How to survive (Steam) 9,77€


Tras darle mas tiempo en ironman la cosa cambia mucho, hay que ir con mucho mas cuidado y es mas dificil. En ironman si es recomendable.


El boomerang, esta completamente broken, pega una barbaridad y no se gasta, y el boomerang de 4 huesos, es ya el desfase maximo


Online Story Co-op is coming!
Thanks to all your feedback, your voices have been heard! We have decided to add Online Story Co-op as an update! It will take roughly one month to develop, implement, and test so be on the lookout before the holidays!

505 Games


Usuarios habituales

  • SaTuRoS
  • Speedro
  • Mavek
  • se_ale
  • Xupillas
  • Licker
  • Starshow
