Bueno, son muchos los que tenemos las nvidia de la gama 200 y atis x2, todos nos quejamos y le echamos la culpa a la gráfica, pero no es la gráfica la que hace ruido sino la fuente de alimentación.
No voy a grabar un video y colgarlo en youtube para enseñar como mi fuente chilla como puta porque ya hay muchos, es una corsair hx620W, me la recomendaron por ser buena, pero resulta que es una mierda.
Esta demostrado que todas las fuentes corsair son una mierda para estar con las gtxs, hacen TODAS ruido con las atis x2 y las nvidias gtx2xx, un video de youtube que he puesto en otro hilo con la hx500W
Hay gente que tiene la Mushkin 800W y sus gtx2xx no les hace ruido.
En todos lados leo, que el ruido es debido a que los ensambladores no usan digital PWM, y lo usan analógico para ahorrar costes.
"if they will use a digital PWM then im 100% sure that there wont be ANY noise at all."
Lo triste del tema es que hay una gran mayoria con fuentes de gran voltaje que estan sin ruido, tengo la duda de si mienten para que nos gastemos un dineral en una fuente gorda...
Hay alguien que tenga una fuente que no haga ruido debido a su nvidia o ati?
Ya leo en foros de hard de habla inglesa de combos sin ''squeal/whine''(ruido electrico), en los cuales la gente prueba las fuentes, con algunas hace ruido y con otras no.
Alguien tiene alguna gtx o ati que no provoque ruido electrico? que fuente usa?
Voy a informarme mas de este problema, porque es de verdad un ruido toca pelotas.
Aqui posibles soluciones, de las cuales solo he probado la del vsync, la cual solo reduce el ruido a la mitad.
-Change your PC power cable and/or use a surge protector. The issue is apparently made worse by "dirty" power, so at the very least be sure you're plugging your PC into a decent surge protector or UPS, and if your power cable is old, replace it.
-Enable VSync to prevent framerate spikes, as it seems that this issue can occur/be made worse by very high framerates, such as when in in-game menus and intro screens. Note that if you do enable VSync, you should also enable Triple Buffering to prevent a drop in performance.
-Check your PSU. In some cases this issue can be caused by underpowered, struggling or faulty PSUs. Use the PSU Calculator under the Power Supply section to calculate your wattage requirements, and if it's very close to the rated wattage of your PSU, you should consider a PSU upgrade. Also make sure your PSU is not very old and/or clogged with dust. In many cases however even brand new high-quality high-wattage PSUs have this issue, as demonstrated in this YouTube video where a Zalman 1000W PSU exhibits the same issue for example. Switching the PSU to another unit may resolve the problem simply because of a change in the current provided on the 12V rails for example, or some other change in the design of the PSU. Still, this is obviously an expensive step with no guarantees.
-If the sound is annoying and loud enough, return the card under warranty if possible. Some manufacturers may try to refuse a warranty claim and suggest that this noise is normal. It may be a common phenomenon due to cheap components or poor design, but it's most definitely not normal for a graphics card to squeal in this way, especially if it's loud, and should not be acceptable. Remember however that even if you successfully RMA the card, you may get a replacement card which has the exact same issue, as I did with the second Palit card. You may have to switch brands if at all possible.
-If it's out of warranty and/or you're the adventurous type, you can try the solution covered in this article I linked to earlier, namely to completely cover and flood the noisy components with clear nail polish, hot glue or some other appropriate non-conductive resin. This prevents the coils and other power regulating components from being subject to the high-frequency vibrations which cause the noise. This is not recommended unless you know what you're doing, and feel comfortable disassembling and reassembling the card. Doing this will also instantly void your warranty.
A ver si alguien consigue quitarse el puto ruido. Voy pedirle prestada a un amigo una fuente de 1000W para probar. Estoy leyendo en muchos foros que la Mushkin 800W PSU no hace ruido con las gtxs o atis, lastima que no conozca a nadie que la tenga para probarla...
Estara mi fuente mal? muchos guiris dicen que es la fuente...
"I have gone through many cards (4850, 4870, 8800GTS, 2x GTX 280's) and the whole lot squealed during games etc. I underwent some research on the internet and found that faulty PSU's cause GPU's to create this squealing noise. I was overwhelmed by this news as I had been using the same PSU to run the cards (HX 620). I RMA'd the PSU and when I installed the RMA replacement, the squealing noise ceased to exist."
Cambian la fuente y el ruido eléctrico desaparece.
Una cosa que he notado es que con los drivers de nvidia 181.22 me hace menos ruido, con los nuevos, los 182.08 aumenta...
No se como los sinvergüenzas de ati y nvidia pueden vender productos con ruidos mas molestos que los de un ventilador...