Pues eso para ir comentando los movimientos post-TI y para que haya algo de movimiento por el foro que no quiero que chapen el chiringuito.
Os dejo algo de lo que he visto por reddit.
- Envy send request add friend for KheZzu on steam. Envy is spamming support to lead the team and not carry anymore.
- Faker (RU's caster, not LOL) reveals that Secret wants Misery to join again, and PPD and Zai set up a new stack and want Misery to join them.
- PPD is confirmed there's will be no Secret.Sumail LUL
- Mushi will still lead Mineski with Malaysian players, including Mushi + Iceiceice + Nana + Jabz + Ninja Boogie
- Meracle ( Not Miracle- ) leaves Fnatic
- 343 leave CompLexity
- S4 confirmed will not leave OG
- Matumbaman will have to go military obligations in Finland next year if he cannot hide anymore. After TI6, Matum almost obliged but still managed to escape, do not know this year as well.
- Rumors of Ana leaving OG (or kick)
- Resolut1on is not sure about the team because he's receiving many offers from different teams.
- Cr1t tweeted the Danish flag, possibly the hint of Misery joining EG, since they both had Danish citizenship. There should be 1 player out EG in the future.
- YapzOr confirmed 2 players has never play in Secret before so good bye Secret.Arteezy,Secret.Zai,Secret.Universe,... In addition, leak information insider (type friends, acquaintances leak out) read only but not right nor wrong:
- Secret - SHADOW (Wings,you guys read it right), MidOne, Moon, Yapzor, puppey
- EG - rtz, sumail, uni, crit, misery
- EG 2.0 (Kappa) - reso, mss, zai, fear, ppd
- OG - n0tail, kpii, s4, jerax, fly
- More about Shadow. Shadow in a month played 8 games in China and 205 games in EU West. At the same time, Shadow learned English too. So it would not be impossible for Shadow to join an EU team.
- There are rumors MVP will reunite, because March (captain of MVP at TI5) has gone on duty troops.
- 2 EG players revealed at the after party as 1 EG players will leave the team. Cr1t tweet "Back to the roots" can also understand that Cr1t is back to pos4, position hit hands firmly. Misery is likely to join EG, if Zai leaves EG, then it is not a bad idea, Since Zai wants to be in Sweden better than in Germany.
*Todo esto son rumores de reddit, no nos volvamos locos todavía.