#7654 Las patadas en este juego hacen DAÑO a la estamina y no siempre rompen una guardia. Depende de la estamina del enemigo en ese momento. Por cierto algunos tips sacados de reddit
Use Strike damage type weapons for higher stamina damage to shields. E.g. Hammers, maces, etc.
Use weapon skill stance attacks that say they "break a foe's guard" for more stamina damage on hits, such as the Longsword or Claymore, etc.
Use weapons with shield-piercing attacks such as Great Scythe, Arstor's Spear, Lucerne, Shotel, etc.
Use either Handmaid's Dagger or Corvian Greatknife shield-avoiding attacks.
Use shield-avoiding attacks with Whips in general, but specifically the Notched Whip with its stamina debuff.
Use Carthus Rouge (Bleed Resin) with a bleed weapon.
Use Horsehoof Ring for better stamina damage on your kick.
Use Knight Slayer's Ring for increased stamina damage to blocking enemies, though this does not seem to add very much.
Bait the greatshield turtle into an attack and then parry it or counterattack.
Tengo que mirar eso de las scythes, lucerne, shotel ect parece que pasan los shields.