Astralis y k0nfig acuerdan su rescisión de contrato


My side of the story.

These last weeks have been the hardest time of my life. I've been scared, broken and completely lost. I thank all of you for your support and kindness - without you and the love of my friends and family, I wouldn't have made it through. There has been a lot of speculation about the injury-incident and my situation and only now (3 weeks after the incident), I've summoned the strength to go back to that night where everything fell apart for me and share my side of the story. I hope you will take the time to read and hopefully also learn from the mistakes I've made.

I am not perfect and i stand here today to tell you that I've failed you and the community as a role model and myself for not being the person that I strive to be. I’m really sincerely sorry for failing you. I’ll do anything to change it, but all I can do is never letting anything like this happen again in the future. Actions have consequences and no one else is responsible for where I am today, but myself.

It was the night of the Heroic loss. We were in a pretty tough place after that loss. We had been grinding hard to improve, but disappointed yet again and were set to leave Malta the next day. We wanted to go out and take our thoughts away from the game and have some fun since the loss was saddening. We just wanted to enjoy the last night in Malta before we headed home.

After going to a few bars, we decided to go to a nightclub in Paceville (Malta's nightlife area). I was feeling hungry so I went and got food on my own whilst my teammates went into the club. I arrived at the nightclub 30 m after eating. The entrance of the nightclub was at the top of this staircase leading into the club. I walked up the staircase and asked the guy who appeared to be in charge, if I could join my friends and explained that they had already gone in. Instead of just saying no, he dissed my tattoos and said that it was "his fucking club" and that I was a "tattoo'ed looser" and that there was no way he would let me in, except if I paid 5000 euro for a table. He was aggressive and I felt humiliated so we got into an argument. I told him he was the looser for standing in a nightclub queue and feeling better than everyone else and then suddenly he spat me directly in my face and kicked me straight in my face. He was standing several steps over me on the staircase, so it was like a kicking to a football. It made me fall down the stairs and sprain my foot. It hurt like hell, but adrenaline, fear and confusion had completely taken over my body, so I didn’t notice it at first. I just remember feeling confused. Then after he ran inside the club with the bouncers infront of him. My mouth was swollen, my leg and foot hurt as hell.

I sat down on the pavement outside the club in total shock and tried to understand what had just happened and then suddenly I saw that same promoter leave in a rush. I felt so angry and unfairly treated so I humped after him and caught up with him further down the road to confront him. I regret this terribly. I should have walked away. I should have just gone home and licked my wounds because then none of this had happened. When I caught up with him, I said I would report it to the Police and he immediately spat at me once again and cursed at me which infuriated me. We got into fight, and he broke my leg and I fell to the ground. He was kicking me multiple times in my head while i was laying down. I tried getting away from the situation but i couldn’t because of the broken leg. I tried to run away but i couldn’t put weight on my right leg. It just snapped and broke completely, dislocating my foot as well. He stopped kicking me because i dragged him down to me and i had to do self-defence to make him stop kicking me.

I was so scared that i was about to die. I remember feeling like i was watching my own body from above laying there.

The promoter stole my phone but luckily someone called an ambulance and I got transported to a Maltese hospital.

Ever since the episode I have been in a really deep dark place which i didn’t think i could be in. I feel sad, angry, disappointed, scared and worried all at the same time.

The entire time i was hospitalized i cried. I cried every day, multiple times. I felt like i was alone in the world. Nothing could make me smile. Nothing. I just felt like my emotions had died.

The doctors tried to put my foot back into place, but they couldn’t do it. So surgery was needed, but i didn’t feel safe and I wanted to get the surgery back home in Denmark.

I tried so hard to go back home so i would feel safe and get the surgery in Denmark but they noticed a fracture in my orbital wall. They said i wouldn’t be able to go home for four weeks. It broke my heart. I was so scared i started sweating and crying. Everything i wanted in the whole world was just to go home and get surgery. I knew if i could get home my mood would be so much better and I would feel safe and have people that loves me close.

After communication with Danish doctors through emails they allowed me to travel because there wasn’t air captured under my eye. If there was air under my eye, there would be a chance of me going blind on my right eye because of air pressure.

