Extended Maintenance has begun, and it looks like a small patch has come with it. Patch 2.4.1 is less than 5 megabytes, and looks to mostly fix a few bugs with the combat log (including that annoying one where no settings were saved), sound, and shading, as well as a bug with Tranquilizing Shot. There might be more undocumented changes, of course, but we'll have to wait until the servers come up to see that.
Patch notes after the break!
- Tranquilizing Shot no longer incorrectly restricts use of other Hunter
abilities in specific situations.
User Interface
- Combat Log
- Only the last 300 combat log entries are now stored.
- Filter settings are now properly saved.
- Changing zones will no longer reload the entire log
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a sound engine error that was causing lock-ups on exit.
- Fixed a shader error that was causing kernel panics on Mac PowerPCs.
- Fixed a bug on Mac that was preventing the intro Cinematics from
Fuente: http://www.wowinsider.com/