Gremio de Asesinas

BUILDS S7 (Actualizadas a 19/01/2025)

Leveo :
  • En construcción
Endgame :

#690 eso ya lo "arreglaron" en su dia, y si miras las builds buenas de endgame, se usa el daze y no el cdr.


#689 La respuesta que buscaba, gracias.


Pues yo jugaba flurry i probe TB y no hacia nada de daño xD. El aspecto es el que hace que giren las dagas no? Lo voy a probar el jueves para subir con la calma que seguro que hacia algo mal xD

1 respuesta

#693 con el TB hay que cambiar la mentalidad de como se juega. El flurry es una skill que conforme aprietas la tecla, haces daño. Con TB haces daño inicial, pero lo que hace realmente daño es el retorno (1.5 segundos despues del casteo inicial) y luego el giro final con el Aspect. El caso, que no es daño instant como el flurry.




Advanced Rapid Fire duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds.
Caltrops cast speed increased by 15%.
Enhanced Cold Imbue Lucky Hit Chance increased from 30% to 40%.
Enhanced Smoke Grenade damage bonus increased from 15% to 20%.
Methodical Dash maximum Cooldown reduction increased from 3 to 4 seconds.
Concealment Stealth duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds.
Enhanced Dark Shroud's chance to not be consumed increased from 10% to 14%.
Supreme Death Trap Cooldown reduction increased from 10 to 12 seconds.


Victimize Lucky Hit Chance increased from 30% to 35%.
Siphoning Strikes now also requires a Lucky Hit chance of 75%.
Rugged Damage Reduction against Damage over Time effects increased from 5/10/15 to 6/12/18.
Mending Obscurity healing per second while Stealthed increased from 3/6/9% to 4/8/12%.
Aftermath Energy restored increased from 25/50/75 to 30/60/90.


Combat Glyph's bonus now affects all damage instead of just Core Skills.
Eldritch Bounty Legendary Node duration increased from 6 to 9 seconds.


Preparation's Ultimate Cooldown reduction increased from 4 to 5 seconds.

Legendary Aspects

Aspect of Volatile Shadows damage increased from .1075-.193 to .2-.27.
Icy Alchemist's Aspect Chill increased from 15% to 25%.
Shadowslicer Aspect damage increased from 25-35% to 80-100%.
Toxic Alchemist's damage increased from 0.080-0.13 to .11-.16.
Vengeful Aspect Lucky Hit Chance increased from 30-50% to 40-60%.
Aspect of Imitated Imbuements duration increased from 5 to 9 seconds.
Aspect of Stolen Vigor healing increased from .02-.06 to .04-.08.
Aspect of Lethal Dusk Life of Kill duration increased from 4 to 6 seconds.
Aspect of Noxious Ice bonus damage increased from 10-25% to 14-29%.
Aspect of Elusive Menace Dodge chance increased from 1-5% to 3-7%.


Skyhunter's Energy gain increased from 15-25 to 20-30.
Grasp of Shadow Lucky Hit Chance increased from 20-30% to 24-34%.

1 2 respuestas

#695 meh


Todo sigue igual.




Mucho ojo porque luego está esto:

Cooldown Reduction: Reduced by ~30%.
Imbuement Skill Cooldown Reduction: Reduced by ~30%.
Trap Skill Cooldown Reduction: Reduced by ~30%.

Developer’s Note: We're seeing Critical Strike Damage and Vulnerable Damage often viewed as a hard requirement for a build's success in Diablo IV. We believe this is a step towards allowing more builds to flourish and will continue to make changes in support of this goal.

Critical Strike Damage: Reduced by ~17%.
Lightning Critical Strike Damage: Reduced by ~17%.
Critical Strike Damage with Bone, Earth, Imbued, and Werewolf Skills: Reduced by ~17%.
Vulnerable Damage: Reduced by ~40%.

Developer’s Note: Disparities in inherent affixes can rule some Weapons out before the rest of their stats are even rolled. These are receiving harsher reductions than their normal affix counterparts to increase Weapon flexibility.

Cooldown Reduction (Inherent on Offhands): Reduced by ~35%.
Critical Strike Damage (Inherent on Swords): Reduced by ~50%.
Vulnerable Damage (Inherent on Crossbows): Reduced by ~65%.

Developer’s Note: Damage Bonus to Crowd Controlled Enemies was overperforming relative to the ease of activating it versus stricter, Crowd Control type-specific affixes.

Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies: Decreased by ~30%.
Damage to Frozen Enemies: Increased by ~20%.

Developer’s Note: We have seen that skillful players are frequently slaughtering monsters many levels above their own. We want to support this, but the current situation is beyond what we believe is correct for the long-term health of the game. To chase this goal, we're shifting power to many offensive Affixes from defensive Affixes. We know this will make our end game content more deadly, particularly for those chasing our pinnacle boss, an encounter not meant for the faint of heart. Overcoming the pinnacle boss will take every ounce of grit you can muster and all tools at your disposal. We will continue to evaluate feedback from the community and make changes to our combat mechanics.

