Anunciados Valkyria: Azure Revolution y Valkyria Chronicles Remaster


Con combate coñazo de JRPG
Con diseños horrendos y genéricos en vez de los army outfits que tanto molan

No aprenden de lo que pasó con el 2?



¿No se supone que las secuelas eran algo tostón?

Que alguien que las haya tocado me ilustre.

1 respuesta

Me he comido un fakebump np


Han actualizado el artículo de Gematsu con una traducción de la entrevista. Parece más un spin-off que VC 4:

1. How work on a new Valkyria game began...

- Ozawa: “We wanted to do something new using Valkyria, and one of the things we’re putting in is a real-time system. Initially, we were considering real-time strategy, but we went with an RPG because we think that’s what more users will want to play.”

2. This game’s connection to Valkyria Chronicles...

- Ozawa: “This time, we switched to an RPG. The concept of the battle system and the sensation of the battlefield are the same, but because it’s an RPG with simulation elements, you can experience the battlefield through a different perspective.”

3. Regarding the flow of the game...

- Ozawa: “You get the feeling that you’re taking territory from a major power and expanding your scope. You’ll prepare at the base, go out to the field, achieve your objectives, and return to base. It’s similar to an RPG where you go into dungeons.”

4. Regarding the world...

- Ozawa: “It’s completely different (from Valkyria Chronicles). This time, the key item known as Ragnite is not just used as an energy resource, but also has magical aspects. Valkyria are supernatural compared to humans, beings considered close to gods.”

  • Shimosato: “I want them to become known as the Senjou series and Kakumei series.” (Note: This means the “Battlefield” series and “Revolution” series. In Japan, Valkyria Chronicles is called “Senjou no Valkyria,” or “Valkyria of the Battlefield,” while this new title is called “Aoki Kakumei no Valkyria,” or “Valkyria of the Azure Revolution.”)

5. Regarding combat...

- Ozawa: “There are symbol encounters, but symbols are shown as a unit, and you can interact with a symbol before the encounter. You can snipe an enemy symbol, use a smokescreen to disable it, or shoot at it with a rifle to lure the enemy. Sniping is powerful, but on the battlefield it functions like an usable item so there are limits how often it can be used.

“Battles are conducted by setting commands to buttons. They’re action-ish battles. It takes on the familiar form of recent RPGs. The maximum amount of party members is five. You control one of them, and the rest move based on a set thought process.”

  • Shimosato: “As there are beings that transform into tanks, there are also weapons that imitate living things.”

6. A message for fans...

- Shimosato: “We can’t announce it yet, but we’re commissioning music from a famous name.”

  • Ozawa: “There are parts similar to Valkyria Chronicles, but because it’s largely different on the surface in a good way, we want you to enjoy this game with flat eyes as a new series.”



compro 100%, si hasta me gusto el de PSP--


Por que revivir Valkyria Chronicles si te cargas lo que hace diferente al juego?



Sea como sea caerá, of course.


Dude han pasado de gente normal como Weiss a soldados normales como Kurt, y ahora Edgelord XxXKiritoXxX



lmao lo han convertido en atelier valkyria

Mel kishida pls


lo peor de valkyria chronicles es que pertenece a sega...


Featuring Nero from devil may cry


Yo tengo el Valkyria Chronicles pero lo empecé un poquillo y no acabo de hacerme. Me estoy perdiendo mucho? Debería darle otra oportunidad y avanzar mas?



Vendido el nuevo por el artstyle, looks fucking awesome


Valkyria se ha convertido en Atelier

Jesús, yo quiero un Atelier así


Habemus trailer


El diseño de lo que parecen los protas esta como fuera de lugar, es como que no pertenece al mundo del resto del trailer, pero bueno el juego parece bonito en general y habra que ver como es el resto de cosas que van sacando.


God Eater Chronicles

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