Actualización 27-1-2021 - Stickers, Info RMR...


2020 RMR Stickers

– Team Stickers featuring the best-performing regional teams from the 2020 Regional Major Ranking events are now available for purchase. 50% of the proceeds go to the teams who participated in the 2020 RMR.


– In Competitive and Wingman, if your team has fewer players than the opposing team for 3 or more consecutive rounds in the half, each of your team members will receive a $1000 ‘Shorthanded Loser Income’ following a round loss. This does not apply in cases where a player was kicked.
– In Competitive and Wingman, each team has one 2 minute technical timeout that will be automatically initiated the first time a teammate disconnects. The timeout will end early if the teammate abandons or reconnects to the match.
– Pinging now displays the name of the pinged location. (Thanks, VasaLavTV)

Danger Zone

– Added client convar to control automatic parachute behavior. Set cl_parachute_autodeploy 0 to disable automatic parachute activation.


-Fixed a boost spot near the entrance to A site.
-Fixed a pixel walk on the door hinges (both doors).
-Improved the clipping of the roof.
-Grenades now bounce more predictably off the wall.

-A site
-Improved the clipping on the A sign.
-Fixed a pixel walk on top of the wall.
-Fixed a gap in the center wall on site.
-Grenades now bounce more predictably off the A sign, Elysion sign, art on the wall, wall in connector, the wall on site and the poles connecting to the roof.

-Main hall
-Grenades now bounce more predictably off the art work and painting.

-Fixed a boost spot where players were able to jump on top of the waterfalls.
-Fixed a pixel walk on the lower levels of middle.
-Fixed a pixel walk on the light fixtures (not sure how you would get up their but you cannot trust anyone).
-Grenades now bounce of more predictable of the grey poles inserted in the wall, the wall with the waterfalls and the wall near T spawn.

-CT spawn
-Fixed a pixel walk on the clock (clock has been made non solid).
-Fixed a pixel walk on the glass wall.

-T spawn
-Fixed a pixel walk on the clock (clock has been made non solid).
-It is no longer possible to jump on top of the light above the desk.

-Generally improved the clipping.


Al menos hacen un "reset" de los puntos.

c viene


por qué está 100 thieves en Leyendas? si ni tienen squad ahora mismo no?

2 respuestas

During online matches only players are allowed in the room and on the server. Neither coaches nor any other team staff will be allowed in the room, on the server, or to otherwise communicate with the team during an online match.

Que les pasa a valve con los coaches? xd

2 respuestas

#3 Godsent igual,bueno no tienen a los brasileños de taco y tal pero no son el mismo roster


#4 Que blade no esté en el server creo que nos beneficia bastante


RMR 2021 y stickers

2020 RMR Sticker Capsules

Over the past year, the top CS:GO teams in the world competed in regional ranking events for invitations to a Major Championship. Ultimately there would be no Major in 2020, but it is important that fans have an opportunity to celebrate and recognize the hard work of the best teams of 2020. So we’re excited to announce 2020 CS:GO RMR Capsules.

These capsules represent the teams that would have received invitations to the 2020 Fall Major, broken down by their invitation status (Legend, Challenger, Contender). You can find the final RMR scores and standings here.

For these stickers, 50% of the proceeds directly support the teams.

2021 RMR Events

We will continue to hold regional RMR events to identify the 24 teams to invite to the 2021 PGL Stockholm Major. In the link below you can find all the details and updates to the 2021 RMR event system, but here are some highlights:

RMR points are reset for 2021, however the 2020 RMR Legends will start with 600, Challengers with 300, and contenders with 100 points.
Teams can now specify a substitute player (any player who is not registered to participate or substitute for another team) that is separate from their coach.

A team incurs a penalty when they substitute out a player in an event, but there is no penalty when that player is brought back in.

During online matches only players are allowed in the room and on the server. Neither coaches nor any other team staff will be allowed in the room, on the server, or to otherwise communicate with the team during an online match.

The full details of the 2021 RMR system can be found here.

Coaching Integrity

In September of 2020 we were alerted to the fact that many professional coaches were exploiting a coaching-feature bug to gain an unfair advantage during matches. You can read about our initial response here.

