World of Warcraft: Shadowlands #HG

Shadowlands saldrá finalmente el 24 de noviembre

Por cierto el último rant sobre el EQ de Alex antes de saltar al WoW:

The Plane of Time
2003-05-09 18:50:26 - Furor Planedefiler ​

You have 14 Days. If after that time the Plane is not properly tuned, I am deleting my characters, and cancelling all of my accounts. The rest of my guild will follow suit, as will several other guilds and people that play Everquest.

To be brief, I did not work my ass off, jumping through your idiotic hoops with my friends and guildmates, so I could go to a zone where only groups of 18 could enjoy the content. EVEN if past these initial moronic events I can finally get my entire guild in to raid with me, FUCK YOU GUYS. Seriously, FUCK YOU.

I cannot believe this... right now I'm just so pissed off. I am sitting here in the Plane of Time, and 3/4 of my guild is just sitting around while a group of 18 is repeatedly trying to beat one of the mini ring encounters. Don't you people have ANY FUCKING DECENCY? SMEDLEY WHY DON'T YOU STOP COUNTING YOUR MONEY AND START ISSUING ORDERS?

The tragic irony of creating the ultimate cockblock encounter in the form of the Rathe which requires 80 people to defeat and then to limit encounters in the Plane of Time to 18.

14 Days.... after that this site will change from the most popular EQ fan site on the internet to the most popular World of Warcraft fan site on the internet. I'm done playing ball with you useless fuckers... it's my turn.

Y su siguiente post con efecto llamada para el WoW:

Hello Azeroth! Hello Kalimdor!
2003-05-14 01:11:59 - Furor Planedefiler

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting up with Tigole and company at Blizzard Headquarters for a pre-E3 sneak peek at the World of Warcraft. This was my second time meeting up with Tigole in a year and after the last showing and tour I was given, I was extremely anxious to see what all was going on over there at Blizzard HQ.

The first thing on the agenda was to check out the new work area for WoW. Tigole pointed out that they had moved the whole team to the larger side of the building to accomodate their new staff members and larger work force. You could tell right off these guys were not messing around. I'm talking a veritable army of people pouring their hearts out to put this game together. Even with quite a few of them already away for E3, the buiding was a hive of activity.

I was introduced to quite a few people, zone populators, quest builders, artists, AI developers, you name it, I even met the guy who designs items - perhaps a mistake on Tigole's part! I KNOW WHERE YOU WORK BUDDY! Watch those nerfs :) Everyone I met was just amped about the game, which got me even more excited about the whole damn thing.

So we finally reached Tigole's office and I sat down for the demonstration. Now mind you, when I went to visit last year and saw the build they had then, it looked READY to roll out. Remember, I'm an EQ player so I'm used to being fed unfinished crap. WoW at that point, however, looked more polished and ready than EQ ever was/has been. I was ready to consume WoW just from what I saw then, unfortunately, someone didn't get my $12,000,000 donation, Alpha evaded me!

So as I was saying, I was thinking to myself, "How can this get better than it was?" Boy was I in for a surprise. Aside from the gameworld being way, way more developed, this time they showed me their UI, Quest Engine, Tradeskilling Engine, you name it, it was rolled out... All those complaints we've had in Everquest, and other MMORPGS were addressed. Essentially, you could look at the game and see that this game was built by people that LOVED to game. People that had faced the same damn frustrations we face and have faced daily. No more carpal tunnal syndrome tradeskilling. No more 45 hour Jboot camps. No idiotic quests, instead quests with meaning and meaningful rewards starting at lvl 1 and moving onward. To top it off, an intricately designed combat and spellcasting engine that didn't look and feel like absolute crap. Even PvP seemed like something people would WANT to participate in - something I had previously deemed impossible for an MMORPG to combine into a PvE oriented world with success.

I was shown all the classes, including the new Druid (more on this one later). The basic methods of tranportation were shown to me, including Griffin rides. Now this one really stuck out at me. Tig clicked on the NPC and a mini-map came up, he clicked on where he wanted to go (he had have to have been there before this destination was even available to him btw), paid his 50 pesos, and he was off. Now the thing is, as you're being taken to your destination on these Griffins, you can pan around all over the place and see the world around you. The AMAZING thing, however, is that you think you're looking at a damn painting as you fly overhead because it looks so damn amazing, but you're looking at the actual gameworld. You can see NPCs and players fighting below you, hell they can see you flying overhead. I got a really great feeling flying over what I was told was 'a really dangerous area,' imagining that one day, I'd be fighting down there while newbies flew overhead 'ooooing and aaaaahhing' at the amazing things going on below them - an incredibly, incredibly immersive and awe inspiring feeling.