Thursday (22 September) I came home to Denmark. I went to the hospital first thing when i landed in the airport. I came in, they tried to put my foot in place but they couldn’t do it. I have never experienced so much pain.

I can’t explain how bad these days have been. My sleep was non existing. I was sleeping around 1-2 hours a night and was constantly scared, and when i hit deep sleep I would wake up feeling like someone was trying to drag my legs and pull me out of the bed. I had night-terrors, waking up drenched in sweat and still have almost every single night.

Friday i got my first surgery needed to fixate my foot which is basically that they drill holes in my shin, and foot and put titanium rods in so that you can't move your foot. Everything went smooth but the pain was unbearable both mentally and physically.

Wednesday (28 September) I got my final surgery. They put in a metal piece into my shin with screws and pulled a muscle back into my foot that i torn. Then late Friday they allowed me to go back home. When I came home i broke down crying. I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. It felt so fucking bad that I just wanted to delete everything and just give up. I couldn’t stop crying. I was in my own bed feeling empty.

The entire time i was hospitalized thoughts has been in my mind. Is this the time to end my career? Is this it for me? But this is nowhere near the end for me. I’m going to war against myself now. Fuck no I’m not going anywhere.

I’m going to a psychologist. My mindset is moving forward. Moving forward but seeing the demon in its eyes.

I’m not going anywhere. I’ll make this downfall into something positive.

This is not who I am. I don’t give up. I’ll do what's needed to become the god-tier counterstrike player that I know I can be.

I will take this time to work on the things that needs to be worked on. I will do everything in my power to come back. My mental health might have gotten hit but it’s not going to take me down.

I’ll take this time to recover both physically and mentally. This is definitely the hardest period in my life and I’m accepting it.

I want to thank everyone that has sent messages to me. Family, friends and my girlfriend. There is nothing more heart-warming in the entire world. Thank you so much. I can’t describe how much that has helped me get through this fucking depressing period in my life. Now it’s time to move forward.

Special thanks to Villads for staying in Malta with me and for helping me keep contact with family, doctors and providing mental support.

As for the promoter, I understand from local Malta authorities that a investigation is going on and that I'm registered as a victim of that investigation. I was tested for drugs at the hospital and was negative (meaning that I had not taken drugs). I've understood from authorities that the promoter was also tested and that he was positive (meaning that he had taken drugs).

Actions have consequences and I fully accept responsibility for mine. Now and in the future. To all of you out there, here's the lesson which I've come to learn the hard way. Turn the other cheek if you can. Walk away. Violence solves nothing. It is never worth it!

Be safe.

Kristian Wienecke.


La biblia el tweetlonger


El año que viene que se rompera? Pq vaya tela


Vaya drama de historia. Lo que provoca que cadian te gane xD


Ahora que diga qué club es.


madre mía casi le quitan de fumar a mi colega por ir de fiera y ahora la llorería


Mucho texto, tldr para vagos?

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#7 Le dieron una paliza por comer en vez de entrar a la discoteca

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#7 lo reventaron a ostias


#8 eing¿? jajaja como que por comer

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#10 el equipo fue directo a la discoteca y el fue más tarde por su cuenta por ir a comer antes
Se peleo con uno al entrar y lo dejaron fino

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#11 que random todo xdd


Pues si lo que cuenta es verdad, el chaval ha pasado un verdadero infierno, ojalá tenga la resiliencia para encajar este golpe en su vida y en su carrera. La gran mayoría de los gorilas son auténtica escoria y en Malta pues imagínate.


es una putada la verdad, no puede decir el local por temas de seguridad ( y más si ha puesto una denuncia) , pero ya te digo yo que al segurata lo inhabilitan o le cae una sanción grave


El tweetlonger es duro de cojones.


Pff pobre chaval, menudo infierno.

La verdad es que no sé cómo ha generado Malta tan buena publicidad turistica. Es una de las peores experiencias que he vivido de turismo. Fiesta horrible, transporte horrible, gente horrible y playas horribles.

