Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#1619 I think both ways are correct.


#1619 I'm never certain about these things, but in this case I'm pretty sure you're right.
Had he said something like ''Anyway, cleaning my keyboard wasn't so bad'' it would be much more obvious.

My own rule for these things is to think in terms of alternatives. For example, if in doubt (and not being Gandalf, who would trust his nose all the way) I pose the same using some other tense. Mostly, if the meaning is the same as ''de conseguir/de obtener'' which instinctively would be translated to ''of getting/of obtaning'' (which are wrong) you should use ''to get/to obtain''.

In the phrase Keyborito wrote you'd find the translation to be ''Aún así, no fue tan malo limpiar mi teclado'', there's no ''De'' anywhere to be found, thus the continuous tense is the right choice.

I hope this brings new light into this matter =]

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Knock, knock... What did happen here? Ahhh, it's summer time D:

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I'll get in if you don't mind... I was thinking about trying to get the first certificate in a few months.
Has anyone done it?

PS: Does any of you tried any kind of "Rosseta stone" version? Is it worth its price?


#1623 What happened here?

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#1625 His way of saying it is still right =]

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Knock knock who is?
juan two three

i'm practicing my english here hello everybody nice to meet all

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#1619 I always use gerund in that kind of sentences.

Anyway, it wasn't so bad (the fact of) cleaning my keyboard.
Hell's (the fact of) waking up every goddamn day and not even knowing why you're here. (From the movie Sin city)
All these memories represent (the fact of) having a good time.

And so on.


#1622 as far as I know, you can only say "Anyway, cleaning my keyboard wasn't so/that bad" anyway, not any of the other examples he gave. I mean, "cleaning my keyboard" is already a non finite clause with subject as its function, so it does not need any other pronouns such as "it" and the like.

Please correct me if I am wrong


#1627 Is better this way:

Knock, knock, who is?

John two three

PS: hehe


Hey wassap fellas, some motherfuckers are trying to create a motherfucker forum for motherfucker studies.

If you want to became an english fucking master or another shit like that, join us


#1626 Well, happen usually goes without subject because this one is unknown.


I passed my CPE test \o/

How about you, Kartalon? You should check it, the results are already in the website!


Hey there motherfuckers lol, that's the first time I post in this thread although I've been reading it since some time... so, let's talk a bit about myself :D
I'm starting 1º Bachillerato in September and I don't have much problems with English, last year I got a 9 without doing any exercise of homework (lol), but I would like to improve my English, specially oral... I think that English teaching in High Schools fails specially in it, specially because teachers don't speak the language propelly (I have a bilingual friend that says that he doesn't understand anything of what the teacher says because of her accent xD).
So, I see series, films and videos in English dialy (I've tried also with subtitles in English but they pass too fast to me so I miss information very often :/), I also read some stuff in English and sometimes I chat with French friends in English. What else do you recommend me? Many of my friends are going to UK/Ireland to practice English, and I really want to go out of this pandereta country and learn about other cultures, but my parents don't have enough money :/... other friends also receive ¿particular lessons?, but same story, that's too expensive. For last, many friends are going to EOI, but my father forgot to inscribe me in June (fault mine, too).
So definetily what do you recommend me to improve? I know that most of my mates will have adventage over me because of all this, and I know I've to practice this summer. I love English and I don't have any problem with "boring" grammar and vocabulary (I've to improve it too) excercises, so go on, recommend the worst chinese tortures to me if neccesary :D. And by the way, correct me please, I've written it del tirón... sorry for the tocho! :P

EDIT: By the way, I've just noticed that the thread title is bad wrote lol, practise -> practice :P
EDIT2: #1636 aha ok, as I renember I didn't see "practise" before, thanks. Cheer up with your German :)

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#1634 What a tocho-post... xD

First... I have to say... my English level is poor, I dont know much more than some words... how to say... i think i wont upgrade my skills until I could go to practice in Europe... or something.

So, if my mark had been 7-8 in 2º Bach, writting and speaking such a... paleto de pueblo... I guess you wont have any problem :P

And i dont know, I really would like to visit other places... but I havent money, level... xD


#1634 Practise is British and practice is AmE.