The level and attention to detail that had been shown to every aspect of this game was evident. You are an alchemist? You need to forage herbs? Click on the forage button, your player actually begins to walk MUCH slower and looks down at the ground, meanwhile the overhead map directs you to hot spots where the rare herbs you need may be spawned. This was just ONE aspect of Tradeskills. Perhaps you are a blacksmith? When you are experienced/skilled enough, you may be able to craft the "Unholy Vorpal Blade of Uberness," but WHERE you craft the item would be of utmost importance. To craft such a fine blade, you would have to forge the blade itself in the depths of Blackrock Spine. These guys just don't miss a DAMN beat. I never thought I could get excited about a damn tradeskill, but just hearing something like this just wowed me (no pun intended), being shown these things, just freaked me out - a game that wasn't all talk? That lived up to a legacy it had built up for itself over the years from its RTS incarnation. Amazing.

So aside from the classic three classes, Warrior, Mage, and Shaman, I was shown the Hunter and the Druid. I was also told that there was more to come, but I was warned that should I gain such knowledge, people with bamboo sticks and a large burlap sack would be knocking on my door in the morning - I didn't wanna take any chances so I didn't press the issue.

The Hunter you could liken to the prototypical Ranger. They are masters of ranged attack, whether through gun (dwarf with shotty reloading T2 style is a sight to see) or bow, these guys put out some hurt. But the coolness factor of them being able to tame various animals in the gameworld, name their pets, and even level them up in power, is what gives them that extra Blizzard touch. Watching them in action was pretty bad ass, and this is guaranteed to be a popular class.

By far and away, though, the Druid was the most bad ass of the classes I was shown (IMO!). Now it was funny, because when I looked at the character selection list I saw this big bad ass looking Night Elf and then under his name I saw 'Druid.' I gave a little chuckle under my breath, then they loaded him up. This ain't your momma's druid! A Druid is a shapeshifter. At different levels they gain the ability to shapeshift into different animals, and these animals have different abilities/pros/cons. The second I saw the shapeshift to the panther, I knew it was ON. After that I saw the shapeshift to the bear and then finally the hawk. Yes, you can fly. Heh... insanity. They can also 'dopplegang,' I guess you'd call it, into various forms of animals that are in the area they inhabit. Which would obviously make for a great ambush attack, as I hide in the bushes as a little harmless bunny wabbit and someone insolent, like I don't know, Parv, rolls around and I own him 'Bear Stylie.' What did Miggs tell you Parv??? That's what I thought...

I assure you, I am leaving out so much, but I don't think you want me typing for the next three hours about WoW. Wait for all the incredible reviews it is guaranteed to get this E3 - and guys, I'm sorry if I forgot any details or even muddled up some details, it was information overload combined with being mesmerized for an hour and change. I'm only human!

Thanks again to Tigole and Blizzard for having me and letting me get a peek at this insane and incredible game. After all the crap I've had to put up with these past four to five months, it really helped just cool me down and feel good about this genre again... great works guys.


Oh damn, I almost forgot. The bank in the human city HAD A VELVET FREAKIN ROPE LINE! VELVET I TELL YOU! Where do I sign up?​


FF14 tiene players ahora != FF14 es un juego exitoso

1 2 respuestas

#18272 FF14 tiene algunas ideas que el wow debería implementar de alguna manera, la idea de tener que hacer parte del contenido antiguo me parece buena, solo hay que darle recompensas a los veteranos para que funcione y los veteranos jugarán esa raid con los nuevos, el enfoque de que un personaje pueda ser todas las clases se puede coger con que los alters dejen de ser imposibles de mantener y vuelva a ser posible tener diferentes alters en wow, las historias de las lifeskills estan bien para quien le guste, y el leveo con una historia mas inmersiva tambien esta bien para quien le guste, no sería un mal añadido al juego si das una opción para poder speedrunearlos y ya, pero la mejor versión del wow sigue siendo mejor que la mejor versión del FF14.

Y yo personalmente no jugaría al FF14 por que todas las ventajas que la gente dice que tiene a mi me dan igual, yo quiero un endgame pulido, un pvp tanto open-world como instanciado bueno y un PvE desafiante, y si, quiero medirme la polla virtual con la gente por mucho que sea un MMO inmersivo, una de las cosas que la gente recordaba del classic era que la montura del Scarab Lord no la tenía cualquier mindundi, la tenían los mejores players del server, y no es elitista raichu, que cuanto mas te leo mas creo que los MMO que deberías jugar son los sandbox y no los themepark


#18272 daros más manitas entre vosotros, esto es como un equipo de fútbol si uno le mete 6 0 es mérito del que mete los 6 goles... había mucha más oferta.


Si XIV hubiera crecido a la vez que WoW estuviera en un buen momento te lo compraría totalmente, pero hey, da la casualidad de cuando saltó la noticia de que el FFXIV había superado al wow según mmopopulation WoW llevaba 187 días sin recibir contenido nuevo y lo que ha causado la gran diferencia de población actual es el éxodo de jugadores del wow debido a los creadores de contenido.

Es verdad, que antes de esa noticia y de que vienese a stremear Asmongold solo jugabamos tres al juego. No es como si llevase creciendo exponencialmente desde su primera expansion por meritos propios.

