Buenas, tengo unas dudas con un ejercicio de inglés que no encuentro por internet, a ver si alguien me podría ayudar.
Correct the following sentences:
a)He was born in Madrid, Spain, and he had always been interested in History on one hand, and in Mathematics on the other.
Corregida: He was born in Madrid, Spain, and he had always been interested in History and Mathematics. Creo que también está mal la parte de "he had always been interested in" porque ese tiempo verbal se usa para hablar de algo que ha pasado antes que otra cosa pasada.
b)I am looking forward to hear from you.
Corregida: I am looking forward to hearing from you.
c)In nowadays Britain many people claim that abortion means killing a human being.
d)A low level of life in a country contributes to increase racial tensions.
e)I don't know how was life in those days.
Corregida: I don't know what life was like in those days.
Gracias de antemano.
Pd:sí, se me ha ido una erre en el título XD