Since then, ESIC has published the findings of their investigation and the resulting sanctions. You can read about them here.

As our follow up, we have decided that coaches that exploited the camera bug will be ineligible to participate in some number of future Valve-sponsored events–that number to be determined by the extent of the abuse.

The following table translates ESIC demerits into Major ineligibility:

ESIC DemeritsNumber of Majors to Miss
6+ All

In addition to consequences for individuals, we have also thought about how commonly coaches exploited the bug, for how long it went unreported, as well as how common coach stream-sniping accusations have been.

To avoid the diminished integrity of coaching from casting a shadow on the integrity of Valve-sponsored events, we’ll be changing the restrictions on support staff in the following way:

During online matches only players are allowed in the room and on the server. Neither coaches nor any other team staff will be allowed in the room, on the server, or to otherwise communicate with the team during an online match.


#4 Esto es una burrada.

Básicamente Valve quiere que los coaches solo hablen en los pauses, y como eso ahora es incontrolable, pues a tomar por saco. No sé si lo del bug tendrá que ver en que hayan generado desconfianza y es una forma de "castigarlos".

1 respuesta

#8 Esa es otra, a ver como controlas a los coach que estén de bootcamp xD

1 respuesta

Supongo que con todo lo del streamsnipe y todo el royo que ha pasado últimamente también habrá influido para que solo quieran a los jugadores en la habitación


#9 que les manden una camara 360 y la pongan en medio de la sala

#3 como Espada

1 respuesta

#11 pues se esconde debajo de una mesa, muy fantasía me parece eso jajaja


Le comparten pantalla por discord a otra sala y la voz por otro lado,POV de igl perfecto


No me parece la solución correcta para los bots pero bueno...


buen momento para retirarme como entrenador.


Entiendo que lo de los entrenadores es solo en los torneos rmr (o cualquier otro torneo patrocinado por valve) no? en las demás competiciones la organización decide lo que se permite o no es así?

1 2 respuestas

#18 todos los torneos de valve según el texto
Edit : y menos alguna excepción, el resto de torneos menores generalmente adoptan las normas de valve , asi que byebye coaching por debajo de tier1


yo no sé cómo cojones lo hacen que valve cada día la caga más


El kami se ha pasado al valorant y solo veo su mar de lágrimas llegando a la puerta de mi casa con Valve, solo lo veo llorando por Twitter.
Veo una tonteria porque hayan tardado tanto tiempo en banear lo del bug del coach y haya caído tanta gente que denieguen a los entrenadores que lo hacen bien tantas cosas.


#18 es solo para los partidos online del RMR.

A mi me parece de puta madre, la mayoria del tier 1 han estado haciendo trampas de una forma u otra. Asi reduces la forma en la que se puede hacer trampa.


Reunión de valve:

-Gaben: que hacemos con lo del bug del coach? 

-Desarrolladores:  mucho texto, que no se puedan meter y ya esta a tomar por culo...
-Gaben: vale me la suda, bueno a ver ¿ como sacamos mas pasta? 

-Desarrolladores: y si sacamos stickers que eso no vale na, le damos cuatro duros a las orgas pero lo mismo la gente dice que tenemos mucha cara...

-Gaben: cara? agantame el cubata

Creo que no os habéis dado cuenta, pero han reventado los 6 man a lo bestia

1 respuesta

#24 Yo creo que eso estaba de antes, simplemente como ahora se han hecho populares lo han aclarado, o como mínimo antes tenías que elegir entre tener entrenador o tener sexto hombre en el torneo y no sé hasta qué punto podía entrar el suplente por tema táctico.

El Major y todo lo que le rodea es una competición desactualizada en cuanto a formato y reglamento. Si siguen así lo más normal es que vaya perdiendo relevancia.

Por suerte son solo unos pocos torneos al año de los cientos que hay. Si los jugadores y clubs se plantan y dejan de jugar los "torneos de valve" pueden darle la vuelta a la situación.


Lo de Valve es de locos xd vaya basura de publisher


A ver si Riot compra el CS, le pega un alt f4 al Valorant y todos contentos kappa


Las sanciones las veo desproporcionadas...

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