Detalles de Project A, el FPS de Riot



  • CS con clases y habilidades que hay que comprar y que no son tan poderosas como en Overwatch o Apex Legends.



Vamos un Paladins, no sé para que tanto lío con las descripciones, economías e historias xD

De los projectos de Rito es el que mas espero

1 2 respuestas

#2 yo el manager, lo espero con ansiassss


Mucha explicación para decir lo que ya sabíamos, que es una mezcla entre Overwatch y Paladins

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Bueno, a ver cómo evoluciona. A mi me llama la atención al ser un shooter pero lo que se mostró en Octubre no me gustó del todo. A ver


Tengo muchas dudas aún con eso de las habilidades pero bueno, habrá que esperar a ver como evoluciona


Vamos que va a ser un CS en el que en lugar de comprar utilidad (humos,flash) se compran habilidades


#2 #4 pues por lo visto debería haberlo explicado todavía más, porque anda que extraer de ahí que es como Paladins...

4 2 respuestas

#8 No se, si tiene habilidades, no es un DoD precisamente

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a mi esto me hypea

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#10 yo cuando esta tan verde todo , me suena mas a voy a montarme en el barco de la empresa que llevara todo lo que es eventos tier S en esports


#8 Dice quebson PJs con "habilidades" que se compran, en Paladins se compran buffos cada ronda antes de compraban cartas que eran mejoras de habilidades.

Pero bueno, habrá que esperar a alguna informacion mas objetiva que alguien diciendo que es el mejor juego que ha jugado desde cs go

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#9 #12 a ver si así:

  • Project A is essentially a
    • round based
    • 5on5
    • tactical shooter
    • most similar to CS:GO
      • varied hitscan weapons that had their own unique spray patterns
      • Generally speaking a 1 bullet headshot with one of the primary rifle(s) [with any class/hero wielding it] will do enough damage to take down an opponent.
      • All classes have access to the same generic weaponry via an economy CS:GO fans wouldn't find too difficult to adjust to
    • with the better (and slightly diluted) elements of class/hero based FPS games
      • these aforementioned classes and their own unique 'abilities' should be seen as tactical utility instead of potentially overpowered spell/ultimate combinations that other class-based games suffer from.
  • The game mode we had access to was
    • MR12
    • DE/SnD
    • with a A & B bombsite
    • with an attack/defence swap at half time
      and best method(s) of approach for your situation or
    • One of the most exciting elements of the game to me was the map design. They have been beautifully created and follow Counter-strikesque familiar lanes and choke points.

Yo tengo hype por que salga ya y probarlo


Yo quiero que triunfe para que Valve se ponga las pilas


¿Que es un tactical shooter para estos señores?

Porque veo un batiburrillo de ideas


A ver por todo lo que se esta diciendo por twitter esto si es un competidor, pero ya el tema esports y demás... pues no les queda...
Lo que me resulta curioso es que todos coinciden en que a los que venimos del cs nos debería encantar. Esto se arregla con una actualización esta noche de llaveritos para apaciguar el hype


Que ganas de probarlo joder, ojalá salga para verano.


Muchas ganas. El 2-3 de Marzo van a soltar mucha info y gameplays. Los graficis mostrados son mejorables, pero imagino que los puliran.


yo no me fiaría mucho del hype creado por un montón de influencers pagaos por rito

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Me recuerda al modo warcraft del cs 1.5 una barbaridad

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#21 que viciadas de pequeño q me pegaba a ese mod


Pues no se parecerá al paladins, pero yo me he instalado el paladins para ir practicando, espero esta mierda con ganas


#21 Ojalá, en el csgo lo poco que he visto es una basura y además en ruso/polaco y con mil razas de mierda, joder como molaba campear las bombas con el humano level 10 onoarena style

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Que puta maravilla ese modo de juego jajaja ,habrá alguno en el cs o csgo?


#24 Brutal eso, yo recuerdo jugar cuando los servers aun se llamaban mentaarena. Y encima daba la casualidad que tenia el internet contratado con ellos osea que jugaba a 6-8 de ping. Una puta maravilla, que recuerdos.


en cs wc3 undead la mejor raza siiiiiiiiiiiuuu


nookyyy (german streamer, ex Pro-Player (mouz, mTw), Caster) got invited to play test and answered questions in his stream a few hours ago, ofc avoiding too detailed questions/answers, but there's still a lot of good information so I translated it to post it here.

