Un respeto para valve y para el mejor juego creado jamás.
#298 También puedes poner un modelo propio que no tenga nada que ver con el juego. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1419995135
#305 Ya están tardando en hacer modelos 3d de los jugadores y ponerlos ahí, estaría curioso XD
Update 11/07
-Users on Linux and OSX can now also opt in to Panorama UI by adding “-panorama” to their launch options. (OP note: see RHI immediately if you're a Mac OS X/macOS user)
-Adding broadcast stream panel for CS:GO Minors and Majors in the main menu.
-Adding link to Steam Market for items in containers.
-Added ability to use gift packages.
-End of match scoreboard now reveals other players’ skill groups.
-End of match scoreboard now has Wingman skill group models in personal skill group display
-Dead players are more distinct from living ones on the scoreboard.
-Scoreboard now has per-player voice volume control.
-End of match mouse control is delayed to avoid clicking out of window and losing focus.
-Adding ability to enter numerical values for certain settings.
-Updated grenade icon size
-Fixed not showing all grenades owned by a player in their overhead UI during freezetime.
-Fixed friendly decoys showing up on the radar with an odd color and a random number/letter.
-Fixed friendly decoys showing up as enemy ghosts when they detonated.
-Fixed wiggly countdown timer while defusing bomb
-Fixed an issue that caused death notices to attempt to translate player names
The functional change to the decoy that shipped with the last update will not be reverted: from here on decoys will be radar-visible by the team that threw it and not radar-visible to the enemy team.
-Updated Steam and CS:GO account restrictions for users in Netherlands and Belgium:
-Steam Trading and Steam Market features are now re-enabled for Steam accounts in Netherlands.
-Customers in Netherlands and Belgium will be restricted from opening containers.
-Various crash fixes
-Fixed a regression in reliable avatars for tournament game servers.
-Set max value for the zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse slider to 1.5 in the options screen.
Rumor has it:
An issue has been identified with Panorama on Mac OS X/macOS causing crashing on startup. /u/DavidWValve says a fix is being worked on
There's new sounds for case openings that Dutch & Belgian users won't be able to enjoy unless they use GCFScape to rip them out of the VPK structure: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-CSGO/commit/39c9563b2e97fb6f9df94cf5935fdee69770da76
In addition, there is also plenty of localization made possible in part by contributions from Translators Like You - Thank You
Size is 35 MB
#310 Bien joder, por fin puedo distinguir los muertos de los vivos en el tab, y ver los rangos en el mm al terminar.-
Una pregunta asi un poco tonta, donde coño poneis el Panorama? Porque en donde las Betas ya no me sale, y en el juego en si tampoco
#315 Lo que te cuesta en escribirme "Lee un poco" tardas lo mismo en decirmelo
PD: Listo, gracias por la aportacion igualmente.
#310Crusher_91:from here on decoys will be radar-visible by the team that threw it and not radar-visible to the enemy team.
Si el enemigo no ve el decoy en el mapa este gana utilidad IMO
#322 que los cuadros de votaciones son extremadamente grandes en resoluciones bajas y es molesto.
Joder, a mi se me calienta el PC con panorama y me tarda mucho más en cargar el mapa, a ver si con este patch se soluciona
#324 Me paso el otro dia , yo juego con bandas negras , hicieron un vote y se quedo bugeada la ventana . Al inicio de ronda no podia comprar granadas porque tapaba la opcion de compre , tuve que hacerlo con el teclado
#327 La imagen esta sacada de esta página donde te explica como hacerlo: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1419995135