Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


I hate definition.


I ain't doing your homework, niggah


I doubt it if you still write "i'll can".

Edit: I really doubt it if you still can't write my name correctly, and you're constantly editing your posts :)


I think this thread could become realy helpful, but we need a topic to talk about. I dont want to see kids trying to pull on his homework as in #360.

Just to suggest... have been somebody living in other countries? Any exotic places? If been one year studying on Budapest, if this topic is ok ill talk about my experience, but ill let the people talk first about themselves.



'I'll can'



I don't care about #360 's homework


Fucking me english


how ya doin ppl!


suck my balls nigga


Legalize It, Kids!!!!


What is this thread about?

Is this ask correct?

If it is, answer it please.


And de main tu libereixion


Oh my god.

The worst pronunciation I've ever heard.


Heyyy, everybody!


#371 Is this question correct?


a l l b t c h e s


Hellou o hell out.


wtf!? what homework? shut the fuck up pls...

I working on it bitchs!!

What is the thread about? some interesting? (is this correct? uhmm i dont know :/)


Today arrived a girl from Sheffield is teaching us for 3 weeks. Any interesting question to make to her?

She's 20. And yes, I want to fuck with her. (·) (·)


Dont worry sir, i'm from the internet


I have to write an essay about the uniform in the school.
I'm going to write now about it, I hope you like it:

Some schools have uniforms like the only one way to wear. For example, if you wear an uniform, the pupils not gonna criticize the way that you get dressed, but all of you gonna go to the class at the same way.

One advantage of this is the no-criticize about the way to wear, and the pupils won't say anything. What's more, isn't necesary to buy clothes overexpensive, you just need one uniform to wear all the week!

On the other hand, one disadvantage could be that you don't like how are the uniform, because you can like or not like.

On balance, I feel that is better don't wear an uniform, because wear a custom clothes are more original!


What about not translating with Google translator?

That's what the teacher will say to you.


when i heard something about uniforms i always remember something like..

I think it isnŽt necessary to express my point of view with this photo xD


#382 +1 to that.

#381 Which course are u on, this year? Because if u are planning to take Selectividad next year, u probably will fail the essay part, and since u can't write propperly, u will fail speaking part too. You have many syntax mistakes right there.


I don't speak americano :(


#384 is there an oral exam in Selectividad now? since when?
When I passed it there was no oral exam and the essay and written exams where really easy.


Next year it starts with the new Exam Type, i dont know if written part is changed but there is now an oral presentation, though i dont know its length i suppose it will take 5mins or so. I guess it won't be a hard task, since Spanish ppl tend to fail at learning languages. (at least this is what i've been told)


brian was a very popular hero of liberation front of Judea aka LFJ maybe he was the son of the Glory father but Herodes order his crucifixion

this is a resume of the life of brian a real history of a man based in the founder of something called hmm catholic i cant remenber, probably will be some franchise of this in your city


pffff that is really stupid, most of the english teachers i've had didn't know enough english to be examining the oral skills of dozens of people in Selectividad. This country is going nuts...

By the way #387 where are you from or why did you write "at least this is what I've been told"? I can tell english is not your mother tongue...


Ya It's more of an education problem from the inside. The way kids are taught nowadays is retarded. A 5 min oral test won't do shit; even extending it to 20 min, it's just wrong, plain simple. I won't even mention how the hell are they going to examine hundreds of ppl extending those oral tests.

I'd rather focus on a more practical (instead of theoretical) aproach to the language. Come on, it's just English and it isn't hard. Get kids to read books, listen to English music or even watch movies, that's the way it should be but still; our politicians can't even speak a word so what the hell.


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