Played 3-4 days, 6 hours (I assume per day)

Abilites are more like a tactical bonus during the rounds and they aren't available permanently. You need to buy them before the round. So if you have no money then you won't have those abilities or you pass on other things.

The abilities' nature isn't that you eliminate a player just like that, they're of a tactical nature to take key points of the map or defend, etc.


shows Shuriken ability from trailer This for example is an Ultimate ability from one of the characters. You use it maybe 2-3 times in a match. You don't have it permanently. It's not as if your game consists of it.

To utilize an Ultimate in a way that it gifts you the round is ultra difficult. The Ultimate doesn't straight up say that you've won the round.

Obviously Ultimates are stronger than normal abilities, but not to the point of BAM everyone's dead. And other abilities like this ball shows cyclone ability are comparable to smokes in CSGO.

Hardware requirements

No idea. The PC's weren't Uber machines. RTX was definitely in it, I think 2060 or 2070 and it was very very smooth. Checked my FPS occasionally and I always had 200+. Resolution was WQHD (1440p) or Full HD (1080p), not sure right now. No frame drops or lags.


Depending on weapon and wall material, you'll do varying amount of damage depending also on distance you can see whether or not you can shoot through the wall via the way the bullet impacts it.

Aim feeling

Aiming? Mega nice. The feeling is roughly like csgo, but somehow more direct. Not sure how to explain it. I think it's just a feeling thing when you play a game.

You can kinda imagine it like the comparison of the deagle between Source and CSGO. When shooting with the deagle in CSGO it always feels like you're either lucky or unlucky. In Source you aim at somebody's head and he's down. That's how you can more or less picture it. It doesn't mean that the hitboxes are larger, rather I simply feel as if it enters more easily.


At least at the date we were able to test play, of course as I said earlier 6 hours playtime doesn't mean that you already discovered lots of things or found any bugs, stuff like that will always be present in games. But it plays extremely smooth and if you hold an angle somewhere with a sniper then the enemy can't simply do a quick drive by and destroy you. He needs to do it more tactically than let's say in CSGO.

For example you're on Mirage aiming with the awp and suddenly a deagle bolts past and gives you a headshot, stuff like this won't happen. Naturally you can still prefire, but you won't just die and then the enemy comes around the corner or crap like that.

You have different spray patterns for weapons. You can single tap, burst, spray. Each way of shooting depends on what you master and what you prefer. You can theoretically do something with all of those things.

You don't unlock weapons through playing. You can also drop weapons for your teammates. There's an economy system. You might have no money, might be saving, some might save or buy. Abilities need to be bought, but if you bought one and don't use it, you'll keep it. So you can use it in following rounds.


Movement is a little slower than CSGO, maybe they're still tweaking it. It felt a little unflexible however that might've due to being used to faster games.

As the day progressed it felt better. At the beginning it felt a little sluggish, but that disappeared. You just have to play yourself for a few hours and then I think you'll have a very good feel for it.

It wasn't as if you couldn't do strafe jumps. You can strafe hop, bunny hop, strafe jump, you can do all that stuff. What I think CS players might miss a little are skill jumps, but that's also the question as time goes by playing the game what do people straight up discover.

For example Mirage window to short jump in the beginning you never saw that, noone did that, because it wasn't needed when noone knew how to smoke window or something along those lines and which will get discovered at a later time. It will probably be similar in this game that someday stuff gets discovered that are difficult and that need practice to master, that not everyone can do just like that.


I also asked this. As of now, but it's still under discussion, they made it that you can't stretch the game. I think this is good. I hope I can say this.

Trying to strech is one of the first things I tried just out of curiositiy if it's possible. It wasn't possible. 16:10, you had at the top and bottom black bars. 4:3, you had at the sides black bars."

Do you think CS will follow up?

First the game has to release, if Valve will ever do something in regards to that game no idea.

At the end of the day I don't think that this game will replace CS, if it does it would be crazy, I believe that it's more comparable to LoL and Dota. Some play LoL and some play Dota, but both games are the same in regards to the base idea.

Because Project: A is basically like CS with 5v5 SnD. You have different maps. The big difference is the characters with abilities that replace smoke, flash, molotov and co. That's the tactical difference. Some will enjoy one game more while others the other game.

