Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


I have a question for you guys
how did you learn english?
games? movies? whatever?

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#751 Mostly games and music (and pr0n), and I've been really impressed of my gradual improving in all this years. I can actually watch shows and videos without subtitles and I feel myself writing better random shit in english than in spanish. Everything sounds great!

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#752 I did almost the same, but I can't watch shows and understand all of them completely. I'm improving my english and I don't use spanish subs anymore, just english, and if I dont understand any word, I stop the video, search for that word and continue. It's a nice way for learning vocabulary.


I wonder if u guys are using google translator to look "good" on this thread.

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#752 I can actually watch shows and videos without subtitles
That is fucking priceless.

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yall a bunch of beginners ugh

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#755 And what is the problem with that?
#756 Oh no, beginners in a thread to PRACTICE english, oh my Goooooooooooooooooood!

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#757 who said that's a problem?

#759 hahaha i totally undertands you, i feel the same in someway. Just arrived to home some minutes ago after a 10 hours workday.

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#758 It sounded kinda rude to me by some reason. I just woke up and I'm still processing the world.

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I speak almost more English than Spanish, have to use it a lot at work. And my boyfriend is German, so since I don't know any German (trying to learn now)... we communicate in english. xD

Problem is, since the majority of my talking is with non-native speakers, I still have some trouble with movies, series etc, sometimes I can't understand and need subtitles. :(

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#760 How do you get love with a german guy? How did you feel love? xd

it's hard to understand movies because they talk very fast ;D

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This is my first year practising english and trying to learn a new language, for me it's very difficult understand movies and tv shows...a lot of accents and expressions but i'm doing some progress! At the begin of the year I couldnŽt have written a text like this without the help of a translator but now... my brain think more faster than ever.

IŽm very happy :)

(Do any can correct my text?)

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#762 For a single year it's a very good level man!
-it's very difficult to* understand
-at the beginning*

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#762 * My brain thinks faster* than ever

*Does anyone can correct my text?

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#756 And I thought this was a friendly thread, looks like we have a new nigger in the hood with all it's "y'all" and it's "ughs"

Learn some fucking english fellah.

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#761 We met at work. He's pretty crazy, totally made me change my mind about "cold stubborn disciplined Germans". It's true they have different behaviour in some situations, but at least the Germans I know are not cold at all. :P


#763 Really this isnŽt my first year but I've finished school 8 years ago and iŽm working without practising anything of english... but in october I have started a course on a language school and IŽm think i'm doing a lot of progress! My level it was horrible!

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#750 Yes, but when you are studying English, it's the same to study a hour before the exam, or five days before the exam. English studies require a continuous preparation, not a big effor just before the exam. If you haven't done anything during the last months, probably you won't pass the exam.

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#768 I wasn't talking about the same thing. I study english everyday, i was talking about studing SQL and Visual Basic, at Sundays itŽs imposible.

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#758 Thank you for defending me, I kinda lol'd with his answer.


I'm going to do the FCE the 10th of March.Someone can tell me if it's difficult?
I'm concerned about my speaking since I can only practice in class.


#754 How could someone "look good" in this threat using a shitty translator? You know, you canŽt trust them. But I'm reading a lot of mistakes here, eh, I have a lot too.


I only writte here because I believe im Cool


i want to break free, i want to break free... oh nooo! i only want to break freee


#762 #764 can anybody correct

quite good text, there are some mistakes, but thats the bigger one , well done mate



missing things in bold, and mistakes in italics
"for me it's very difficult TO understand movies and tv shows"

"my brain thinks more faster than ever." - you are already using the comparative form of 'fast' with 'faster', so you know what to do with that 'more' ;) This mistake is the equivalent of using 'más mejor' in Spanish.

"(Do any can correct my text?)" - As far as 'can' is an auxiliary verb, you don't have to use 'Do'. And the correct order is: Can anybody correct...?


"Really this isnŽt my first year but I've finished school 8 years ago and iŽm working without practising anything of english" - Not in the correct place: This isn't really my first year.

"... but in october I have started a course on a language school and IŽm thinking i'm doing a lot of progress!" - But unles you are thinking the same ALL the time, you'd better use "I think" or "I'm starting to think".

"My level it was horrible!"

By the way, not bad for just one year, you do better than a lot of my classmates and they've being studying for about 7 years xD.

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I think most of us use words that we all know, so we cant learn much.
If you understand what I said, you will agree with me.

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#777 Of course, most of us don't feel confident enough to use all the vocabulary we know, but this is still a good way to correct our syntax and grammar mistakes (for example I don't know if I have used the word 'still' in the correct place). And also to practise and reinforce the things we already know.

I don't know if you would feel confident posting big replies in an English forum, I don't, so I preffer being here ^^

#779 two times the same mistake, it's practising. And, I agree with you ^^

#779 hehe, thanks. This is one good thing about this: I correct you, you correct me, we both learn something xD


#777 It's not only a matter of learning, but of practising as well. When people start to get confidence with the language by practising it, they'll start looking for words and sentences to explain what they want to say in an accurate way. At least that's how it worked for me.

#776 Thanks, edited! Sometimes I mess up with that one since the word "practice" also exists. :P

In your case, it's "I agree with you" :P

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#765 butthurt

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