1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará. // No essays. We are not here to do your homework
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará. // You must write about the topic. If you want to ask something you must contribute to the thread
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará //Do not ask for resources
#29 On it right now!
#30 Yes, I don't understand either. The normal thing is to finish a degree at age 22, when you are pretty young, so why would it be a disappointment to finish at 25-26? In my case, it was because of me, not for my parents, that I pushed myself a lot to finish in time (and it finally took me half a year more), but later I understood that there was no need to push me and that maybe if I had taken more time to finish I wouldn't have been that stressed.
#27 I'm happy that everything turned out great!
keep the hard work
#31 it took me one more year (because I had to change from one system to bolonia) and it wasn't because I didn't study, it was because I'm not very good at memorizing and the whole subject was about that (dates, dates and more dates).
#32 hello!
It is a very dangerous sport, don't you think?
Back from my trip to London. Definitely an enjoyable place to stay, even though it's quite expensive.
Here is a summary of my thoughts:
- The hostelry is a disappointment in comparison with ours.
- I noticed they are way more polite as well as elegant.
- Pretty much nobody is able to speak another language aside from English, so keep that in mind as it may cause trouble for you. In all honesty, I found some conversations very hard to keep.
Feel free to ask me any questions regarding London as a tourist
I think that university performance is overrated, I mean, you can be the best student and be a random worker, and the same with bad students.
When you're studying, being unable to pass an exam makes you mad and seems like you're fucked forever and your life is over, when you start working in a company, noone cares what was your student performance, you show your skills working.
#34 oh yes, polite to the maximun. Whenever I stamped someone's foot, they were the ones to say sorry.
What did you like the most?
What did you disliked the most?
For me, there was too many people. I might try going in autumn/winter.
#35 but that's here, in England your marks are no the diploma.
First class, (upper/lower)second class, third class...
So yeah, I wouldn't stress about it here.
#36 Of heights.
Think of it as in Spanish, it's not the same alto than altura ^^
#37 Westminster area, including the Parliament and London's Eye. Everything was so impressive to me that I was stunned for several minutes.
Big props to Camden Town as well, the market is super cool!
What is your hobby?
When talking about hobbies, I always say the same thing: i have a lot of them -playing computer games, listening to music, reading fantasy and science-fiction books... The problem is i don't usually have enough time to spend in all of them. Unfortunately, it seems this situation ig going to change: i´m finishing my intership and I'm going to be an unmeployed again. However, I'll try to make the most of this future spare time I'll have and I'll try to keep on studying English, accounting and, of course, playing some og the sagas of videogames I have still to play, such as mass effect, dragon age, and so on.
Can a hobby save a child from bad peer influence?
Sure, in my opinion, a hobby can save people from bad peer influence, especially those related to sports. Moreover, practising any kind of sports may be very good for kids, as it will help them to keep healthy, to socialise with other children and also to be more focused in their studies. I especially reccommend children to play any kind of team sport, or to practice martial arts. I had the opportunity to do kung-fu and it is a completely new way of life, it tought me what respect was, it helped me to forget about school and family problems and, when i was at the gym training with my 'si fu' it was like if the time stopped.
Which hobbies do you think are the most difficult?
I can't say which hobby is the most difficult mainly because it depends on the skills of everyone. For example, there are people who like painting warhammer minituares. It may seem a very easy hobby, just assemble miniatures and then paint them, you only need some patience to do that... But I'll never be able to do such a thing. I don´t have either the necessary patience or the handskill to use the brushes, to mix different tones of colours to get new ones or to use different painting methods -hello dry-brushing-. However, most people agree that contact sports are difficult, as well as extreme sports: soaring, bungee jumping or rafting, but as i've practiced some of them since i was a child, i find them quite easy. So, as i said in the beggining, it depends on the person.
#39 I'm sorry about the internship, I hope you can find something soon with more free time for your hobbies
#40 tall is the adjective, it refers to buildings or people.
Here, you have to use the noun which is heights.
As I said, you don't say in spanish tengo miedo de los altos (you can totally say it if you mean you're afraid of tall things xD) you say tengo miedo a las alturas.
Hey, someone knows a forum or a chat like this thread with more people to improve my english?
I mean, 4chan or reddit is too vulgar, something more usefull, thanks
#41 thanks, i also hope so haha
#42 uhm, some subreddits should work well to learn and practice English: politics, culture, music...