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Madre mía, pensé que había sido una pelea, pero es que le han dado una paliza impresionante.


lo q no entiendo es xq le pasan todas esas cosas en la azotea x una pelea... a no ser q sea la cima de iceberg la pelea y el pavo esta como las maracas

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#18 hombre, si no ha exagerado en la historia, ha estado a punto de morir o al menos él pensaba eso. La situación es traumática cuanto menos, no es una simple pelea de discoteca.


No digo que no sea víctima, pero Konfig tiene pinta de ser un gallito y hay que tener cuidado cuando te mueves por el mundo, que no todo es Dinamarca.


Entiendo que este apartado del equipo por el tema de salud, pero dejarlo totalmente fuera de la organización cuando el chaval acaba de pasar por una historia tan fuerte me parece feísimo, lo que le ha pasado es algo que le puede pasar absolutamente a cualquier persona, tiene su parte de culpa pero me parece excesivo el castigo..

#16 Es una porquería de isla, con un marketing brutal, yo estuve allí con los amigos y cada noche pasaban cosas como lo que ha contado k0nfig, peleas, te roban, te intentan engañar y tonterías..


Cuando salió el tema de la pelea me vi venir su salida, por el motivo que fuese, pero creo que iba a ser un punto y aparte para Astralis.

Es una pena lo de este chico. No termina de encauzar su carrera. Aquí quizá haya sido la víctima, pero por a o por b tiene que salir del mejor equipo donde podría estar. A ver ahora qué puertas se le abren, pero es volver a empezar una vez más.


Menuda mala experiencia.

Se discutió con quien no debía, salió escaldado y volvió a por más por orgullo. Mala idea, menudas consecuencias que le han dejado marcado y provocado la salida de un equipo top.

Lo mejor hubiese callarse, llamar a sus compañeros y a ver que ocurría.

Ahora también os digo una cosa ¿Sus compañeros no pudieron esperar a que comiera algo? Por 30 minutos de diferencia te esperas a tu colega.

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#16 turismo de evadir impuestos y de casinos, nada más


Si todo es verdad y tal cual lo cuenta, una pena y lo siento por el chaval. Encima de el daño físico y emocional de la paliza que le dieron, ver que su equipo, sus compañeros y la comunidad le dan de lado y le dejan "tirado".
Por otra parte, es su versión, habría que ver la que cuenta la otra parte, la oficial, y lo que realmente paso.


#23 blameF vio todo mientras se quedaba atrás para baitear.


Muy duro si es así. Y da la sensación se que abandona Astralis, como ya así lo anuncian, como un acuerdo de romper el contrato entre las dos partes, no que le echen. Suena a que está jodido de todo (salud física, mental, etc., pone que hasta podía haberse quedado ciego de un ojo... que luego no, pero igual está tocado tambien) y que separan caminos (quizá temporalmente hasta que recupere, quien sabe) porque no va a poder competir en un tiempo ni en ese equipo ni en ninguno. Espero equivocarme.


Vengo a dejar esto, y me piro. Bueno, también Owen dijo hace tiempo que Device iba a volver a Astralis..

En cuanto a la historia, es mucho más duro de lo que pensé. Y eso que siempre pensé que k0nfig podía haberse metido en una buena pelea. De todo esto saco que Astralis a la que ha podido lo ha tirado. No me ha gustado.


Pfff bastante duro el comunicado


Muy putada lo que le ocurrió la verdad, aunque el chaval sea un buen bigardo, la liada fue discutirse en unas escaleras estando por debajo y caer mal jodiéndose la pata y a pesar de eso volver a por más. Por lo menos el chaval se ha currado el tweetlonger para que sirva de ejemplo.

En cualquier caso, k0nfig siempre va a ser recordado como otro jugador que ha tenido skill para ser god-tier pero entre malas decisiones, rumores de mala actitud cuando estaba en North y que los últimos años ha sido irregular de cojones no ha conseguido llegar a nada. Lo que sí me parece mala suerte es esta racha de lesiones en el último año. Al final de su etapa en Complexity y principios de Astralis justo al volver de la operación de muñeca dio breves destellos de muy buena calidad.

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