World of Warcraft Expansion Playable at BlizzCon


#28 ya te cuento, para ser epicos parecen grises joder...

Y encima le ponen un glow morao al staff of dominance en vez de cambiarle el skin q parece el puto staff of jordan joder... Que para ponerle glow le meto el glow amarillo del 22 de intellect pfff...

Y la obsidian? Kizas mole pero he visto armas de lvl 50 igualitas a ella xDDDD, y habeis visto los set tier 2? el set tier 2 de shaman es tal que asi xD:

Se puede decir que estos shamanes TIENEN MUCHA PLUMA.
Por dios, ES HORRENDO, y hasta la 1.9 creo que no lo cambian....

Y el de paladin pfss xD, no esta tan mal si lo comparamos con el de shaman (pero sigue siendo fecal).

Hay que decir que el set de wrath mola tal como esta.

Pero mira como m ola el puto stormrage... (creo que kedara asi cuando lo cambien).


Pues si , el asunto de los placeholders me jode muchisisiismo .

Todo el tier2 es fecalisimo , placeholders + stats casi iguales q el tier1 , a veces incluso peor. Yo tengo obsidian y es como una arma de lvl 50 , pero con color diferente. La spiner reaper es como la arcanite pero con glow diferente . Las shoulders de ab son fecales tambien. Los staffs mas de lo mismo . EL escudo tb de ragnaros tiene un grafico cutrisimo . Vamos, que tiene tela el asunto xD
Y el puto helm LF , que era de los mas guapos de juego, lo cambian por el zurullo ese fecalico QQ.Ž

El pala con full tier2 parece spiderman en amarillo xDD

Y si , hasta la 1.9 nada .


Yo si pongo el show helm con el que llevo puesto, literalmente ME ESCUPEN DE LO FEO QUE ES.


Sorry x mi pregunta d n00b, xo a k os referis con tier1 tier2 y placeholders? :S


dalaran no va a ser una instance eso queda asi tal y como lo dejo Archimonde y yo quiero que habran ya Northrend ;>


el wow acaba cansando muchisimo, si eres level 60, sabes jugar y tienes buena guild....
no creo q esta expansion te devuelva las ganas de jugar... quizas si por1mes, pero mas no.


Pues yo me estoy pensando en volver a entrar de nuevo, visto el panorama en los MMORPGs... Ahora estoy en el EQ2 y mas o menos me entretiene, pero me dan ganas de volver al WoW xD


Deberian hacer un balanceo gloval de servidores, tanto de low/high y de paso un balance de horda/alianza con que quedaran como mucho 1:1.3 o 1.2:1, y poner conquested territorys que se puedan conquistar realmente con quest diferentes cada vez que lo conquistes ( como por ejemplo quest de "espionaje", invasiones, etc ) y que los terrenos conquistados se reseteen por ejemplo cada 2 semanas o 1 mes. Esto conllebaria a tener una comunidad mas "cerrada" a los low lvls ( y tambien a los high ) para que no les "jodieran" sus zonas conquested para questear y demas, cosa que en muchos servidores eso seria imposible por la cantidad de gente que viene de otros juegos de accion y solo se preocupa de si mismo, no de los demas. Ademas poner instances que puedan salir "random", a que me refiero con esto? que cada vez que entras con un grupo cambien los bichos y bosses, dando mas diversidad, mas diversion, haciendo del juego un reto. Tenian que poner tambien eventos como por ejemplo invasiones de la burning legion ( 1 semana de invasion o algo asi ) en donde x ese periodo de tiempo, horda y alianza se tubieran que juntar otra vez contra un enemigo comun... o mismo nuevas quest "random" quitando antiguas y poniendo otras nuevas, haciendo que la gente no se guie por thotbot y demas, conseguirian que cada personaje fuera una historia diferente, no se, realmente hay cosas que lo curraron pero les falta imaginacion. Poner los sets epicos tier2 y tier1 BESTIAS ademas de los sets pvp, porque un warrior y un paladin tienen que llevar el mismo set look? cuando el paladin debia ser mas "caballero de la luz" y el warrior tendria que tener un set que lo hiciera mas bestia, eso si, los sets de la horda estan ACOJONANTES los de pvp ahi les doy un 8 :). No deberian sacar tan rapido la expansion, deberian hacer mas diversidad, sacar mas imaginacion ademas de acabar zonas que en este juego son accesibles pero estan en construccion. Acabar lo que podemos ver ( mount hyjal y demas ) y dejar las otras zonas para mas adelante. Realmente soy uno de los muchos "decepcionados" con el juego, me dio horas de diversion si, pero sabiendo lo que se ahora, no me lo habria comprado, habria esperado mas o me habria ido a otro MMORPG de los muchos que hay x ahi que no seran de una compañia tan conocida pero tambien son muy buenos.

