Esta es la noticia a la que me refiero:
A ver si la que no sabía que todo esto estaba guionizado es ella xD
Hemos tenido esta noche el regreso de Velveteen a EVOLVE contra Orange y el ROH anniversary, no me daban los ojos xD
Como Cross y Lacey y HM... Hasta post wm dudo que hagan algo, el unico que iba a tener relevancia y mucha era Lars y tuvo un ataque asi que rip
Lacey sigue haciendo su paseillo xD
De EC hoy había un rumor hoy, "The reason EC3 has been off TV and booked to lose most of his matches isn’t clear, but sources told Vince McMahon “is not too high on” him “right now”
En Reddit tienen una teoría interesante respecto a lo que están haciendo con Lacey Evans:
Lacy Evans is a ghost. Maybe she died while making her entrance in a pioneering wrestling promotion in the 50s, maybe a lighting rig fell on her before she could step into the ring.
Having not completed that entrance, for what ever reason, Lacy has regrets, and cannot move on. Ever since she has been stuck in limbo, repeating her entrance over and over, searching for an opponent. However no one is able to fight her because real people cannot fight ghosts.
No one, except the dead man, the Undertaker. With the Undertaker having no set match for this Mania this is a golden opportunity to finally give Lacy the match she's been looking for for over 60 years. Now is the time to let her poor soul move on, by going over the phenom on the grandest stage of them all.
Lacy Evens needs to fight the Undertaker at Mania.
The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart y Jim Neidhart) nominados al HoF de este año (Es curioso que no incluyan a Jimmy Hart)
Esta semana tenemos Angle vs Joe y Angle vs AJ en shows regulares, y en WM tenemos Angle vs Corbin....
Pensar que desde el 2005 se viene amagando un Angle vs Danielson y ahora están en la misma empresa e igual no se va a dar... (Por mas de que el nivel de Angle este LEJOS de ser el mejor)