Official thread to practise English v.2.

Normas básicas / Basic rules

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará. // No essays. We are not here to do your homework
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará. // You must write about the topic. If you want to ask something you must contribute to the thread
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará //Do not ask for resources


#60 I think the most important traits for both profiles are spirit and passion. A teacher should have the passion for teaching his / her students.

A person who is a teacher just for the money, the holidays, etc... shouldn't be a teacher.

And for the boss case, there's a significant difference between 'boss' and 'leader'. Anyone can be a boss or a shitty one. Being a leader is a completely different thing, you need to have the spirit, you need to work with your team hand to hand, involucrate with them... Those traits define a good leader.

1 respuesta

#60 You can only be a good teacher when you are teaching at the university. It's impossible to be a good teacher when you have to teach people who only want to leave the school.

When I was 14, I had one of the best teachers ever, but we were too much immature to know that haha

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#61 what about teachers or leaders that start with passion but their passion fades away after some years?

#62 I don't agree with that statement, maybe a teacher in school doesn't have the same freedom as one in the university, but if you're a good teacher you do a good job wherever you are.
It's true it's difficult to teach to people who don't want to be there (like 3rd or 4th of ESO), and maybge frustrating, but it's in their hands to make the most of their class to not have any problems with the students.

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#63 Then that job isn't your passion.


I suggest a new topic guys,

Stephen Hawking has stated that we should stop trying to contact Aliens, as they would likely be hostile to us. What is your position on this issue?

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That, if they even exist, why are they going to be hostile?
I've always thought that they would be more intelligent than we are, and if they are hostile is because we have something they want.
Like when a country starts a war because of the oil.

Maybe we should be afraid if they ever contact us, because they would want something! xD

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#66 The human beings have the crown of mistreating, and even massacring, other human cultures that are less technologically advanced. Why would an alien civilization be any different?

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It depends on how advanced they are and how interesting we are for them. If they are very advance and we are very interesting for them (worst case scenario) they would have already obliterated us. So either we are interesting but they haven't found us or we have nothing for them.

1 respuesta

They be comming for our memes fam


#67 why not? they can have another system or customs or whatever.
What you said is for humans... but are they human?
or are they dancer?

#68 If I were an Alien, I would not stop here xD

1 respuesta

How can I enter to telegram group from my phone?

Do I have to search the group?

1 respuesta

#71 not at all!
Go to the first page and click on the image of telegram. It will redirect you to the group invitation and you can enter from there.


#70 Maybe we have resources. Maybe some compound or element that is very common on earth and more or less worthless to us is actually rare on their planets.

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#65 I've read your topic again and... When have we tried to contact aliens?
Is the government hiding something? :O
How do we now there are some aliens to contact with?

#73 it could be, yes.
It's like the plot from a movie xD

2 respuestas

#74 We try to contact aliens everyday, with radio signals and even with spacecraft like the Voyager, but we don't know if there are actually aliens to contact.


#74 Mirtor answered it :P

Maybe we are a crafting of some advanced alien civilization. There are "evidence" that suggest the may have visited us a long time ago, like the Nazca Lines

1 mes después

Hi, nice to meet you all guys. added to favorites.

2 respuestas

#77 hello!!
It's been a while since we posted something but we've been so busy with work.

I'll try to post something today, I'm sorry.


#77 Hey! Welcome HaSHHH, nice to have you here.


I'm learning English in Japan. Is that a problem?

4 meses después

Hi. Sorry for the necromancy but I didnt find an active english thread. I need to practice english pronunciation before Monday as I have a job interview. I have a good level but I need to do it as best as possible.

Does anybody know of a web, yt video, spotify track or whatever where it says a phrase in english and it stops for a moment so you can say it back?

In yt there are a lot of english pronunciation videos but it is more theoretical and they talk about sounds abd the like.

1 respuesta

#81 Try this

I think this is exactly what u want, but I dunno if this is as practical as you want

I need to pass TOEFL this year for applying to USA masters and I forget everything about grammar, I may need to study English again...

2 1 respuesta

#82 Are you going to study grammar by yourself? How are you going to do it?

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#83 First I will just study from the books, I've got the C1 Cambridge official book, it costs like 40 euro if you are interested, when I feel myself enough prepared in ''theory'', I will look for something like a forum, a webpage or a chat to read and write in English trying to get back the English level I had years ago.

My problem is that I learned english, let's say, ''in street'' so my grammar is terrible and I'm not able to pass a formal exam properly, I just need like 85 points or 90 over 120, so I think it won't be too dificult, I hope it so.

If you know any useful method to practise grammar, just tell me :b


Hi guys, i'm trying to find the best words to translate that famous film-related phrase "la historia que conmocionó a Spielberg/el mundo... ".

I searched in google and got "shocked"/"moved" as a good translation. But I'm pretty sure there is another word, maybe more... meaningful or appropiate.

Thanks! :D

(I don't usually write in english, so I've probably made a lot of mistakes, forgive me :D )


Wow, this thread is a great idea. Hope to be here more often

29 días después

If you are boring enough you may be willing to check my essay and find some grammar mistakes. Well, i said its an essay but in real is an OP-ED so there is no THS and is not written in 3rd person.

however, you may find some grammar mistakes and let me know, sometimes its hard to see some small mistakes from your point of view and you need an extra head.

10 meses después

This thread has been forgotten so soon...

1 año después

In the 500th anniversary of the 1521 Spanish conquest of the Aztecs, López Obrador demands spanish king and Pope apologize to americans native for the crimes that Cortes made. What do you think about that?

1 respuesta

#89 I think the politicians are trying to use nationalism against foreign countries to hide their own bad policies.