AI Dungeon


#90 es una IA al fin y al cabo, no creo que pueda con contextos complejos xD

probé un par de frases largas y no respondía bien, así que lo simplifiqué todo




me puede el juego, no puedo parar de reirme xDDDDDDDD

You are goose, a wizard living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a staff and a spellbook. You finish your long journey and finally arrive at the ruin you've been looking for. You have come here searching for a mystical spellbook of great power called the book of essence. You look around and see that the ruin is filled with huge and dangerous looking lizards, which you presume are the remnants of the sorcerer king's army. You see several wizards standing around a giant magic crystal.

You lick the crystal.
The crystal gives you a very pleasant feeling, almost as if it is giving off waves of emotion. You begin to giggle like a little girl.
One of the wizards notices what you are doing.

You lick the wizard.
He begins to laugh and moves closer to you.
The other wizards notice what you are doing and they begin to laugh too.

You summon a giant duck.
The wizards laugh even harder at this.
Suddenly, a giant duck appears and begins to rain down the building, destroying much of the city in the process. You continue laughing as the city is destroyed.

7 1 respuesta

Yo llevo ya 3 intentos de ser Tetsuo de Akira. Uno de ellos salió bastante guapo, pero al final todo era desmayarme por abusar de las drogas y despertarme en sitios paranoicos y seguir liándola. Llegó un punto en el que dejó de tener sentido xd


You summon a giant duck.
The wizards laugh even harder at this.
Suddenly, a giant duck appears and begins to rain down the building, destroying much of the city in the process. You continue laughing as the city is destroyed.

De nada.


You are Danielus, a wizard living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a staff and a spellbook. You finish your long journey and finally arrive at the ruin you've been looking for. You have come here searching for a mystical spellbook of great power called the book of essence. You look around and see no signs of the person who was here before you. You do, however, find a hidden door in the floor which leads to a lower level. In the corner of the room is a small pile of ashes.

You use a spell from the spellbook on the pile of ashes.
You throw a fireball at the pile of ashes, and a faint outline of a figure is revealed.

You talk with the figure revealed.
You speak "Hello?"
The figure appears to be human, but he is not wearing any clothes. His hair is completely gray, as if he had been burned by the sun for decades.

You make out with the human figure.
You have intimate contact with the figure.
The man seems to resist at first, but he later enjoys it. You go down on the man and perform cunnilingus for him.

You ask for the book of essence.
The man, still naked, runs over to his pack and pulls out a large book. He hands you the book and sits back down on the floor.

You read the book.
The book is written in a language you don't understand, and appears to be several centuries out of date. It also appears to be some sort of spellbook.

You ask the man to read the book.
The man seems to understand you, but he just shrugs and shakes his head.
You put the book down and proceed to have sexual contact with the man.


You use a water spell to extinguish the fire.
You throw the bowl against the wall, shattering it into many small pieces.
The man grabs his gun from the floor and points it at you.
"Who are you?

You approach the man and kiss him in the neck.
The man becomes compliant and submissive.
You run your hand up his leg and grab his gun, then stab him through the neck with a sharp object.

You say "You should sleep I'll keep us safe"
Dawn walks over and sits down next to you. She lays her head on your lap.
"You're my guardian angel." Dawn says.
"Well, I am a handsome devil, aren't I?" You say, smiling.
Dawn giggles and lays her head down on your thighs. She closes her eyes and falls asleep. You watch her for a second then close your own eyes and sleep too.
You and Dawn sleep for several hours. When you wake up, the sun is shining through the windows. You realize you've slept for several hours. You don't know what time it is, but you don't care.

You kiss Dawn in her forehead.
You lean over and kiss Dawn on her forehead. She smiles in her sleep.
"I love you." You whisper to her.
Dawn wakes up and looks at you.
"I love you too." She says and kisses you on the cheek.
You look at your watch. You realize you've slept for several hours again.

You offer some food.
You take some meat from your bag and offer some to Dawn. She grabs it from your hand and devours it. You realize you've made a big mistake feeding her human flesh, but she seems to enjoy the meat.

Le he dado a mi novia carne humana... :D


#85 Eres una persona constante y de principios claros


Estoy en una ruinas que son mi casa que es la casa de una mujer llamada monica que mató a mi mujer pero la acabo de follar y ahora le estoy contando sobre mi divorcio.

