4kings 16-5 fnatic


Pues eso.. k los nº 1 del mundo se a llevao una pekeña paliza contra 4kings xro segun dicen el roster k presentaba 4kings no era ningun integrante de stos.. sino k unos k se icieron pasar x ellos y jugaron contra fnatic.. nose.. si es verdad m parece muy basto k fnatic pierda contra un mix de la oldschool de GB.. aunk tmb se podia notar la baja cArn k le sustituia speedi.

Lo podeis mirar en la web de SK y en AZ tmb hay una noticia sobre el tema.





4K @ INET = H9RR9R
Matchlink de la esl
STATUS: deleted

dicen en los coments q los q jugaron fueron:
?¿ :S wtf?

resultado: The 4kings are desqualified !


es verdad que 4k son una pesadilla en inet..en laN no harian lo mismo :O


se rumorea q han jugado KF3 y fisker con 4k , OMG la q han liao los 4k, @inet, como no...


#3 xD los 4kings en inet son dioses, en lan JEJE como en el anuncio


chetos todos


Todos chetos


chet0s todos


Es lo que tiene, si hasta los buenos a veces usan mierda, normal que los servidores españoles estén plagados de chetos... ^!!


Tonight saw 4Kings take on the mighty fnatic in a decider game, the winning team progressing to the ESL playoffs/lan finals. A lot was at stake and tensions were high, unfortunately there was a problem all along.

As most people know we lost DaY to MYM last week, meaning we had 4 people. We flew to Russia and spent the weekend in Russia for the Intel Friday Night where we played against Begrip Gaming. We arrived home Monday. This morning I spoke to several players about sorting a stand-in for the game vs fnatic, this I was assured wouldn’t be an issue by all concerned. I found out Joona (natu) had problems of a personal nature that had to be attended too and he had left his home for his brothers in another part of Finland. This left us with a 3 man team, not ideal when you have to play a decider match vs fnatic.

We eventually found two stand-in for the game shortly before the match was due to start, this was all sorted in the private channel (where both fnatic and 4K were present) and fnatic (through the head admin supervising the channel) told us they refused our "formal request" for "last minute" additions to the team.

This came as a bit of a shock as we'd agreed to allow Speedi to play for fnatic in carn's absence. As time went on one of the guys we had lined up as a stand-in took it upon himself to join a server with some other guys (basically a mix team) to take on fnatic. This was after we’d been told we weren't allowed last minute additions, thus rendering us paralyzed as far as the game went and unable to play.

This team joined the server under the 4K name, wearing 4K players names, while we were unaware. Our team had gone AFK at this point after we were led to believe the game was off, because we only had 3 players. This "mix" team went on to beat fnatic 16-04 which in it's self was quite an achievement, but unfortunately didn't do us any favors in the process.

About 15 minutes into the game one of our players messaged an admin to alert him to what was going on and that no one from 4K was actually playing, the game continued however.

We'd like to apologize to ESL for the mix-up, we actually played no part in this due to only having three members. The game should/would be awarded a default victory to fnatic, congratulations to fnatic for their victory, and good luck in the latter stages of the league.

Just to make everything clear, no one from 4Kings was playing in the game, anything said or done in that game doesn't rest on the shoulders of Team 4Kings.

aKuJii had this to add:

"Another issue that has been raised is that both of the teams were allowed to play without Aequitas. When 4Kings played against Pentagram online DaY had 20-30fps because of the program and asked if he could play without it, we were told NO and that disqualification would entail should he do it, so rather than play with 4 players we left and defaulted to Pentagram. This pretty much left the whole league in disarray and demotivated us from playing in the league. Then 2mths down the line when aequitas is down they allow not only one but ten players to play without the anti-cheat. Im sorry but it feels very hard to not feel hard done by in this situation when rules are being bent at different situations to suit everyone other than us."

No hay mas que decir.


#11 en lo que comenta el, flipo

que van a 20-30fps cn aequitas?
son pros y no tienen pcŽs pros?
no me lo creo.


yo juego con aequitas y muchisima mas gente en la esl y vale, algo se nota pero los fps no te bajan asi ni de coña.


hotshot = DIOS .

PD: KF3 ? fisker ? =))))


La verdad no me esperaba yo que ganaran los 4K, pero muchos menos que lo hicieran por tanto, es lo k tiene el cs, un dia bueno y zaS !


209 aKuJii Today at 9:36 PM CET
we were going to use QuarK as a standin but fnatic decided they would prefer the 16-0 so told ESL they would not accept any late additions to the team on ESL namely QuarK and KF3. We decided we might play anyway but louis and adam went afk since we all were pretty pissed off and QuarK and some friends decided to have a little fun and fakenick as us against fnatic... there u go paste that to every site u know

si esto es verdad, que duro que un mix de inether0s ganen a fnatic ¬¬


Pues a mi el aequitas si que me baja a 20 fps cada 2 minutos durante 5 segundos.


eso es por la fotos q hace el aekitas qt hace foto cada 3minuts


ke precision midiendo ahi los fps NoFos


si es @inet y ganan esque jugo el sonik0rz con ellos


#20 amen.




yo tengo claro ke se dejaron ganar fnatic... se clasificaban igual... pero si las reglas de ESL son asi pues dew 4k :P


#10, ¿chetos? los descaligican por jugar con kf3 y fisker que no son de 4k, no por chetos...

De hecho, al parecer han jugado rav0r, 101, ward0, dh, y QuarK. Ninguno de 4k xD



que alguien ponga link de la demo : )))


osea que un mix fue capaz de meterle a fnatic 16.5 ? que dureza


hahaha ownd by m1x ^^
#25 http://www.blank-tv.de/backend/getdemo/79859/




han jugado un mix, porque los verdaderos 4kings estan en una lan en Rusia o finlandia o en un sitio de por alli.


¿¿?? y eso de donde los has sacado? porque en los comentarios no pone en ningun momento lo que tu dices, una de dos o lo has leido en otra pagina o no tienes ni puta idea de ingles...