Otra cosa ( aprobecho para no rehazer todo el post y mas aun ahora que no tengo mucho tiempo ) lo que si me pareceria muy buena idea seria el tema de que pusieran unos Servers de Testeo transfiriendo los personajes actuales de cada uno, para probar cosas, como por ejemplo las "invasiones" y demas, y que cada vez que hubiera mantenimiento se "actualizaran" el lvl/equipo/stats de tu personaje al de tu server normal. En fin podria seguir dando ideas que a mi parecer darian muchisima mas vida al juego pero como se que no va a ser asi, por ahora yo soy uno mas de los que, a pesar de tener un juego que prometia, me dejo mal sabor de boca y deje de jugar.


Que mejoren las puñeteras profesiones y sean utiles de una vez. Solo son utiles algunas, el resto basura...


montura level 20 :P estaria muy curioso q a leel 20 se pudiera comprar aunq el chaman y el druid puedan usar su propias trasformaciones con un 20% 25% de velocidad se agradece tremendamente xq hay q darse cada pateo.....


shaman 40% de velocidad modo lobo, o eso es lo que pone en el mio xD


Ojala saquen una clase que sea un nigromante...ahi en plan invocando esqueletos y muertos y cosas asi...debe molar mucho la verdad ir con tu tropa de esqueletitos xD


un Invoker molaria mucho invocando "algo" para k pelee x ti o un Black Knight parecido al paladin pero solo para Undeads se saldria :O x ejemplo en vez de curar k roben vida pfff se saldria :'(





Anda que no molaria ver corriendo un panda gordo con una plate encima xDD


Perdonar la pregunta, pero a que os referis con placeholder?


si por algo se caracteriza blizzard es por hacer los mejores juegos del mundo y a la vez kedar fatal delante de todos sus usuarios


De momento se sabe q los blood elf sera la nueva raza horda:

(no son hoax, ya q blizz esta haciendo una caceria a webs afiliadas para q kiten las screens filtradas, el d esta web es "poco listo" y las ha subido a imageshack x'DDDDDDDDD, "no fue aposta!!").

Otros links directos:

New region:

New Instances:
Kharazan - Near Deadwind Pass (5-man)

Caverns of Time in Tanaris (unusual place where the players will be able to move back and forth in time to reenact the main events of the history of Warcraft)

Level cap raised to lvl 70 - There will be repetable quests to gain access to a flying epic mount usable only in the Outlands.

New profession: Jewelcrafting, it will be possible to create gems to apply to weapons and armors and add effects. Other professions will be able to craft objects with embedded slots for these gems.

New races:
Horde - Blood Elves with a new starting zone north of Eastern Plaguelands and a new dungeon.
Alliance - Undisclosed

Battlegrounds shared between servers.

Atmospherical effects.

Release: Not before May 2006.

The new region isn't Northrend but the Outlands, with the remains of the planet Dreanor, the world of the first orcs. The remains of this planet float in the air, this is why it will be formed like separated "isles". Two dungeons will be located here along with a new one near the Deadwind Pass.

Same for Tanaris. There will be a brand new instance working like a temporal breach that will allow the players to time travel (hence the name: Caverns of Time) and reenact past events. The war at mount Hyal is one.

The level 70 is real, but no hero classes.

The new race for the horde is the blood elf. The racial traits will be a "Mana Tap" to slowly leech the mana of the target (it will be applicable more than once like the Sunder Armor) and that will then directly load the second trait: "Arcane Torment (or Torrent)" which will work like an area silence. The starting zone will probably be near Quel'thalas.

