Yo hubiera preferido que fuese otra misión, pues la de la demo ya la tengo más que vista de los videos, pero bueno, servirá solamente para ver que tal corre el juego en nuestras máquinas :s en cuanto a una posterior demo, yo sinceramente lo descarto, 402 dice que el juego será la rehostia, pero también dijo que los usuarios de pc no nos quedaríamos con las manos vacias cuando hubo la beta mp de xbox360. Lo que no entiendo es que dice que el juego contendrá muchas cosas gracias al feedback de la comunidad, pero no nos dice el que:
There's not going to be a PC specific Community Relations Manager because it's not needed. There are very few things that 'platform' exclusive and when we communicate things in the game it's about ALL platforms.
For those of you who keep saying you get 'no PC news', you are acting as if when we talk about the game, we're talking solely about the Xbox 360 version, which is not true. When I post in the general sections of the forums about the game it pertains to ALL platforms. If you break it down, there are plenty more PC specific things than there are console specific. Everything in the console version of the game is in the PC version of the game..... not saying any unfair treatment yet, add onto to that the PC specific features added to the game:
Anti-cheat Out of Box
HTTP Redirect
Auto Updater built-in for easy patch download
Built-in Mod Support
- speaking of which, to address Garetjax's point, includes limiters for weapons, perks, hud elements, attachments, etc. Plus a lot more I will break down in more detail before launch.
There's more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head as I'm writing this from home. The point is, those are just the ones off the top of my head, and I'd be hard pressed to come up with a list of similar CONSOLE specific additional features that we're put into the game which weren't put into all platforms.
If that doesn't make it obvious how much extra work went into the PC version specifically thanks to community involvement, I don't know what does. The problem is, you guys seem act as if when we talk about the game, we're somehow not talking about the PC version, when we are. When we do announce PC specific stuff it's met with the mentality of 'that's great.... but what else!!'. Really disheartening.
Show me a list of Console specific features that the PC doesn't have? You'll be hard pressed. Now let's cut out the mud slinging and pretending like the console fans get it all, it's getting pretty ridiculous guys.
You have an amazing single player and multiplayer PC game hitting November 5th, I know this will all be a waste of breath once you try out the game for yourselves and see exactly what I'm talking about, but it seemed like you guys needed to eye opening.
To make it more clear, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT! There has been poop loads of focus on the PC version and lots of PC specific features added thanks to your feedback whether you realize it now or not.