Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#418 my girlfriend is not the teacher xd.

Then the continuous tense for the actions you enjoy doing and the present simple for the actions you think is a good idea.

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I like listening to music, none of the others are grammatically correct, so she is right.

It took me several years to think in this example it that grammar form.


The idea is that you listen the music in a time that extends in the present past of future, but you dont listent to music just for a moment.

At least, that's the idea.

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#416 as far as i know you can use like + to infinite / +ing , the meaning is the same

in my opinion the wrong one is the middle one.


What is going on in here? How could I not see this shitty english thread?

Mother of the lamb... Halflife is crazy!


there is no cow level.


#422 her teachers said that listen to music was incorrect. Listen music she said. If I remember well.

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i've just came from UK, i've been visiting some mates who I knew during my staying there last summer. The weather wasn't too bad how I expected in this month, and some british guys were almost naked and drunk around the street as they used to be every single saturday, nothing new, beer and more beer, that's all

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#427 where have you been?

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#428 In Leeds, i was living there for a few months until september

#430 I don't know many other cities in England but Leeds is quite boring and there is nothing else to do than working or studying, the good thing is that living there is cheap and relaxed. Are you living in UK? where about?

btw i know that my english is rubbish and i commit a lot of grammar mistakes. So guys let me know when i'm wrong. I've just learned watching tv and working.

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#429 ive been there twice, it s such an industrial city xD

#429 Im living in newcastle, by far the worst english accent , full of drunk people, but cosy jaja

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#419 I think that "listening music" is wrong. The verb "listen" needs the preposition.

#433 I guessed it. Thank you :) .

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#429 Did you meet any skinny blue-eyed girl?

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#431 Listening to music is the correct form.

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#432 No british, there is such a big wall between british girls and me, i don't know why. I don't like them and they don't like me (or not the fit ones at least). I've met meanly polish girls, and some international people else.

#436 Why wouldnt you be in my pants? It's not easy to find a british girl attractive for a spanish guy. When they aren't fat, they smell discusting or have teeth like a fucking witch, when not, they haven't good arse, when not, they are throwing up all the alcohol they've drunk. Trust me mate, british girls aren't made for us, xD

If you finally go there, you'll enjoy more meeting with nice polish and east european girls ;)

#441 Yes you are right, thanks

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I've tried to join to many English groups in my life.
But when I write the first sentence.... "grammar police!!!" anyone said me "I don't understand you, are you retard?" or in spanish "Gallego tenías que ser si es que sois tontos con el Inglés". I saw the grammar police profile following me in Facebook....

I am not sure to try it again. I feel I can't improve my English more while I'am living here.

#27 Its better sharedtalk. But I don't understand why south americans want to learn English with me... If I loggin on sharedtalk I search people whose language will be different to mine.


I am sure about "like + V-ing" but..there are verbs pattern which in british is +to+ infinitive but in american is +to+V-ing.

But be careful "would to like to + inf".

I don't know very much about the differents between if +to or -ing. Because americans have another way sometimes.... And you learn the square full of verb patttern informattion but you read a book and you see the two ways, or the way you don't learn. Its very confusing to me.

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Aw ;/ I wouldn't like to be in your pants, even though you've been there and If I go someday, it will be in a few years. If I pick up one of these girls, I'll send you some pics :p

#434 Omfg. That's such a bad "review" of the local flesh xD But well, they are innocent until proven guilty. I'll wait to go there and find out myself.

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#435 Its not bad actually, but yes you can improve, a lot, for instance, its not anyone said me, because you're not making any sense with that. Its everyone tells me.


OMG! It has been a long time without news of this thread.
Well I'm actually going to sleep so I will write a little more tomorrow.

Sweet dreams

PD: Esta bien dicho "It has been"?

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#435 to be honest, i ve met spanish people who have been living in england for more than a year, and you have much better english than some of them, so congratulations, keep improving
#438 si

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It's Rajoy's fault.

All whores.


#435 Your English is quite good, i think you can improve much more if you practise.

#434 I think the correct phrase is "at least", not "at the least".

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How did you learn English? I think that I never could learn it.

I'm so awkward for languages :(

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wow, It's the very first time I see something like this in MV, I didn't even imagine this was possible haha, I'd like to pratice and improve my english so I hope to have a good talk here. I'll add to my favorites and track this thread!

PS: Nice to meet all of you, hope you can tell me my mistakes so I can improve !

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The most likely they just want to go clubbing and drinking.... And always is cool "I am in England" "next stop UK !!!"Although they aren't interested in improve English or they are people very controlated by their parents and in another country enjoy the freedom.

I just have been in one foreing country, Belgium. I can speak a bit of French, but my brother aren't allowed me using my French. He speaked first... "haha we are spanish" "no no señorita, this is my!! my little sister...not my girlfriend ;)" (to the cutes waiters)

He has a very fluent English speach, but seems a dummy. I don't know how explain that.

#443 In other places there are spanish people who decide add each other and speak and write in the Skype.

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#442 In my opinion, if you aren't living in a foreign country, it's very difficult to learn the language from our native country. I mean, is easy to learn enough for short conversations or to understand some phrases, but is not enough to understand the language well.

I think that watching films, series, listening to music is very useful and you can improve. In our diary life we have a lot of chances for keep improving our knoledgements. Keep trying! ;) .

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We are going to learn the difference between "near" and "far".

This is near. That is far. Simple as a pie.

This was my favourite gag back when I was a little boy and used to watch Sesame Street. Now I find it even more funny.

I know this has nothing to do with whatever you were talking about, but a transition between topics is never amiss.

#445 It's common sense.

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#444 could you explain me more about that?, I used to play LOL with some arabian guys and I had a lot of fun, dunno why someday they dissapeared and never saw them again xD

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#442 I did it playing Silkroad online. There was egyptian people in my guild and they taught me the basic things xd. That was at 14 or so. When I left the game I saw that I was able to speak with someone using it, and I started with the music, the books... etc.

Now I need to study the grammar stuff, but I'm such a fleshbag with no sense of learning.

#446 Eh... If you come here It's like if Shasha Grey goes to a tuppersex :_D

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#444 Hey cheer up! french is a great language to insult and flirt with other chicks (though never worked with me xD). You should use it everytime you can, even if its old fashioned, the old good ones never fail :D


Well, I'm surprised to find a post like this! I really like it, it seems quite interesting :) I'm in Manchester actually, studying in an erasmus program. If anyone is interested in talking with a native give a chance to it's a good option to practice your English!

See you bastards :) hope to read news of this post

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