World of Warcraft Patch 3.3.0


Una pregunta tonta, donde consigo glifos para los pjs de reinos de pruebas?

Edit: Por cierto, estan en mantenimiento los reinos de pruebas? me dice que no valida la version del juego...

Edit2: Inserto el tier 10 de:



Para mi el del lock simplemente se sale.


Elemental permanete sin nova es una chufa para pvp, para levear si está bien.

Ya se puede ver el tier10 de lock, que como siempre está bastante chulo


#60 o miente o no tiene ni puta idea de pvp! yo doy fé.


La pet del mago solo vale para combo shatear , cuando lleva un rato pegando se keda a 2 velas de mana y lo unico ke ace es ir detras tuya cual pet pinguino XDDD


Espera quitan la nova la habilidad sola? es decir tb quitaran la de la barrera y la del elemental?

Si es asi gracias bliz, los magos seran foking pastel ! xd


Feísimo el casco del lock.

Y el de mago me recuerda al set que se pillaba por honor a lvl 60 xd.


#65 Quitan la nova que haces con la pet si te pones el glifo.

Y al que se flipa pq ponen pet permanente... es algo para PVE y levear, en pvp ese glifo no lo llevara nadie (o nadie con 2 dedos de frente).

Lo que no me quedo claro es lo de frozen core, si la lanza tiene q ser critica sin mas o critica con el enemigo congelado. Pq si es critica sin mas pues nada a spamearla hasta q sea critica..


#64 Water Elemental: Waterbolt mana cost reduced by 80%.

#67 Yo lo probe en el ptr, es critica sea como sea, osea si la puedes spamear hasta que salga.


yo siempre que juego arenas 3v3 el primer focus siendo pala retry es el elemental del mago (Si lo hay y lo saca al principio) ya que dura 3 golpes, y lo que es pegarle a un mago frost con mi pala es directamente como quedarse quieto en un lugar xd


Yo el cambio del elemental de agua lo veo una forma de intentar hacer viable a los magos frost en PVE. Hace tiempo que no juego con mi mago pero yo creo que es un gran buff a su DPS.


#69 pues t salvas que eres pala retri, porq si fueses warrior o dk, gL


como se supone que se vuela, en todos sitios me dice que no puedo volar....


#72 eso es cuando salga la expansion no este parche :D


#73 me estas diciendo que en el Wow puedo pillar la voladora y volar y en la PTR no asta que no salga la expansion?

tu te fumas no...

ayer busque y es un bug de la PTR que no deja usar las voladoras, si entraras a la PTR lo sabrias.


#74 Tu preguntabas sobre volar en Terrallende/Rasganorte en el PTR, #73 hablaba de volar en los Reinos del Este y Kalimdor. La proxima vez explicate mejor y asi te responderan correctamente.


Ya han puesto un parche para corregir errores y se puede volar, y ya hay glifos en dalaran.


saludad todos al nuevo Bolvar


Gracias #75 :D, evidentemente mi respuesta seria a lo del tema de la expansion.... no a que no podias volar en Terra/Rasga ....


Conflagrate: Redesigned. This talent now consumes an Immolate or Shadowflame effect on the enemy target to instantly deal damage equal to 9 seconds of Immolate or 8 seconds of Shadowflame, and causes additional damage over 3 seconds equal to 3 seconds of Immolate or 2 seconds of Shadowflame. In addition, the periodic damage of Conflagrate is capable of critically striking the afflicted targe

es un nerf?


#79 Ains... No sois capaces ni de hacer una division o una multiplicacion basica de 3ero de EGB, madre mia...

Conflagrate 3.2
Consumes an Immolate or Shadowflame effect on the enemy target to instantly deal damage equal to 12 sec of your Immolate or 8 sec of your Shadowflame.

Conflagrate 3.3
Consumes an Immolate or Shadowflame effect on the enemy target to instantly deal damage equal to 9 seconds of Immolate or 8 seconds of Shadowflame, and causes additional damage over 3 seconds equal to 3 seconds of Immolate or 2 seconds of Shadowflame.

Así a simple vista se ve que mas o menos es un """"""nerf"""""" al burst instantaneo de dicho spell.

