Nuestros coleguis de Digital Foundry han sacado un video mostrando qué diez mejoras en juegos actuales y que vienen en camino se podrían realizar en caso de que se termine confirmando la salida de PS4 Neo.
Para los que no puedan o no les apetezca ver el video, un tipo en gaf ha hecho un breve resumen:
FFXV - Locked and stable frame rate (he mentions the engine isn't really that solid as it is -- I'd also personally like to see IQ improvements).
Witcher 3 - Improved frame rate in areas that are GPU bound (Crookback bog), improved frame rate in Novigrad, and improved texture quality, draw distances on foliage and water simulation.
GTA V - Improved object LOD's, higher precision shadows, and increased grass density.
Uncharted 4 - 30 ---> 60fps for SP and 900p ---> 1080p for MP.
Black Ops III (+ Killzone Shadowfall) - Locked 1080p 60fps for SP and MP.
MGSV Phantom Pain - Improved draw distance for lights, trees and terrain and 16x AF.
Driveclub - 30fps ---> 60fps (I'd also personally like improved AF and AA) .
Star Wars Battlefront - 900p ---> 1080p resolution.
Bloodborne (+ Dark Souls III) - 30fps ---> 60fps and getting rid of the frame pacing issues (it's not as radical as it sounds -- see video).
Until Dawn - Locked 30fps frame rate.