Gracias a dios que el WoW empezo a perde jugadores en este parche. Tampoco es como si llevase perdiendo fuelle desde hace años, repuntando algo en Legion y volviendo al pozo con estas dos ultimas expansiones.

Creo que el problema es que algunos os creeis que aun sigue siendo el exponente del genero que fue antaño y no simplemente uno mas del monton como es ahora.


Esa noticia estaba bastante sesgada porque del wow solo cogieron cuentas activas y del ff cogieron todo, que no se a cuento de que viene hacer ese tipo de cosas pero oye


Y lo mas importante, no cojieron las cuentas activas de china que son un % altisimo de players del wow


Hay mucho copium aquí de repente.


Lo puse en el hilo del FF pero lo dejo por aqui tambien por si alguien le interesa.

Una discusion sobre el balanceo de clases, en la que Max hace una defensa, bastante acertada a mi parecer, de porque prefiere que exista cierta disparidad de balanceo en el WoW pero que las clases se sientan mas únicas para desempeñar ciertas funciones en raid.

Empieza un poco mas de la mitad del clip, la primera parte solo hablan de Limit Break (Una habilidad masiva de equipo) vs Bloodlust.

Me gustan estas discusiones porque ciertamente te dejan ver lo diferentes que son ambos juegos a nivel de pve y lo bueno que tienen ambos.

1 1 respuesta

A ver desde la barra del bar digo que no me parece a mi que el camino sea el FF. pero si pillar algunas cosas y del lost puede que también.


Lo primero que haría yo es suprimir el weakauras, el ert etc etc.. dentro de nada juega por ti.


La verdad que desde que Echo saco sus propios WA las guilds han subido el nivel xd no.

2 respuestas

#18282 Pues nada, si te parece normal lo que se pueden hacer con las auras.. pero no esperaba más de ti.

Hasta con el ERT te canta cuando tienes que usar 1 cd.

1 respuesta

#18283 Porque el WA te hace jugar bien automáticamente. Yo desde que me puse el WA de Echo estoy al nivel de Fragnance.

El ERT se programa y es un tio que se ha puesto a investigar como y cuando debes meter ese cd, no te lo hace el addon solo, ni se tira la habilidad sola.

1 respuesta

#18284 esas cosas deberían suprimirlas creo yo, y todos los addons tipo raiderio también.

Y sobretodo lo que afectan al rendimiento, leí hace tiempo que quitaron el AVR por problemas de rendimiento entre otras cosas-

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#18282 Os baitea muy facil eh... xD

7 1 respuesta

#18285 por que quieres borrar addons que únicamente aportan info? ni te hacen jugar mejor ni automatizan nada.

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#18287 te dan info? yo creo que ya hemos pasado esa barrera

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1 comentario moderado

#18288 si, solo te dan info, si piensas que hacen mas cosas o no lo has usado o no sabes como funcionan.

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#18290 AVR también te daba info y acabó baneado.

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#18291 El mismo tipo de addon son, sin lugar a dudas xD


El FF es una mierda, Blizzard sacará una expansión, lo petará de nuevo y ya está.

Y si no? tiempo al tiempo, para Blizzard, Final Fantasy es un meme.

Y ya me voy para mi cueva


exista cierta disparidad de balanceo en el WoW pero que las clases se sientan mas únicas para desempeñar ciertas funciones en raid

Esto es lo clave, para que todas las specs esten balanceadas tendrian que hacerlas similares y ya no serian unicas, lo cual es muy aburrido. Debe haber spec para X y spec para Y.

Otra cosa es que salgan a veces specs que estan pasaditas y son muy buenas en todo, lo cual es malo.
Y otra cosa es que no haya ese tipo de combate este tier lo cual no pasa nada, otro tier la habra y brillara tu spec como ha pasado mas veces.

2 respuestas

#18294 Lo ironico es que ese sistema este en el WoW, que quizás de los dos es el que mas trabas te pone para subirte un alter, y no en el FF que es el que incentiva a que tengas todas las clases en un personaje y puedas cambiar de una a otra en función de la necesidad.

1 respuesta

#18294 Y cuando pasaba las quejas eran que había clases y specs que eran inútiles, que no podías jugar tu main, que el juego estaba mal balanceado, etc. Son todo discusiones más viejas que el hilo negro.

1 1 respuesta

#18296 Spec inútiles siempre hubo, el problema son CLASES inútiles enteras


#18295 Viendo logs del FF también existe desequilibrio entre clases, aunque hay muy pocos con lo cual no se si reflejan la realidad.

3 respuestas

#18298 porque son supports, o dan utilidad como res en combate y eso xDDD.. ni se te ocurra comparar por dios, que el Mistweaver no lo quieren ni para mear y nadie hace nada.

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#18299 Probablemente el heal que más cura del parche en números puros no lo quieren para se a quien pretendes engañar pero tú no juegas al juego y si juegas y haces el contenido que dices hacer la gente que te lleva de paseo y te aguanta tiene en cielo ganado.

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