3.2 Consume 12 segundos de Immolate.
3.3 Consume 9 segundos de Immolate.

Ahora con un par de "matematicas" basicas de la EGB.

Burns the enemy for 460 Fire damage and then an additional 785 Fire damage over 15 sec.

785/15=52,3' -> Daño por segundo durante 15 segundos.

3.2 Live: 52,3*12=627,6 -> Daño total de Conflagrate en 3.2

3.3 Live: 52,3*9=470,7 -> Daño instantaneo de Conflagrate en 3.3.

52,3*3=156,9 -> Daño restante periodico.

470,7+156,9= 627,6. Daño total de Conflagrate en 3.3.

Como ves el daño es el mismo, la unica diferencia que cuando metas conflagar en el 3.3 en vez de hacer 627,6 de daño instantaneo solo haras 470,7, y luego en 3 segundos el resto: 156,9.

Ahora por dios no me digais yo meto "Conflagares" de 14ks illo... no de 627,6... Es obvio que el coeficiente de Spellpower no esta calculado por razones que no hace falta ni mencionarlas.

#77 Deberian punishearte por poner semejante spoiler acerca del Lore. Vale que os la pele, ami me la suda porque me los leo igual, pero hay gente que talvez no le haga ni gracia.


es un simple model , ni mas ni menos , si no te gusta , te jodes


Ya me ocupado de ponerlo oculto, ese tipo de cosas ponerlas asi


#79 básicamente es un nerf PVP. El daño total es el mismo pero el burst es menor.

#81 Derrochas simpatía y amabilidad.


Races: General

Will of the Forsaken now shares a 45-second cooldown with similar effects, including the Medallion of the Horde, Titan-Forged runes, Insignia of the Horde, etc.



Predatory Strikes: The Predatory Swiftness buff from this talent now has an 8-second duration.

Sacred Shield: The damage absorption effect from this ability now triggers only once every 30 seconds.

Infusion of Light: This talent now also reduces the cooldown on the effect of Sacred Shield by 12/24 seconds.

Divine Guardian: This talent no longer increases the amount of damage transferred to the paladin from Divine Sacrifice. Instead it causes all raid and party members to take 10/20% reduced damage while Divine Sacrifice is active. In addition, the duration has been changed to 6 seconds, however the effect does not terminate when Divine Sacrifice is removed before its full duration.
User Interface

Dungeon System

This feature has replaced the Looking For Group tool and provides all-new dungeon party creation functionality.
Players can join as individuals, as a full group, or a partial group to look for additional party members.
Groups using this tool will be able to teleport directly to the selected instance. Upon leaving the instance, players will be returned to their original location. If any party member needs to temporarily leave the instance for reagents or repairs, they will have the option to teleport back to the instance.
Players can choose the Random Dungeon option.

The Heroic Wrath of the Lich King Daily Random Dungeon option will award two Emblem of Frost no more than once a day.
The normal Wrath of the Lich King Daily Random Dungeon option will award two Emblem of Triumph no more than once a day.
Continuing to complete Wrath of the Lich King Heroic instances using the Daily Random Dungeon option will award players two additional Emblems of Triumph each time.
Daily Heroic and normal dungeon quests have been removed. These quests have been replaced with weekly raid quests (see the “Quests” section for details).
Level-appropriate rewards will be offered to players who choose the Random Dungeon option for pre-Wrath of the Lich King dungeons.
Players can be placed in a group for a random dungeon no more than once every 15 minutes.
Random Dungeon rewards will be placed in each player’s inventory automatically upon completion of the dungeon (final boss killed). A pop-up notification will display any rewards earned through the Dungeon System.
Instead of choosing a random dungeon, players can also choose specific dungeons appropriate for their level range. Multiple instances can be selected at one time. The feature no longer limits the choice to look for only 3 dungeon groups at one time.
Pick-Up Groups

