Hard Legion, MechanoGun at ESL One Road to Rio on 6 maps in 3 matches
Heroic, HUNDEN at DreamHack Masters Spring in 10 rounds on 1 map
MIBR, dead at ESL One Road to Rio in 1 round on 1 map
dead will receive a 6-month ban from playing or coaching in competition
HUNDEN will receive a 12-month ban from playing or coaching in competition
MechanoGun will receive a 24-month ban from playing or coaching in competition
The teams will retroactively be disqualified from the tournament in question
The teams will forfeit their ESL Pro Tour points from the tournament in question
The teams will forfeit their prize money from the tournament in question
En resumen, los descalifican del torneo en si, les quitan los puntos del Pro Tour y les quitan el premio del torneo.