Dark Souls III #HO | Después de DkS2 solo quedan brasas


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#9540 sin vibracion me sigue pasando lo acabo de comprobar, es mi mando esta maldito .


Dos nuevas localizaciones y contraseña por equipos para la arena.


Voy a rejugarlo y estoy pensando en ir con milagros. ¿Qué tal están? Alguna build de clérigo y que stats subir. Thanks

2 respuestas

una pregunta sobre la piedra de dragon centelleante, en spoilers por si acaso


Gracias y saludos

2 respuestas



#9543 con el equipo adecuado y con 40 en fe metes unos buenos rayitos ^^
#9544 eso es solo por que es la unica manera de quitartela,seguira en el inventario despues de la muerte.


#9543 Solo es factible si quieres sentirte como un ser impotente con campanita

1 respuesta


Estoy siendo invocado a tu mundo


Donde se hace el pvp ahora y a que nivel?


No ha cambiado mucho el meta, quizas haya mas gente a 140 que hacen a los casters algo mas viable, pero el resto sigue igual, pontifice y arena

1 respuesta

#9550 donde es la arena que ando mas perdido q la leche muchos meses sin tocarlo


Matas al


y quemas lo que te den en la hoguera del inicio


Mañana notas del parche omgomgomgomg veamos que engendros crean


Dark Souls Cosplay by Chad Marsh


Ashens Ones,

In anticipation for the release of The Ringed City, a big patch will be deployed on March 24th. It will bring bug fixing and balancing.

I'm currently not able to confirm this will allow to preload the content of the DLC, but this question will be answered shortly.

The patch will be deployed on the 24th at:

JST - 18.00
CET - 15.00
PST - 7pm 

The server will be on maintenance on the 24th during:

JST - 17.00 to 19.00
CET - 09.00 to 11.00
PST - 1am to 3am


Made system updates for The Ringed City.
Increased frame rate for gameplay on PlayStation®4 Pro.
2 New maps added to Undead Match, Dragon Ruins and Grand Roof.
Added function to Undead Match where, if password matching is used, players can split into teams.
Added function to Undead Match that allows one team of players to match with one password, and the other team to match with another password.
Added function where various hosts could be displayed on the bonfire warp menu.
Added warning text that advised player if he/she has dropped too many items in a single location on the field.
Fixed issue where the loading screen was displayed for longer than usual when the guest returned to his/her own world after an online multiplayer session.
Fixed issue in "The Painted World of Ariandel" where the opened/closed status of the door to the Cleansing Chapel did not synched properly during online multiplayer session.
Fixed issue where a guest could enter alone into the boss room for the Dancer of the Boreal Valley during online multiplayer session.
Fixed issue where the level sync feature in Undead Match did not synched consistently during online multiplayer session.
Fixed issue in the loading screen where guests were not alerted to an error that occurred on the host's side during online multiplayer session.
Fixed issue when player using the miracle Tears of Denial doesn’t get attacked during online multiplayer session.
Fixed issue where weapons and items sent to the box get corrupted when inventory is full.
Fixed icons that specify which certain items are for which gender. (ex. Chain Armor).
Improved attack power for Daggers. In accordance with this fix, critical hit is decreased in order to make critical power the same as present.
Improved motion of normal attack for Ultra Greatswords, Great Hammers and Curved Great Swords.
Decreased stamina depletion when attacking using Ultra Greatswords, Great Hammers, and Greataxes.
Improved attack power for Curved Greatswords.
Decreased motion of normal attack while dashing for Katanas. Improved motion of any other normal attacks.
Improved motion of shield bash skill. In accordance with this fix, stamina consumption has been reduced.
Improved motion of Dagger's Blind Spot skill.
Increased rate at which Frostbite builds up when using Vordt's Great Hammer, Irithyll Straight Sword, and Friede's Great Scythe.
Shortened attack window of Carthus Curved Sword and Dark Sword, Gargoyle Flame Spear and Follower Sabre.
Improved motion of Crescent Moon Sword's skill, Crescent Blade.
Improved the motion of Moonlight Greatswords’s skill, Moonlight Vortex.
Improved FP recovery effect of Executioner's Greatsword.
Fixed so that Frost Blade appears from the beginning of Pontiff Knight Curved Sword skill.
Improved FP decrease effect of Yorshka’s Spear skill, Pacify.
Improved motion and the frost effect of Pontiff Knight Great Scythe skill.
Improved motion of normal attack for Greatlance.
Fixed so that poise is applied during Greatlance two-handed attack. 
Fixed so that poise is applied during Dark Hand skill, Lifedrain.
Disabled parry during Pickaxe's two-handed attack.
Improved duration of the Perseverance effect.
Fixed issue where attack power of some bolts was different from the assumed value when using Avelyn.
Fixed issue where one-handed attack motion of Crow Talons was the incorrectly using the animation for the Fists.
Fixed issue where player can apply enchantment of Bloodlust to other weapons.
Fixed so that poise is applied during Spin Sweep attack.
Fixed issue where Onislayer continued to attack consecutively.
Improved correction value for Sharp or Heavy weapons' upgrade.
Improved the Bleed build-up of Blood infusions. Reduced Bleed build-up of weapons not infused with Blood.
Improved the Poison build-up of Poison infusions.
Along with improving correction value for Sharp or Heavy weapons' upgrade, adjusted correction value for Refined weapons' upgrade.
Improved defense and also reduced weight for heavy armor.
Improved the motion of Lightning Stake, Lightning Storm and Way of White Corona.
Extended the time you can move during the casting of the miracles of Gnaw, Dorhys' Gnawing and Wrath of the Gods
Fixed issue where bonus value is not affected by Dark Damage when equipping Hornet Ring during critical attack.
Increased the damage of Poison and Toxic dealt by players, and shortened its duration.
Decreased rate at which bleed builds up when using Carthus Rouge.