By the way, some days ago I registered at EOI. My first time in there, so I hope in a few months I can say it was worth it. But I chose German, lol. I want another 'Official thread to practice German', the four sentences I know so far...

#1634 I think your English is good for a '1º Bachillerato' guy. Try to improve it with series (I always recommend series with english subtitles) or you can try and find a native partner to improve your English. You teach him spanish and he/she teachs you english. In my city some Irish pubs arrange a day for you to go and speak english with a native speaker. Freaking cool, pal!

And remember, in the worse case scenario you'll always have this nice thread for practicing xD.

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#1634 Hey there motherfuckers lol, this is the first time I'm posting in this thread, although I've been reading it for some time... So, let's talk a bit about myself:

I'm starting 1st Bachillerato in September and I don't have much problems with English, last year I got a 9 without doing any (exercise of) homework (lol), but I would like to improve my English, specially orally.
I think that English teaching in High Schools fails specifically in that aspect, specially because teachers don't speak the language properly (I have a bilingual friend that says that he doesn't understand anything (of what) the teacher says because of her accent xD).

So, I watch series, films and videos in English daily (I've tried also with subtitles in English but they pass too fast for me so I miss information very often :/).
I also read some stuff in English and sometimes I chat with French friends in English. What else do you recommend me? Many of my friends are going to UK/Ireland to practise English, and I really want to get out of this pandereta (ridiculous?) country and learn about other cultures, but my parents don't have enough money :/... other friends also receive lessons from private tutors, but same story, that's too expensive. Lastly, many friends are going to EOI, but my father forgot to inscribe me in June (my fault too).

To summarise, do you have any advice to improve with English? I know that most of my classmates will have an adventage over me because of all this, and I know I've got to practice this summer. I love English and I don't have any problem with "boring" grammar and vocabulary (I've got to improve that too) excercises. So please, go on, recommend the worst chinese tortures to me if necessary . And, by the way, correct me please, I've written it on one go. Due apologies regarding the length.

Cursive are suggestions or suggested alternatives. Bold ones are corrections.

You have a great level for your age. However, you do confuse some adverbs (duly known as false friends) and use ''so'' excessively. Practise seems to be all you need. Try to convey your mistakes so you'd be able to correct them by yourself.

Nicely done anyway.

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I've been thinking for a while on that "bad wrote" and it doesnt make any sense to me. I guess "incorrect" would be the right way to say it, since "badly written" still sounds weird to me!

1 1 respuesta

Thank you all for your tips, specially #1637 for the correction :) I think that the definitely push for my English will be to travel, meanwhile I'll continue practicing and begging my parents to get out :D. The worst thing of my English is my oral expression, but watching series and speaking to natives I hope to make my spanish accent understandable :D
#1638 Yep, I had been thinking in some options when I wrote it and as anyone convinced me I picked the "literal" translation. I've just found in the internet "misspelled", that sounds much better than all the other options I thought :D.

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#1639 All you wrote is fine, but I think you must to change your "spanish mind". You can abreviate a lot of sentences you wrote.


Bitches please, contain your mistakes hahaha D:

PS: Badum tsss


Yo guys I won a Los Angele's travel for continue studying but is 1 month only :(. That experience will be so excited, I will share a lot of stuffs/things (?) to my peers, hollywood's actor (not all are know maybe noone xD, i mean, don't know in spain), and yes, i'm studying to be actor since 2009. Already i have a degree so far...(Diplomatura)


I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

How can I say to a skinny girl I'm not interested in her?
Should I get some burguers and make her cry?

I hate to write in this damn retarded smartphone...


One happy meal please.


Hello, could anyone help me with an use of English part 5 exercise?

I hate it when people lie to me which is why I split up with Simon.
I .................. to, which is why I split up with Simon


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I'm from Spain. I need a job, please.

3 1 respuesta

#1645 I can't stand being lied to?

1 1 respuesta

#1647 Yeah that sounds good to me. Kudos for you

PS. Damn part 5, it will make my hair white




I'm looking for a job too. Please contact me on 445845734582348527345'234758'2934'5

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