Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.

1 comentario moderado

Im a retard, problem officer?


Yo no entiendo ingles pero bueno, voy a atreverme que quiero aprender y estoy dando el past continious en una academia.

My name is julen, iŽm 20 and my favorite color is white. I like the food and go out with my friend every weekened.

Bye friends ;)

Talk with me fot I learns english.


#390 education and culture i think.

Well, my english is not so good, but at least i can explain myself. I was twice on UK and i understood most of what the people told me and they understood me. But i look at my brother (he is 19), he passed the bachiller and god... he doesn't know a shit of english, is ... aaagh... i've no words :s


#389 with that sentence i meant that the oral part and that stuff is what i had been told by a friend who is going to take Selectividad next year, i probably will have to teach her a lil bit because she left Bachiller a couple of years ago. I didnt mean that i had been told that spanish ppl tend to fail, this is what i think, most of the people i know, are really bad at learning languages.

But as #390 said, it's a problem of how English or any other language is taught in this country (and we could extend it to any subject in any course). They think they gotta make teenagers learn by reading grammar books and such. However, i think that making them translate a song is way more effective than regular teaching methods (but these methods are to be applied in conjunction with amusing methods such as music, Original version movies..etc)

PD: Of course English is not my mother tongue, i'm from Valencia.

#393 I like food and going out with my friend every weekend.
Talk with me so I can learn english.

1 comentario moderado

#396 Perhaps we write in english because we want to learn it. You dont like it? close the door when you exit this thread, thank you.


My dick in your mouth is the best answer in the english lenguage!

answer antipunish

#395 Thanks for the correction, but... Why do you use "so" and not "Talk with me for I learns english"?


Because that sentece simply doesnt make any sense. You can't say "for" as "para" en every case, "for" doesn't translate always as "para". You may need to Rephrase in spanish to get an equal meaning from the sentence in English.
There's another possibility and is "Talk with me to learn English myself", in this case you need to specify who will be the one learning English because "Talk with me to learn English" can be taken as any of both speakers is the one who learns english. And by the way, "I learns" is NEVER EVER possible, that -s is only for 3º person singular personal pronoun (he, she, it).

Seems like i'm a teacher with such explanations i did lol. And with this, im going to sleep, good night.


#399 Why do you use "learns" in the first person?


#401 Because learn is not it "aprender"?


all here are crazy :D


#400 first off, great English! very nearly perfect actually, and I should know, I'm English... 2nd, all 'I' s (as in yo) need capitalising, a lot of English speakers can't be bothered to do this all the time, but it does read better. Thirdly, it's talk to me, you can in some cases use 'with' but it's far, far more common to use 'to'. Finally, you can't say "talk with me to learn English myself", it doesn't make sense. All you can really say is what you've already put: "Talk to me so I can learn English".

If anyone on the forum needs English lessons or help, hey guys, I'm here!

p.s. T_D_S P_T_S is not "all bitches", bitch doesn't have any sexual connotations, it is simply a girl who is annoying, nasty etc. A better translation would be "All whores / sluts / slags (this last one is only British)"


#404, don't want to be ticky, but, when we use "putas" we don't always mean "women who get paid for sex" aka whores, most of the time is just a derogative way of calling them annoying people of female persuasion, aka bitches. So I guess it could go either way, althou I would generally agree that sluts would do for most situations.
Just my 2 cents.


And now, my essay:

In some schools you ought to use an uniform. For example, when you're wearing an uniform, there's no way students can criticize each others by the way they dress, mostly because they all will be wearing the same thing.

Overall, there will be no need to spend money on new clothes. They just need to buy two or three uniforms at the start of the year.
But not everythings are adventajes. Maybe they don't like the design, or they feel that they're being toyed around being told what to wear, it's up to each one personal decision to tell if wearing uniform is a good or a bad thing.

As for me, I think it's better to not wear it. Mostly because wearing normal clothes is the best.

I was trolling us with the googletranslated-essay. xD
(Ya sé que es pequeña, pero me dijeron que debía escribirla de forma BREVE, por ser la primera del curso)


#404 ya I know that "I" must be capitalized, but I ussually dont do that at internet, my fault. To the sentence I gave as an alternative, yes, it sounded weird to me, but i was falling asleep at keyboard, so I suppose I didn't think the sentence twice.
Anyway, I should have a higher level of English since I'm in 3º year of English Studies, but whatever. I'll try to learn more, mostly my speaking skills since I suck at it, when I go abroad with Erasmus scolarship.

4 meses después

Trolling is a art

9 meses después

i like to listen to music
i like to listen music
i like listening music

¿which one would you take?

3 respuestas

Gibraltar and cataluña is spain


#409 I hate music.


#409 I guess the correct sentence is "I like listening to music" because a quick google search told me :3

1 respuesta

#412 you mean:

i like to listen to music 15.500.000 results
i like to listen music 17.400.000 results
i like listening music 13.000.000 results

1 respuesta

I need an English grammar book to learn it. 2012 will be my year!

Any recommendation?

1 respuesta

#409 Both, first and last one are ok, but in my opinion it's more correct to use the present continuous tense.

#414 If you're really interested on learning english, start with using it. Forget about grammar shits. That should come later, just like when you learn your mother tongue.

1 1 respuesta

#415 well my girlfriend's teacher says that the only one correct is the third one. She said "like to + inf" is absolutely incorrect.

¿Should I banhammer she?

And, why then the second one takes so much results in google searching?

She also said that listen to music is not correct.

5 respuestas

yo dawgs sup


#416 I said both are ok 'cause If we assume that you're spanish and you don't know so much of the language, someone who hear you using that phrase will understand you with no problems. It isn't grammatically correct, but I'm pretty sure that there's english speakers who use it, as here we have people who say "cocretas" instead of "croquetas".

Anyway, she's a teacher (and your girlfriend), so don't even bother to question her word.

PD: The second has that number of results 'cause the fucking english it's so important nowadays... and people knows that.

1 respuesta

#413 I would say "I like listening music".

I have just discovered this thread some minutes ago, and it's weird I had not seen it before since it's an old thread of 2009.

I must say that I feel a bit stupid writing in english in mv:)

1 respuesta

#416 The second search has tons of results because there a lot of spaniards searching the correct way to say it.

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