La Happy Hour está activa de nuevo.
#92 If a normal person buys the bundle right now, he gets two copies. If a person buys it right now BUT ALSO BOUGHT IT PREVIOUSLY he gets three copies. If a person buys it right now AND ALSO BOUGHT IT ON THE FIRST WEEK he gets four copies.
De su FAQ:
Happy Hour! Double Gifts! During Happy Hour time NEW buyers for every BEAT THE AVERAGE gift purchase get a 2nd bonus BTA gift for free ( 2x1 ) ! All gifts are doubled! Remember to check 'IS IT A GIFT'!
And if you are an early buyer the deal is EVEN BIGGER!
Yes! If you already bought the current indiegala bundle and BEAT THE AVERAGE, you get 2 bonus BTA gifts for free for every BTA gift purchased ( 3 x 1 )
And if you bought and BEAT THE AVERAGE in the first week you get 3 BTA bonus gifts for free for every gift purchased ( 4 x 1 )
Remember to check 'IS IT A GIFT' ! if you want to take advantage of Happy Hour.
Han tenido problemas con las keys de VICTORIA II:
Hi guys, hi all. Sorry for the inconvenience. Apparently it was a misunderstand between us and the publisher. We removed the game and will work on a solution. We will unlock in any case another game for you soon. Thank you all and apologies.
-When asked if it would be a different game to Victoria II:
We still don't know if it will be victoria 1 + victoria 2 OR another game, in any case you'll have another one. For thos of you who tried to activate it ( few because we unlocked it just for few minutes ) the game should not unlock AFAIK, unless you already have victoria 1
-And then asked when it will be sorted:
we don't know because the issue just happened now. Anyway wethink that we will solve it this week.
what we can confirm you now that all of you BTA users WILL have another Steam game before the bundle ends.
Vale, al parecer repartieron keys del DLC de Victoria II, A House Divided.
Ahora intentarán repartir las keys de Victoria 1 + Victoria II.
¿Que significa esto?
Que si tienen Keys de los juegos Victoria, es probable que en el próximo Indie Gala haya juegos de estrategia de Paradox.
pues me cago en la mar, yo queria el house divided ! XDD que el vicki 2 lo tengo ya, y el 1 me la sopla un poco mas alla del pokedexismo
que alguien me explique que tengo que pagar para tener las 2 copias de cada juego en la happy hour pq no me entero de nada xDD
Si pero lo que no me queda nada claro es si tengo que marcar que es un regalo para tener el 2x1 en la happy hour xD
Si alguien va a pillar el pack ahora cuando van los 2x1 3x1 y esas cosas que me avise para compartir gastos, que el deponia y el cities in motion me interesan.
Hola chicos. Queda algún indie gala de esos baratos de happy hour? Me interesa:
1x Magicka
2x Magicka Vietnam DLC
1x Deponia
1x Painkiller
1x Cities in motion
Había pedido 2 indiegalas a un buen samaritano, pero por desgracia no ha vuelto a haber la happy hour.
Si alguien le queda algún gift disponible, estaré muy agradecido.
#118 Anda! cúando han ampliado el plazo?