congratulations calc ( como estas calc ???? DE PUTA MADRE buahahahahaha mi idolo
ola tio es-ca-le-ras
sin calc ay sas xddddd el amo tioooooo
ese calc mi hidolo
Tu vieja la pelleja.
welcome ;D
heya m8 ....GoSu user? hahahahah
Calc is getting addicted to media-vida..
don't get involved in such a leim community ahhaha
I dont know why but I miss you , next you will get so owned at ISS PRO FUCKING NOB CHEATER !
spain is thnks : )
hello :]
hello !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eseeeeeeee WAPOOOOOO
welcome to barcelona
hi guy
esta gente que te fixa sin verte el careto, como luego resultes ser xeto.. xDDD enga welcome dnsh
I hope at least you remember that there is a e4.staff waiting for news ... or at least ask ferchu for coming into the channel or unless we'll think he no longer loves us... heahae
good luck in eu4ia calc!
And welcome to Spain
haha new player of e4, godest for u, sort m0rt and lucky on this new clan