DoD: 0kpg Campeones de 3ªDiv.EDDODSL #1-Championship


Enhorabuena Perros 0 skilled ;).

Pro cierto donde se ponga el koncierto de Tyr y Saratoga el sabado 2 en Granada ke se kiten los houseros esos de palo.


Un placer mens! sabeis que es un lujo jugar contra vosotros, que hay vidilla y eso mola!

Enhorabuena! y animo en los playoffs!


Ah...pero hay Play off????

Creo q es liga cerrada, pero vaya!!!! Q ojalá los haya!!!



#33 vaya mierda de kapitán, no sabe si hay play offs, Jquintero dimisión!!!!


Gussss putóoon me había leido las reglas, y en ellas se supone q es solo formato liga:
Esto es de las reglas de ED:

Pero vaya....q si hay play-off pues mejor.

Enemy Down Day of Defeat Source League - Season #1

The EDDODSL will commence on Monday 3rd December 2007.

Matches are expected to take place on Monday nights at 20:00 GMT. Matches are 4x15.

This competition is a straight league format. Each division will consist of 6 clans; the total amount of divisions depends on the how many teams register for this competition.

Further information on this competition will be made available shortly. If you have an urgent question or concern please voice this to an admin directly or post on our forum.

ED DODS League Rules:

1 - All normal ED rules apply unless otherwise stated in this section.

2 - The first map is expected to be played on the home clan's server, if the away clan wishes they can request that the second map is played on their server. If this is not possible or there is a dispute please contact an admin to arrange for a neutral server to be provided.

3 - Rescheduling is allowed but matches MUST be played BEFORE the following Monday ( i.e. Sunday midnight)
It is up to the teams involved to come to an agreement and post in match notes the outcome of the reschedule. Please inform an admin if you need or have re-scheduled a match.
If the match is not played before the following Monday the divisional admin will make a decision on the result.

4 - Should a team be forced to leave the league during a season a team from the waiting list may be given the opportunity to take their place.
They will not receive any of the previous clans points or be allowed to re-play matches that have already taken place.

5 - The scoring system will be as follows: (full cap scoring for all matches)

2 points for a win
1 point for a draw (full caps and ticks are equal)
0 points for a loss

If neither team full caps during a league match then the team with the highest tick points wins the game 1-0

6 - All clans must use the eddodsl.cfg and record in-eye demos.

7 - Defaults are 1-0.

8 - X-Ray is not required for any EDDODSL match.


Entonces ya esta? hemos ganao y ya? nos dan un ramo flores o algo?


Es triste que se ganen competiciones por 3 forfeits :/


juas! ke way !



yo tmb qiero un ramo de flores :(


Regalt no te vale Gusxx??? No es un ramo de flores pero es un graaaaan Capullo jijijijijijijiji :D

Usuarios habituales

  • jquintero
  • Regalt
  • KaNuTo
  • GusX
  • Tsunami16
  • DiABLiLlO_o