The Alliance race is still not available but it seems it will be Pandarens.

The new profession will be Jewelcrafting that works in a similar way to how the gems worked in Diablo 2.

And btw, the main boss will be Illidian.

  • The new Alliance race WON'T be revealed at BlizzCon and there are more than just rumors confirming it will be the Pandarens.

  • Kharazan should be playable at BlizzCon but it's still undefined how it will be shaped out (could probably start as a 5-man with a second part for a raid of 20 or 40 players).

  • The Blood Elves will be Mages, Warlocks and Warriors but it's undecided if either hunters or rogues

  • Their starting zone will be Quel'Thalas (what is left), north of the Eastern Plaguelands and with a three-zones valley inbetween (Eversong Woods with the capital Silvermoon, Ghostland and a troll themed zone called Zul'Aman)

  • About the live content, the opening of Silithus will be introduced by a live event that will require the collaboration of everyone and that will only happen once for each server. Behind the gates there will be a open zone tailored for 20 players (defined by Blizzard "casual hardcore") with a temple at the center with an instance that will be the biggest to date (two-three times Molten Core). The players will also get access to special mounts (insects) that will be only usable in the dungeon.

  • The Outlands will be divided into differently themed regions (like the rock valleys of the Hellfire Peninsula and the luxuriant forests of Zanga Marsh, part of what is left of Dreanor). While within Shadowmoon Valley there will be the Black Temple with the Illidian guy.

  • The flying mount will be for level 70 players and after an epic quest chain. But only usable in the Outlands (floating isles).

  • No new engine changes or features. The Blood Elves models seem to use 20% more polygons. Blizzard is also sperimenting with Specular Environmental Mapping.

  • The atmospherical effects should arrive soon(TM) as a live patch.

  • Also, by the time the expansion is out, the BGs should be finally linked between the servers to kill the queues.

PD.- Lo d incrementar el lvl cap en lugar d poner hero clases esta cantadisimo.


Luego un articulo en un magazine italiano:

