Teamliquid le va a pasar por encima a el resto de las webs... Flamewheel ha hecho las entrevistas en chino (cosa que ninguna otra web ha podido hacer, porque no tienen ni los medios ni la gente necesaria).
#5038 Hombre no lleva 2 semanas, esto lo deben de llevar preparando bastante tiempo. El staff de TL está totalmente volcado con Dota 2 y lo de los torneos ya lo tenían muy trabajado desde SC2.
De todas formas, basta con comparar el nº de usuarios de TL con cualquier otra web. No hace falta más.
He visto en TL a un tío que vio en JoinDota un análisis del draft de la final del torneo y lo explica bastante bien, a ver si a alguno os interesa:
As expected, butthurt and qqing navi fanboys making excuses after TI2, saying:
-Navi not loyal to their playstyle
-Puppey not drafting seriously
-Navi not playing seriously
-Puppey drafting badly
-Navi players should have switched roles
Not only does it belittles the accomplishment of IG, it is at the same time insulting to Navi. Do you really think that Navi will not give it their all in the grand final? Puppey is one of the best captains in the world. Do you think he will get 'outdrafted' without a reason? Anyway, that is besides the point, what I want to say, is that all those excuse are nonsense and wrong.
Personally, I hardly consider Navi drafted badly, as they got the best lineup despite the circumstances against them. But tunnel vision fanboys will be fanboys, so I have to point it out for you.
Navi starts out with a huge disadvantage every draft. The fact that they could not beat a normal chinese lineup means that they have to ban morph + invoker and usually furion. The group stage taught them that when they got raped by IG and Orange. I would even say that furion+ invoker ban is much more important than the morphling ban. Chinese teams furion's precision ganking + carry support and invoker's mid game dominance is important for the 4+1 strat used by the Chinese. So effective are China with these type of heroes, that they often won the game 4 vs 5.One of the main reason Navi made it so far was that they had banned these core chinese heroes. However, this is actually a disadvantage to Navi. They have to give up a lot of options in their lineup.
However, this disadvantage was not apparent until the finals, as Navi cleverly masked it by trapping the Chinese teams. Navi understood the true worth of naga siren, and either outcarried or counter the naga aoe combo hard. As said in an interview by Puppey, naga is overvalued by the chinese teams as they did not realize naga is easily outcarried by harder carries. Once the Chinese realize that, Navi could not trap the Chinese anymore. To some extent, Lgd vs Navi also showed that other Chinese teams realize their mistake, as they picked up another semi carry alongside Naga siren. (However I still think LGD overvalues naga siren)
The disadvantage was also not apparent as Chinese teams wasted a ban on pudge during the first ban phase.
Once IG corrected their drafting mistakes, several weakness of Navi became apparent. Puppey is a mediocre player if not given a jungler, Havoz has a limited hero pool (i.e battlefury carries), and can't play heroes such as morphling. In comparision, each players of IG are much more versatile compared to Navi.YYF/chuan/faith can play almost any hero you give them, making IG much more flexible. Instead of trying to ban Dendi's hero, by banning lycan enchant chen, pupey was left with very limited options.
Now to the Nav 'not being loyal to their playstyle' part. This is a joke. The fact is Navi gets outnavi-ed by every other Chinese/Asian team. Relying on their usual playstyle would be suicide. Teams such as IG and orange raped Navi by outpushing, out ganking, outplaying Navi. Having a carry that can contribute early on in battles (luna/ morphling compared to havoz's magina) made so much difference. Navi themselves banned heroes that they are usually so reliant upon (furion + invoker) simply because the Chinese utilize those heroes better.
As for the more specific picks by Navi, I will go through them 1 by one. Game 1 and 2 need no explanation. Game 2 showed that Game 1 was actually closer than what everyone thinks (if dendi had not missed so many ultis..) and so I will not consider them outpicked. Naga + dark seer pick is still strong, especially since Chinese team still have no answer for it. For game 3, I am quite sure Navi did not intend to pick naga so early. However, the dark seer + enigma pick by IG was brilliant. Not only does it deny LOH of his best hero, it forced them to pick Naga. Also, by the third game IG had realized that Navi only used juggernault to fight naga and did not ban Jugger. Navi knew the best that naga cannot carry the game alone, and needed another carry (because dark seer enigma and qop are too good at defending) At that point, only luna and dk (maybe storm spirit)were left, and since Navi don't know how to play luna, Dragon knight was chosen. Puppey can't play Dragon knight = dendi playing dk instead of rubick. Lastly, Navi did not expect dark seer to have such a good start. Who could have saw the bear pulls+ ion shell lol. In effect, this means that IG won top lane, won mid, and did ok at the btm lane (which navi thought was theirs).
As for the 4th game, it was pure genius by IG that won them the game. Navi thought IG were afraid to use Naga Siren, they thought wrong. IG realized why their previous naga siren's were not effective and fixed the problem (banning enigma). They forced a third pick juggernault because Navi know it would be banned at the second phase. The disruptor respect ban was hilarious. They could not have seen the Kotl pick from a mile away. Probably Navi was expecting a veno pick, seeing that rhasta was banned for his antipush. Kotl completely destroyed any plans Navi had (get radiance> push lanes). Illuminate + song was another neat move. Personally, I think that the Nyx assassin pick was a smart pick by Puppey. Firstly, puppey did not have many heroes left to play. Secondly, Navi did not have enigma this time around to help Dendi steal ravage. Their plan was spike carapace stun tide into ravage steal. Lastly it has its uses against templar assasin. Other supports would likely get instantly initiated on and raped by templar assassin every battle. Vendetta + spike ensure that this will not happen.The only problem was the puppey, as usual, can't play a non- jungling hero well. Not expecting the Naga pick was costly, as they were not fully prepared to counter it like they normally do. Relying on Dendi to steal ravage was too optimistic, as good as he is.
Lastly, for ppl who are saying disruptor is op, remember what Bruno said. Disruptor picks 2 wins-6 loss. If it was op, why did nobody else use it? Give credit where it was due.
Contrary to what the community thinks. IG beat Navi, and IG won everything else. They beat Navi in every single conceivable way. Navi is one of the best, but IG is the best. Creativity + diversity+ playstyles+ individual skills. If I am not wrong, they even picked more heroes than Navi ever did.Using luna to counter morph, disruptor/kotl pick was innovation to the maximum. I am sure they have other special strats available, except they had never needed to use it, except against Navi. Ferrarri's Templar assassin games are a pure joy to watch.
Puppey is one of the best drafters in the world, and still is. But in the end, they were too reliant on the traps they set and the Chinese teams sole mistake of overvaluing naga. Butthurt fanboys should give Navi credit for this. It was one of the only ways any Non-Chinese could beat Chinese team, and Navi discovered it. The fact that Navi were even able to came up with this and fully exploit this was pure innovation. Their traps failed in the grand finals, but that was the only thing they had, could possibly have. It is not their fault they got 'outpicked", but purely as a result of circumstance (I won't even considered it outpick). To say that Navi picked terribly is an insult to Navi.
Estadísticas de los picks y bans usados en the international 2, y su respectivo win-rate (naga por los suelos)
Statman, el tio que dice que si tienes un heroe con un 56% chance of win y otro con 57% tu chance of win es de 113%... menudo statman de pacotilla jajajaja.
Por cierto, para los que se quejaron por aquí de que era imposible remontar en DOTA 2 una partida con mucho desnivel.... mirad y aprended:
#5048 verdades como puños.