Señores, ha ocurrido lo imposible. Despues de tres juegos, en este parche han añadido...

Con esto se puede cerrar la saga ya

2 2 respuestas

No lo vas a usar


#9557 Llamame loco, ignorante, lo que sea, pero no sé que estás mostrando

1 2 respuestas

#9559 El pelo en el casco.

1 respuesta

#9560 Ah coño, no sabia que la armor no tenia el pelo


#9557 Han bajado la calidad gráfica del juego?

2 respuestas

Han bajado la calidad gráfica del juego?

Para nada. Es mas, si quieres que se vea aun mejor, tienes un monton de presets para usar con SweetFX o ReShade.


Alguno sabe que significan el icono que sale a la derecha de los nombres? Supongo que sera el tema de gente que hay activa en esa zona, pero no estoy seguro.

1 respuesta

#9564 EDIT: He encontrado esto "it shows that there's available hosts there if you want to be summoned"


#9559 El penacho, por lo visto despues de tanta peticion lo han añadido a la armadura
#9562 La screen no es mia, no sabria decirte pero diria que todo sigue en la linea de lo anterior


Pregunta: Si me he pasado el juego con una build de destreza, al hacer NG, puedo hacer una build de mago y tener la destreza por si la necesito en algun boss. O directamente si no sigo subiendo la destreza en NG no puedo avanzar porque como en NG aumenta la dificultad y tal.

1 respuesta

#9568 La destreza no te va a dar mucho más daño a partir de 50 puntos, y muy poco aumenta de 40 a 50. Lo recomendable en NG+ es llevar mínimo dos stats al 40 y hacer daño con dos stats a la vez, ya sea quality con 40 destreza y fuerza o destreza e inteligencia para buffar el arma o un arma que escale bien con esos dos stats como la guadaña de Friede.


Creo que ninguna saga consigue hacerme disfrutar su contenido nuevo como esta,y en pocas horas tendremos el ultimo trocito de obra maestra que nos brinda From.

Gracias Dark Souls.