Q como no, un italiano se molestó en traducir xd

After one year of the exit on US market, many world of warcraft players ask informations on the first, inevitable, expansion. For answer to these questions, the californian software house is preparing an event for his fan the 28th and 29th of October “Blizzcon”, where Blizzard will reveale the details on the World of Warcraft’s future. For this date, the TGM readers, already known…
Kindly invited by Vivendi to visit Blizzard offices, we have the chance to have a preview about the details of “The Burning Crusade” the first World of Warcraft expansion that will create a revolution on some aspect of this bestseller game.
First of all the Background: Sargeras, the corrupted titan that represent the worst in the WoW universe, it’s always intented to destroy all the universe, has begin his work, his troups have never encountered any obstacle and have not stopped excepted for the resistance on Azeroth(that is both the region, the continent, the planet). But his actual plan for now is ignoring this place, for concentrating on the Outland. This is the name given at the point where are found the rest of the planet Draenor, the original planet of the orcs, rests that flown on the emptiness and grant the access to the Twisting Nether, a sort of parallel dimension that allow to reach every planes of esistance in the universe. It’s unuseful to say that a resource like this, a “node” like for invading all the worlds it’s extremely appetible for Sargera’s demoniac forces, and here we’ll be called the Azerothc forces, the only one that has shown the ability to combat the titan and his followers, Archimonde and Kill’Jaeden.
All the expansion will be centrated on the Outland, Medivh and the Dark Portal, to make procede on the most important story of the world of warcraft. At least other than Outlands two new dungeons will be introduced on Azeroth(the planet), scrictly tied to characthers and events encountered in the expansion. The first will be presented in details at Blizzcon (it will be possible to play with it) and it will be many probably a 5 characthers istance – but it’s still on decision – situated in Kharazan, the Medivh’s tower that’s found in the Deadwind Pass (between Duskwood and the Swamp of Sorrows). From the descriptions received and the short tour that we have osserved we know that it will quikly evolve from the “classic undead istance” to something stranger, where can be encountered the numeous results of the magic experiments of Medivh.
Much more unusual will be the Caverns of Time, raid instance in Tanaris that will allow to travel in the time and participate to the most important events of the story of Azeroth, from the openm of the dark Portal by Medivh, the liberation from slavery of Thrall and the mythologic battle of Mount Hyal (seen in Warcraft III) when the forces of humans, orcs and elves battle united to defeat Archimonde. All this is possible because the Caverns of Time is the place where bronze dragons, headed by Nordozmu, control the streaming of the time.
Tecnically the dungeon in the futur can be expanded to allow the visit of other importans moment of WoW story.
These are the news that can be alredy expected: the surprise begin with the max level that will be increased to lvl 70. (Here is a little comment redactional about the exp lost at lvl 60 for quest done and experience not earned).
Altough Hero Class are not be announced (in the words of Rob Pardo, Vice President of Game Design “if we mistake we hero class we can definitely ruin the game”), Blizzard has not denied that they could be included in the expansion but they have not promised it. Other game like Everquest with Alternate Advancement Point and Daoc with Master Level has shown how this players evolution can be very complicated.
The second great news is that both the faction will have a new race (no new class). Because one of the reason alliance have more player than horde seem to be tied to an extetical reason(horde races are “ugly”): orcs, trolls, taurens and forsakens will be joined by the Blood Elves, a little smaller than their cousin, that are dedicated to magic in his darker former and dependent from it. The blood elves could sure be mages, warlock and warriors, it’s not certain if they can be rogue or hunter, at the moment they have a racial trait called Mana tap that leak slowy the mana from enemy, that can be applied more time, like sunder armor that gonna charge a second ability called “Arcane Torrent”(but the head of development Kaplan continued to call it “Arcane Torment) that work like a “silent” spell with an area, this has left us a little surprised because it seems a little unbalanced also against a warrior, to make a confront, but is early to speak about it, because the exit that will be next year is still far and many things will be surely changed. Very interesting is the characterization given to this race, with a starting area very lightly e sunny but also frightful with many signs of magic used for frivolous scopes (deforming plants, palace floating in the air) and strange crystals containing demons imprisoned to take advantage of their energies. The actual “home” of Blood Elves is what remains of Quel’Thalas, it is found northern tha Eastern Plaguelands, after a valley currently sealed from a stack of logs, it will composed of 3 zone Eversong Woods with the capital city Silvermoon, Ghostland and Zul’Aman, a region inhabited by trolls that could host or become a new thematic dungeon like Zul’Farrak and Zul’Gurub. The new race of the alliance has not be announced and will probably announced short time after Blizzcon, but we can make always an hypothesis: thinking the “beautiful race” is gonna to horde and looking at all chances, nothing can prevent us to think about pandarean, introduced originally like “april fouls” and then incorporated truly in Warcraft III (this can be more than a supposition, but is better stop here..).
The news are more: there will be a news profession using Jewelcrafting, we don’t know if with this “work” it will possible to forge ring, amulets or trinket, but for sure it will be possible to craft gems to inseter in “socket” found in the armor and weapons, like in Diablo2. To support this blacksmither, tailor and leatherworker can craft item with socket for host gems for jewelcrafting.
Here Toso(a TGM redactor) still complain about the impossibility of crafting “staff”: but is stil true that is possible that jewelcrafting is not the only profession added in the expansion and things can still change before the exit of the expansion.
Continuing with the news about Outlands, that will be divided in many reagion, from rock and devasted Hellfire Peninsula to the forest of Zenga Marsh, one of the few zone of Draenor survived from destruction. The most interesting news for the maniac of the story is that in one of this region, the Shadowmoon Valley, it is found Black Temple where Illidan reside, true “boss” of all the zone.
Thinking that only Arthas was enable to stop the ex demon hunter(seen in WarcraftIII and expansion) the players also of 70 lvl have still something hard to face. It’s true that they can count on many new resources, included the desired flying mounts: responding the thousand requests of players, Blizzard has decided that players once reached lvl 70 can put their hands, at the end of a long and hard quest, on a flying mount that can be only used only in the Outland, using the “floating island” founded in the region.
There are no news about the engine, also if seems blood elves model will have 20% more of polygons compared to “old” race models. The graphic should have in the following month a little restyle with the introduction of the atmospheric effect but the rest should remain the same, also if they are experimenting various trick (like Specular Environment Mapping) to improve look in general. They are concentrating more on the contens, the graphic engine is always in time to be changed. From the tecnichal poins, it can be expected from the expansion the possibility to play BG “from server”, that can be participated to players from all the realms, thing that theorically will bring the end of the queue.
Wait for other anticipations and modernization to come in the next months, expecially thinking we have to discover the race that will join the alliance (we have told our idea)

