system that unlocks talents, and then at different honour levels you unlock different opportunities like ways to gain gold or cosmetic rewards. There is also the prestige system, which is meant to give more tiers of rewards to ensure people will keep playing for reasons alongside just that "it is fun"."

"Are PvPers going to be able to compete with Raid Gear?"
"Gear is going to have much less of an impact in PvP. There will be no PvP gear in legion, no PvP specific sets or stats. Beyond a certain commonly available item level, you get greatly diminishing returns from your item level, so eventually gear might make you marginally better but it will be more of a matter of skill."

"Any news on transmog for legendary items?"
"We might loosen our stance on transmog legendaries over time, we're looking into letting people transmog their MoP cloaks, but we want it to be for limited availability ones and not those you can just farm for."

"Is there anything you wanted to mention about artefacts? Are Demon Hunters going to get the Warblades of Azzinoth?"
"Demon Hunters will have a new set of Warglaives (a different one for Havoc and Vengeance)."

"What about Ashbringer, that already exists in the game too!"
"Anything you can already obtain will stay in the game as it is, but the artifact version is completely unique and for ret paladins only. It won't overlap with the obtainable Corrupted Ashbringer."

"Are Demon Hunters available for all races?"
"No, just Elves. We wanted to be consistent with the Illidari kit, but in the future we may open up more options in future expansions."

"Do they start at level 100?"
"Somewhere between 95 and 100. As soon as you are done you should be able to go right to Legion zones."

"Are you worried about DH skipping bosses and such with double jumps?"
"We'll be careful about that in current instanced content, doesn't matter so much in past areas. And if you can do it in solo areas, it's fun!"

"Do you think Tanaan was successful? Will you do more things like it?"
"We view it as a success in that it's a big awesome place with a ton of cool stuff in it, it's generated a lot of engagement. We do want to continue to evolve our model of how we do end game world content though, we're not entirely happy with just dailies and bonus objectives. It's fine for those to be there, but they need other things to be there too, with longer-scale story development like in the Dominance Offensive back in Pandaria.
We definitely have plans for 7.0, for how to do that."

"Is Gul'Dan the big bad?"
"Not really, he's sort of like the instigator. He is a raid boss in one of the 7.0 raids but is by no means the final boss of the expansion."


"Is Gul'Dan the big bad?"
"Not really, he's sort of like the instigator. He is a raid boss in one of the 7.0 raids but is by no means the final boss of the expansion."

De estas cosas me fio ya cero, como cuando le preguntaron si Gromm sería el final boss de WoD y dijo que sí.

2 respuestas

#59 Con Gul'Dan se van a marcar un Garrosh 2.0 la expansion es provocada por su culpa igual que WoD fue provocada por Garrosh y Kairoz con la diferencia de que Gul'Dan seguramente muera en una raid por que como jefe final de expansion supongo que meteran a Kil'Jaeden o algun demonio tocho, aunque a Kil'Jaeden deberian reservarlo para la expansion final pero no creo que vayan a colarnos a Archimonde y Mannoroth otra vez.

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