Cross-realm instances are now available and use an improved matchmaking system to assist players in looking for additional party members. As with Battlegrounds, the realms in each Battlegroup are connected.
As part of the matchmaking system, some of the more difficult dungeons will have a minimum gear requirement. Players also need to meet the requirements for dungeons that require attunement, such as keys or quests. If a player does not meet the requirements for a particular dungeon, a lock icon will be displayed next to that dungeon. Hovering over this icon will display the requirements which have not been met.
Only conjured items and loot dropped in a dungeon for which other party members are eligible can be traded between players from different realms.
A Vote Kick feature will be available in the event a member of a party is not performing to the expectations of the other members.
Players who leave the group prematurely are subject to a Deserter debuff preventing them from using the Dungeon System tool for 15 minutes.
If an existing group loses a member, the leader will be asked if he or she wants to continue the dungeon. Choosing to continue will automatically place the group back into the Dungeon System queue.
A Player will not be placed in a group with people on his or her Ignore list.
Players who take part in groups who have one or more members who have been matched with them randomly from within the Dungeon System will receive extra rewards, up to and including the coveted Perky Pug non-combat pet. The more random players with whom one groups, the faster the pet can be obtained.
The Need Before Greed loot system will be the unalterable default looting system for pick-up groups in the Dungeon System and has been updated.

Need Before Greed will now recognize gear appropriate for a class in three ways: the class must be able to equip the item, pure melee will be unable to roll on spell power items, and classes are limited to their dominant armor type (ex. paladins for plate). All items will still be available via Greed rolls as well as the new Disenchant option should no member be able to use the item.
Players will be able to roll on items with a required minimum level higher than a player’s current level.
Looking For Raid

There is a new Looking For Raid option available to players that can be accessed via the Raid Information screen in the interface or by typing “/LFR.”
Players will be able to browse the system manually for any other players looking for a raid dungeon group.
While browsing LFR players may sort the list ascending or descending by left-clicking the following headers: Name, Level, Class, Tank Role, Healer Role, and Damage Role. The crown is the Leader Role (representing a raid group with 2 or more people). Players can left-click on this header to sort the list with groups at the top or at the bottom.
Hovering over players listed in LFR will display their name, class, level, roles and comments. Hovering over a raid/group will display the leader’s name, the raid information (number of people the raid), comments, if there are any bosses dead (and which ones), and if there are any friends from your Friends list or ignored players from your Ignore list in the raid group.
The Looking For Group chat channel has returned and can be accessed in all major cities (similar to the Trade chat channel) without the use of the Dungeon system interface.
Players may only be queued or listed in one of the following systems at a time: Dungeons, LFR, Battlegrounds, or Arenas.
Ignore List: The amount of characters a person can ignore has been increased to 50. In addition, players on other realms can be placed on the Ignore List.

Commendation Badges which award reputation with various Wrath of the Lich King factions can be purchased with Emblems of Triumph in Dalaran.

Scepter of Celebras: Since this item is no longer needed as a key, Celebras will no longer give one out to a player who loses it. The item can now be sold or disenchanted as normal.


RPV: Sin nerf a la racial de Undead y al pala healer/pvp, no? xD


vaya nerf al will no?

Sacred Shield can now only occur every 30 sec. (Up from 6 sec)
Lay on Hands can no longer be cast on yourself.
Infusion of Light now also reduces the cooldown on the effect of Sacred Shield by 12/24 sec.
Aura Mastery now lasts 6 sec. (Down from 10 sec)
huele a nerf al pala de arenas/pvp...


Vaya sistema para dungeons/raids han montado, no?
Mola (aunque luego seguro tiene pegas) el sistema de loot.


menudo nerf al Rorgue UNdead xD

Perdon, en general, a todos los Undead, ya no me gustan tanto


#87 Ponen al Undead igual que a las demas 9 razas restantes y ya deja de gustarte. Okay.


#88 ¿como? ¿igual? ¿que racial tienen ahora? ¿acaso el gnomo cuando se quita snares comparte CD con el trinket? ¿o la del elfo? ¿comparte cd con el vanish? ¿o la del BELF comparte con el CS del mago? ¿no verdad? al igual que las raciales de los orcos/trolls no comparten CD con los trinkets de pve ni la racial del tauren comparte cd con el intimidar de los BM o los stuns de los protections.

¿y por qué la de los enanos no la nerfean? ¿alguien me lo explica?

solo lo hacen para que la gente cambie de raza y pague, no hay que ser muy listo para darse cuenta, esperad que vayan saliendo mas parches y vereis como van nerfeando raciales y mejorando otras para sacaros mas dinero.


solo jode duelos, en arenas no dolera tanto.