Firmware Highlights
Improve the system upgrade mode, system upgrades APP new “reception trial version firmware” switch.
Optimize file sharing experience, increase “Free flow fast pass” to provide visual management page.
Optimization: calls in full-screen desktop display when a call interface.
Fix: Even now display a blank contact list.
System Upgrade
Improve the system upgrade mode: add “receiving trial version firmware” switch.
Fixed: notification bar even now click “Download updates” no response.
Free flow pass fast
Free flow pass fast: optimized file sharing experience, increase visualization page.
Desktop editing: Adding mobile support under Utility mode icons and widget.
Prompt the desktop editing position adjustment: Optimization.
Network speed: new network speed function, a key to view the current network speed.
Network Diagnostics: new network diagnostic function, a key to detect the current network status.
Entrance: Settings - Wi-Fi - Click hotspots currently connected into the details page.
FIX: After connecting Wi-Fi switch to the data network will pop up authentication information.
Install external applications
Optimization: Depending on the installation source and application versions to distinguish between different installation scenarios, detailed display application permissions and chargeback risk.
Optimization: Increase downgrade installations processing.
Optimization: Tips why the installation failed.
Voice assistant
Optimization: Optimization Home Recommended to avoid screen flicker when loading data.
Optimization: Optimization of alarm to remind user experience, allows you to view all the alarm and turn off all alarm.
Optimization: Optimization of autodialer when using dual card language order.
Optimization: Optimization of support for default card.
Lock screen
Optimization: lock screen camera is called the left slide to slide.
Notification bar
Optimization: Optimization screenshots notification logic, click on the share button automatically clear notification.
Audio frequency
FIX: listening to music with headphones, the notification bar appears murmur or break the sound mute switch.
FIX: When headphones to listen to music, to micro-channel message or phone, listen to the micro-channel voice, the sound suddenly becomes large.
Mobile butler
Fixed: notification bar displays information flow switch failure problem.
Application Encryption
FIX: micro-channel phone book can be read encrypted messages.
FIX: third-party applications do not call the camera OK button and remake after shooting.
Fix: under password lock screen shortcut to open the camera when using the camera flash back Burst.
Music Comment: Add comment and reply comment function point Like.
Local Scan: add a key scan local music, support audio filter.
Folder Management: Add all folders management functions.
FM Radio: New FM radio.
Message Center: New Message Center, you can view comments and bulletins Reply.
Push message: add “to receive messages push” switch.
Manual adjustment sequence: playlist support manually adjust the playback sequence.
Version Upgrade: New version upgrade inlet.
Optimization: Optimization of musical support for Talkback.
Optimization: Adjustment Home template sort, “guess you like” to the fold.
Online ringtone: set alarm tone increase “online ringtone” entrance.
World Clock: World clock when adding new cities by nationality search function.
Optimization: Merge Ringtones and Flyme music as “local music”.
Timer: timer increases the volume control function.
Guide Page: increased for the first time to start a new page guide features.
Ad blocking: browser settings increase the “ad blocking” switch.
Flash: Support Flash Player mainstream video site.
Optimization: support slide switch mode calculation.
Symbol: Increase math, special, number three categories of symbols keyboard.
Landscaping theme
Cheap Font: Font support special events.
Optimization: Click Search plug into the search page, hot words card pre-show.
Optimization: Optimization compass calibration experience.
Optimization: Adjust measurement scale of initialize.
Adjustment: Remove “sweep card” feature.
Uninstall: sweep the APP support is unloaded.
Set up
Optimization: Optimization of power consumption management statistics.
Optimization: Application Management “downloaded” entry into “installed”.
Download Manager
Optimization: Reconstruction download interface, remove MD5 calculation function.