Are weapons more realistic or fantasy?

More leaning towards realistic.

Are there one-shot weapons?

Yes. There's also something like Kevlar and Helmet. Picture it like CS, but everything a little different. Saying 'Everything' seems really broad, but that's how you need to picture it basically.

The base idea is the same, but a lot of things are solved differently. One dude will say 'Ew, I don't like it.' and another one will say 'That's cool.' Everyone has their preferences.

Peeker's advantage, crouch delay

Peeker's Advantage is very minimal from what we've noticed, there's also no right eye peek advantage, which I enquired.

Crouch delay, as in that the enemy still sees you even though you yourself don't see anything anymore, isn't present. But also need to mention we played via LAN, at least I think we did or was it online? Not sure right now. Movement is very direct, but a little slower than CS.

Keep in mind that they might've played via LAN which of course doesn't have Peeker's Advantage with 0 or 1ms ping and absence of the crouch delay aka Unpeeker's Disadvantage)


You can modify your crosshair, they solved this really well and we've also given feedback. You can modify your crosshair in vastly different ways.

The way they did it is really sick through the interface for that. At first glance it looks very complex, but it is very well thought-out. Thanks to this many things that are annoying in CS you won't be.

You can move the outline inside, outside, to the middle. You can change the thickness dynamically, customize the crosshair. Add a 2nd crosshair which you can place within or around it, etc. You can do whatever you want. Whether you want a dot, dot + crosshair, crosshair + crosshair, dynamic crosshair, one dynamic crosshair + one static crosshair, etc. For example static crosshair and around that a dynamic one, etc.

Do you get slowed upon hit?

Yes. Aimpunch, slowdown and stuff like that is in the game."

Could it release 2020?

In that state of the game it was playable. If would release like this it would be playable, but it's not what Riot wants. Riot probably wants to deliver a 100% perfect game to the market. So I assume that they'll continue to develop, collect feedback and update it, etc.

Is there bullet drop?


Can you play with left handed viewmodel?

No, but that's feedback we gave.

Are there 'classes'? Healer, Tank, DD?

Tank? No. There'll be noone with 800 HP, but there'll be classes that are more supportive, aggressive or defensive. Rather than classes it's characters.


Tagging is more. It's not like ADAD in CS, but more like maybe 1.6 that you'll get punished for mistakes, you can't just jiggle peek stupidly and hope to not get hit.

It will heavily go towards competitive. Definitely. Of course there'll be casual gamers, any game consists at its base out of casual gamers.

How many people play matchmaking? 800k that play CS, those aren't all pros. They're the smallest fraction, less than 1%, but nonetheless at the end of the day it will be played competitively. That I'm very certain of.

Do you need a good pc for the game?

No idea, I know there was a RTX card, but not sure about CPU, didn't look inside. However I can tell you that it was very smooth.

No idea about requirements, but I don't think, already due to the entire game setting, that it will be a game that drains as much performance as a CoD or Battlefield.

But it will definitely be better optimized than a game like CS. You can see that from the gameplay.

You have more chunky let's say 'particles' for all these things and not like for example a smoke shows cyclone smoke from trailer this is from a graphics perspective less demanding for performance than putting smoke particles there.

Did you dislike anything about the game? So many weird abilites or something else?

I think to fully utilize and master the abilities of the characters you need to spend a lot of time with a specific character.

Most likely you'll need to focus on one or two characters and grind those while not playing others.

Perhaps in the end there's too many characters to play all of them perfectly. Like LoL or Dota it's possible that you main one or two characters.

Was there things I didn't like?

Of course, or what's disliking. There's things you prefer and play more, let's say supporter characters, aggressive characters, defensive characters, etc. Everyone has their playstyle.

Stuff that annoyed me?

Yea for sure, if there's an enemy that wrecks you everytime with a certain combo of abilities, but that's when you need to up the ante.

There's no grenades like in CS, grenades are in this case the abilities. Rather than buying a grenade you buy an ability, but not everyone has this or that specific ability. But in that case they have different abilities.

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#20 eso mismo xDD

huele a shills que apesta desde que empezaron con la campaña.

1 respuesta

#29 Al final da un poco igual, si el juego es gratis, se va a jugar y si no mola se desinstala y a otra cosa. Si es de pago, entonces habrá que esperar a que salga para ver opiniones.