Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


Right away, sir.

10 días después

There was an dick in your teeth...haehaehaehahe

1 respuesta

#1652 The word is tooth. Nothing.

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#1653 teeth = dientes, tooth = diente


#1653 :palm:


Sorry, guys. The final 'S' that you wrote, and edited after my post, confused me.

So nothing again, to help you to find the right word.


I need to write an email to two people. Should I start saying "Dear Mr. XX and Ms. YY"? Sounds weird to me.

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#1657 It sounds fine to me :) By the way, it's more politically correct to start mentioning the female :)

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It's Mrs. for the female, not just Ms.

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#1659 as far as I know Ms. is used when you don't know if she is married or not.

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Didn't know that. Thanks for the advice


#1658 By the way, it's more politically correct to start mentioning the female.

Good point there. An American native speaker told me once about the fact that including the man before the woman in writing, unlike spanish, it was not a lack of urbanity or education.

But, being honest, I always ignored this remark xD.


Hey guys! my first joke in english:

A horse walks into a bar.
And the bartender says: eyyy, why the long face???

HAAHAHAH did you get it??? long face! because its a horse!!

yep, from family guy xD

1 1 respuesta
13 días después

Hi people!This thread seems to be dead, let's recover it!

#1663 Such a silly joke, haha. Does anyone know some blue jokes in English?

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#1664 blue jokes?

Mmmm lets try... a gatorade bottle !

Yep, I killed the thread, leave him alone, RIP.

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#1665 Blue jokes are in English as the green jokes in Spanish.

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#1664 Why can't gays drive faster than 68mph?
Because at 69 they blow a rod.

(With all my respects 4 gay people)

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#1667 With this joke you kill all your respects for the gay community i guess.

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#1666 blue?? wow xD so weird ahahah

But its not strange, they change everything! When I was 15, I lived the summer in France, listen:
when we try to make laugh a nephew by tickling him, we say: "cuchi cuchi"
french people say: "guili guili"

Dont know why xDDD
If they change a lot of things, why not english people? xD

Ah look, another one i just remembered:
when spanish people say "llueven chuzos de punta", in england you can say: "theyre raining cats and dogs"...
(Chuzos = the weapon used by pirates to assault another ship, tied to a rope).

Mmmm i think youll eyes will cry blood with this text, but forgive me please, i dont speak english since the last time i wrote here xD

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I've never heard of blue jokes. I've always heard of dirty jokes. A new expression for my vocabulary then!


#1669 "Cuchi cuchi" like Currito, the best partrigde on earth?


#1667 Hahaha, I think it isn't very offensive for gay people.

#1669 Haha, "guili, guili"!So curious!
I did'n know what "chuzos" mean in Spanish, I've learned something new today! :D

And don't worry about your English, I think it's quite good. You don't have mistakes :) .

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Hey guys, I've just finished reading my first book (in English, of course). I understood the most of book but I really have to improve my vocabulary.

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#1673 You've just read more books than Sergio Ramos himself. Kudos.


#1672 Hahaha thank you! :D

well... we use "chuzos" in a lot of phrases xDDD
I think its because a pike (i think thats the correct translation, but you know, english people have one word for 3 or more meanings) is a ship tool, so... its easier to know if you live in the coast...

another curious word we say in cadiz:
when we are playing football, and one player throw the ball over a wall or something like that, we usually say: "la has embarcado" xDDD
thats because we have a lot of naval history, and we compare the people who went to the new world with a simple ball xD
I think people from inside the country say "la has colado"

Otherwise, they change also onomatopoeias, in france they dont say "guau guau", they say "woof woof" xDDD

By the way, im starting the next "Ivlas's learning method" level, english films without subtitles.
I understand almost everything but... ufffff its really hard.

-A doubt: when a name finishes in vowel, you put "'s". But using a nick like mine "Ivlas", can you use it? Its very weird xD "ivlas's" ... xD Is it correct?
Thank you very much! :D

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Reading "Sense and Sensibility" (Jane Austen). I watched the movie but always it's said books are better than films, so let's give it a shot. Has anyone read it? Any advice?


I don't know neither the book nor the film but since I've almost finished the book I'm reading, which is "The burning soul" I'm looking for reviews to pick the next one. By the way I'd recommend it to anyone who likes this kind of thriller/fiction books.


  • Hey girls are you from Scotland?
  • It is Wales
  • Hey whales are you from Scotland?

Nothing further than the truth, winter is coming.

2 1 respuesta

#1678 Holy shit, where the fuck on earth do you live in ?

If winter's coming I'd rather grab my balls and cry, because here, everything but winter could be.


Oh my god, nice english bitches.

I wanna learn moar english cuz it sucks.

I'm searching for an academy at my city to go, but i'm really dog and don't wanna leave from my house.

Pd: seguro que tengo mil fallos xDDDD.

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