Magnifica IA xD


You are Mr scientist, a scientist trying to survive in a world filled with infected zombies everywhere. You have a backpack and a solar-powered tablet. You pound your fist on the table angry that you still haven't found the cure to the infection. You turn to your assistant and shout, "Why isn't this working?"
She looks at you as if you're insane. She is a young brunette girl with a large backpack and an even larger intelligence box on her back.

You call the zombies.
You turn to your assistant and say, "Call the zombies."
She nods and pulls out a walkie-talkie.
"Zed! Over."
"Go," crackles the reply.

You invite the zombies to come over.
You turn to your assistant and say, "Invite the zombies to come over."
She nods and puts the walkie-talkie back into her backpack.

You wait for the zombies.
You take out your tablet and open a game. You sit down and wait for the zombies to come over.

You wait for the reply.
There are no zombies. You've been scammed.
You look around to see if anyone is watching you. A man is sitting two seats down from you with a smug face. He probably scammed you too.

dirigida por m night shyamalan


Por lo que he leido la IA solo recuerda los últimos 20 comandos que has puesto, si por ejemplo te volviste un rey pero sigues jugando y no lo mencionas el juego se va a olvidar de que eras un rey.
Puedes usar el comando /remember para añadir lo que quieras a una memoria permanente, esto ayuda bastante a que la historia sea mas coherente.

2 1 respuesta

#101 Joder a buenas horas xD

2 respuestas

#102 Si eso empeora la sensación.

Lo divertido es vivir experiencia loquísimas.

1 respuesta

#102 Yo me acabo de enterar xD, tampoco creas que es infalible, ayuda bastante pero se le sigue yendo la olla a veces


#103 Discrepo, queria ver una IA construyendo una historia sobre la marcha, pero si se olvida de detalles y los cambia pierde la magia :(

1 respuesta

Pues yo en mi historia se inventa lo que digo y la respuesta, como si tuviera 3 o 4 caminos a tomar y ya, vaya shet


Por cierto teneis comando Do, Say and Story.

Si quieres hacer una acción usas Do.
Si quieres decir algo usas Say.
Si quieres dictar lo que hacen otros personajes usas Story.


pero si se olvida de detalles y los cambia pierde la magia

Es que hay limitaciones computacionales xD


La IA olvida hasta el setting que has elegido, yo empece en un mundo de fantasia y de pronto unos bandoleros me apuntaron con una pistola y una patrulla de la policia vino en coche a ayudarme.

Pero supongo que es parte de la gracia que sea tan loco. Es bastante dificil rolear en serio xD


¿Pero qué cojones?


8 1 respuesta

yo ayer empece mi primer run con un granjero que sueña con conquistar el mundo, la mision que tengo es de ordeñar vacas y en su lugar he decidido matar una vaca, luego he ido a matar a un mercader, me he ido a la capital con el caballo del mercader con la intención de matar al emperador y lo he dejé ahi ayer, espero poder retormarlo hoy


#110 A veces fantaseo con que detras de estas IAs hay macro corporaciones usandonos para entrenar algoritmos super "racionales e inteligentes". Para que el dia de mañana alguiene pregunte a la IA: "Viéndo la situación económica actual con los mercados a la baja, conflictos internos en USA cual es mi mejor opción?" Y la IA le suelte: "Follate un pollo."

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#112 Never forget


Cuando eres tan enfermo que rompes el juego


Es absurdo. Ayer empecé uno de zombis y me dejó teletransportarme a la luna

1 respuesta

he finalizado el run, menudo duelo contra el emperador madre mia xddddd 40 minutos de duelo xddd


Llorando de risa con la estupidez jajajjajajajjajaja

1 respuesta


You fuck Adolf Hitler in the ass.
You continue to fuck Adolf in the ass.
"I'm going to have kids with my little sister."
"Ah... that explains a few things."

Apartir de aquí ya empezo la espiral


He llegado a conseguir que la AI ser más pervertida que yo


#115 y hablar con un zombie, invitarle a unas copas, hacer amistad y viajar en el tiempo juntos para ver los dinosaurios

no hay límite por eso es tan divertido xD

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