Physical Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Fire Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Cold Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Lightning Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Poison Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Shadow Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Non-Physical Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Physical Damage Over Time: Increased by ~40%.
Fire Damage Over Time: Increased by ~40%.
Shadow Damage Over Time: Increased by ~40%.
Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons: Increased by ~25%.
Damage with Two-Handed Slashing Weapons: Increased by ~25%.
Damage with Dual-Wielded Weapons: Increased by ~25%.
Damage with Ranged Weapons: Increased by ~25%.
Damage with Skills that Swap to New Weapons: Increased by ~25%.
Damage while in Human Form: Increased by ~25%.
Damage while Shapeshifted: Increased by ~25%.
Blood Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Bone Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Brawling Skill Damage: Increased by ~33%.
Companion Skill Damage: Increased by ~33%.
Conjuration Skill Damage: Increased by ~33%.
Cutthroat Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Darkness Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Earth Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Frost Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Imbued Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Imbuement Skill Damage: Increased by ~33%.
Marksman Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Pyromancy Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Shock Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Storm Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Summoning Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Trap Skill Damage: Increased by ~33%.
Weapon Mastery Skill Damage: Increased by ~33%.
Werebear Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Werewolf Skill Damage: Increased by ~25%.
Total Armor: Reduced by ~30%.
Attack Speed for 4 Seconds after Dodging an Attack: Increased by ~20%.
Damage for 4 Seconds after Dodging an Attack: Increased by ~20%.
Total Armor while in Werebear Form: Reduced by ~25%.
Total Armor while in Werewolf Form: Reduced by ~25%.
Damage Reduction from Close Enemies: Reduced by ~20%.
Damage Reduction from Distant Enemies: Reduced by ~20%.
Damage Reduction from Enemies that are Bleeding: Reduced by ~25%.
Damage Reduction from Enemies that are Burning: Reduced by ~25%.
Damage Reduction from Enemies that are Poisoned: Reduced by ~25%.
Damage Reduction from Enemies that are affected by Shadow Over Time: Reduced by ~25%.
Damage Reduction while Fortified: Reduced by ~25%.

Y aquí hay cosas que afectan un poquet.


Se les ha ido de las manos el nerf a las defensas xD


A ver que tal la ballesta nueva


Yo creo que voy a volver a hacerme el rogue de penetrating , parece que sigue siendo viable después de los cambios.

1 respuesta

#703 Ahora mismo, sobre el papel, las clases más fuertes son el Rogue, Druida y Necro. El pícaro, además, es el que más builds potentes tiene si te guías por las actualizaciones de las Tier List de Maxroll. Yo no quería repetir clase, pero estoy tentado.


Que build de Rogue recomendáis para jugar esta temporada? Jugando solo, sería mi 1º vez con este personaje.

1 respuesta

#705 Para levelear, Hojas retorcidas con variante de imbuiciones o trampas. Para pushear Pesadillas, Disparo Rápido. Para PVP y Uber Lilith, Hojas retorcidas a veneno.


Bueno viendo la mierda de parche y que mi clase (bárbaro) está en la mierda me uno a los rogues está season, voy dándole con TB para levear duramente letsgo


Buenas señores, vengo del reino de las hechizeras, estoy haciendo un penetration shot a mi rollo, algun consejo?

Por lo pronto lo noto exceisvamente poderoso comparado con los Sorcs, parece otro juego... para bien.

2 respuestas

#708 Contra jefes se te puede hacer pesado al principio, igualmente todas las habilidades principales del pícaro son viables, no tengas miedo de probarlas todas mientras subes.


Antes llevaba la build de rapid fire, haciendome nm55 a lvl 80, pero he visto que le han subido el tiempo a la habilidad, como queda ahora? Renta más Barrague? TB no me mola porque no me quiero meter a mele con las espaditas de los huevos.


Yo vengo de tb y creo que voy a volver a hacerme un rogue, eso si cambiare de build, a ver qué me hago p quiero algo divertido.


La gema que te mete señuelo con las habilidades de subterfugio le va a dar un salto de calidad a la build del trampero, si ya estaba fuerte antes, ahora tendrá mucho más control y supervivencia.


Ya se puede jugar bien?


Hay alguna build mas fuerte para esta season?

1 respuesta

Que build es mejor para levelear y hasta que nivel cambiar? Y a cual?

1 respuesta

Misma pregunta que los 2 anteriores, vengo de un bárbaro y estoy algo perdido con Rogue XD

1 respuesta

#714 #715 #716 Twisting Blades pero es melé.

1 respuesta

#717 A que lvl recomiendas switchear a penetrating shot? Queria subir asi pero era super pocha los primeros niveles.

1 respuesta

De rango solo hay PS que sea viable? En la anterior me hice TB y no quiero repetir y las demás son bastante parecidas por lo que veo.

1 respuesta

#719 Todas son viables. Aprovecho también para decir que mi segundo pícaro se ha pasado el nerfeo por el forro. Nivel 50 ya y desde el 44 en Pesadilla y al 45 en sigilos con la polla por fuera, ni el puto altar me salía al finalizar porque no te sueltan glifos hasta desbloquear el parangón, un jodido paseo sin necesidad de maxear nada, dos aspectos estratégicos (desobediencia y TB) y a volar.

#718 PS es para sigilos de pesadilla, así que cámbiala al 50 cuando se te desbloqueen. Asegúrate de tener su aspecto para limpiar mejor.

1 3 respuestas