PD.- Aunke el rumor mas fuerte apunta a q los blood elf seran una raza solo d faccion, vamos, como los goblins pero para la horda, aunke hay muchos rumores infundados y mucha trama x medio, hasta amenazas telefonicas a webmasters x parte d gente d Blizz x filtrar cierta informacion "fiada"... esto se ha convertido en una conspiracion judeomasonica x parte d blizz, se sabe q gran parte d la info o sino toda es cierta, lo q no se sabe es si esta BIEN interpretada xD, lo unico q parece tener vigor son las nuevas monturas voladoras (q no podras usar a tu libre albedrio, sino q se usaran a modo d FP), el nuevo continente, los blood elf y el poner lvl cap en lugar d hero classes.


Pues q metan razas nuevas sin clases nuevas lo veo un zurullo , como q voy a hacer reroll solo por ser otra raza, p0rp0c0


Que haran entonces con las instances de lvl60?

Te reduciran el lvl al entrar o por el contrario subiran el lvl de las instances? xD.

De lo que he leido... aporta 0 contenido nuevo al juego :( , en fin xDD, mas de lo mismo.


Para ser una expansion aporta mas bien poco, pero bueno, es como en casi todos los MMORPGs, las expansiones aportan poquito, nuevas zonas, nuevos objetos, dungeons y poco mas...


vamos que me toca pagar 40 eureles por un parche xd


40€ ? espero q no pase de 30€...


Juanka los altos elfos fueron exterminados, los pocos que quedan son los sangrientos y creo k no se aliarian ni con horda ni alianza.

Aunk segun dicen arriba seran horda :O Aunk lo veo mas factible que con alianza xD


lo de los blood elfs y los pandarens como nueva raza no esta confirmado, lo unico que parece que no es fake es que habra una zona de blood elfs, pero las screens que se han filtrado de seleccion de nueva raza se nota que es un fake, para empezar si la zona de blood elfs es su zona de inicio, en la screen de seleccion deberia aparecer de fondo esa zona, y la que aparece es la de los orcos, otro fallo que hay es que todos los personajes aparecen en la screen de seleccion con un arma (la tipica daga/espada/hacha cutre), y el blood elf aparece sin ella ... y luego si te pones a mirar otras screens que han sacado nisiquiera coinciden los iconos del personaje ...

no se, todavia queda mucho, y probablemente al final la nueva raza de la horda sean los blood elfs, pero a mi no me terminan de convencer esas screens de seleccion de personaje ... ademas como dice vader, seria mejor que implementaran nuevas clases ...

si quereis leer rumores en hay unos cuantos, es una lectura cachonda si estas aburrido xD


lo mejor de la expansion:

Battlegrounds shared between servers.


sabeis si en la xpasions se podra transladar pj de un server a otro?


40€ x 2 chorradas mas sin timo, y q pasa con el lag? XDD tanto meter cosas al juego cuando no se arregla las q hay gl


"The new race for the horde is the blood elf. The racial traits will be a "Mana Tap" to slowly leech the mana of the target (it will be applicable more than once like the Sunder Armor) and that will then directly load the second trait: "Arcane Torment (or Torrent)" which will work like an area silence. The starting zone will probably be near Quel'thalas.!

Silencio de area, y ademas racial, uhmmm para que luego digan que blizz no juega horda, seguro ke en la allie meten algo como, "sacas 1 mas de ore por veta"

Amos me hago Bloodelf warrior en 0.

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