You can also try italki. There you can find other English students, ask questions and participate in discussions. You can also write your own essays and people will correct them, or evenm find a partner to do a language exchange English-Spanish.
Do you think new technologies have destroyed communication among friends and family?
Why/why not?
Edit: In my opinion, I don't think new technologies have destroyed communication, they have transformed communication making it easier to communicate with our parents/friends when we are out.
In my case, I've always had lunch/dinner with my family and we always talk even though the tv is on.
We talk about politics but most importantly about how our day is/was.
Maybe it depends on the person, or even the age, because I've seen teenagers being in a group and each and one of them was looking at their screen rather to have a conversation between them.
#47 I don't think so. Quite the opposite in my opinion. Communication amongst people has been improved vastly to levels that were pure fantasy just one hundred years ago. I have close friends living in other cities and I can talk with them on a daily basis, so we don't lose contact even a little bit. That was way harder just a few decades ago, when communicating using mobile phones, or even regular phones, was much more expensive.
It is true, however, that it has been transformed. Writing is key nowadays, almost as important as speaking. That wasn't true before, when speaking was almost everything you needed to communicate. Some people, specially older uneducated people, completely lack written language skill.
About people looking at their phones instead of talking when they're in a group, it hasn't happened to me. Well, of course sometimes someone uses their phone instead of paying attention to the group, but usually it's just briefly, nothing serious or remarkable, so I can't really say.
#47 It depends on the person.
For example, Facebook, Skype, and more social platforms / networks have allowed me to communicate with pals from other countries. The problem comes when you are talking with your family, girlfriend by telegram for example, and you're in the same house.
It's all about self-control, if you're grabbing some beers with your friends and two of them are constantly chatting with the phone away from the real-life conversation that's a fucking problem.
Social networks are a powerful tool if you use them wisely, otherwise, you can end in a position where you lose your close ones and start living in the virtual world.
I'll throw a question about this topic the next week, it's an interesting one.
I had this same conversation yesterday, saying how, we, young people are glued to our screens.
That why we don't grab a book or why don't we go outside.
I mean, it's like 40 celsius degree outside, my goal in life it's not becoming a pool of sweat.
One woman said to me that when they were younger, they talked in the bus and started a conversation with other people.Well, excuse me, but I don't want strangers talking to me at 8AM about how their boss is so damn awful.
My boyfriend and I told them that they were not seeing further, I might be glued to my screen, but I'm doing more that just sending a message, maybe I'm sending an e-mail to my boss, maybe I'm talking with my bf about how my work was, maybe I'm just reading the latest news or maybe I'm just reading.
Funny thing is, they grab a newspaper and then you can't say anything to them because it's not the same situation at all.
I don't know if videos are allowed here, just in case:
Emmy Rossum telling a joke (bad one)
#51 Almost every content in English is welcomed here. Also feel free to express your opinion on the topic and join the telegram chat!
Is there a whatsapp group like the telegram one? I dont really want to install another thing just for one group, also I prefer whatsapp.
#53 There isn't at the moment. We chose Telegram over Whatsapp because of privacy settings. You can join the group in Telegram without giving your phone number, sometimes people are reluctant to that.
Well I dont want to 'hijack' this thread but could be a great idea to make a whatsapp group. Maybe theres people like me who doesnt want more apps than whatsapp to talk and It doesnt means that telegram members couldnt join too.
If somebody is willing, pm me or we can talk about it here, I dont know.
Hello, World!
I just found this thread a while ago, and also joined the group on Telegram, so thank you for creating this!
What is your hobby?
Well, I have several hobbies, but my main are drawing, reading, listening to music, computer science and so on..
Can a hobby save a child from bad peer influence?
Absolutely! Although it depends on each particular person and their will of improving, and also depends on each one's situation, but I think in general, a hobby can definetly save not just a child from bad peer influence, but anyone from every tough life situation. Speaking from experience, I don't know what would I have done without my hobbies, life would have felt empty and pointless.
Which hobbies do you think are the most difficult?
This is a logical common answer, it varies from one person to another, but I learned something too, and that is that you can learn whatever you want by dedicating enough amount of time, so if you really want to do some sports, don't think you can't do it, just think of it as you didn't put enough effort and time in that particular sport.
#4 Your english is awesome my friend.
Hala Madrid, against everyone, against everything!