Epic revelará el futuro de Unreal Tournament


#60 Y porque no querian verlo? porque el gameplay sin doubles, era mas lento y menos complejo que el 2K4 que es el que sigue manteniendo el mayor numero de players.

Obviamente, a EPIC le ineteresaba acercarse al 99, porque los doubles con pad se hacen muy tediosos (de ahi, el cambio radical del primer UC al UC2, el primero era practicamente el 2K3 y el segundo en cambio dio un giro radical adaptando el gameplay al PAD, y por cierto me parecio una idea cojonuda) .

Luego con el update 2.0 que metieron año despues, volvieron a meter los doubles al gameplay mediante mutageneos, pero ya no era lo mismo, y ya estaba condenado.

Ademas, otro tema que se comenta poco, es que el Unreal Engine 3 , no le fue nada bien a un juego como los UT, ya que para tener una visibilidad similar a la del UT2K4 necesitabas bajar muchos parametros via ini, y quedaba muy feo.

Espero que con este aprendan de los errores, y no recargen tanto los escenarios y personajes.


Si mi reloj no esta mal, hoy a las 20:00 hrs habrá que estar pendiente del stream.


Se que acabare totalmente decepcionado . Pero estoy hasta ilusionado ...


10 minutos:


  • Será Free to Play, espero que sea un buen F2P como Path of Exile o Dota 2 dónde no se puede comprar poder. Si no vamos apañados.

Han dicho que será "free" y no "free to play", buena señal.

  • Soporte de mods, editor para crear mapas, modos de juego, etc.

The Future of Unreal Tournament Begins Today.

Work on the future of Unreal Tournament begins today, and we’re happy to announce that we’re going to do this together, with you. We know that fans of the game are as passionate about Unreal Tournament as we are. We know that you have great ideas and strong opinions about where the game should go and what it should be. So let’s do something radical and make this game together, in the open, and for all of us.

Here’s the plan:

• We’ve created a small team of UT veterans that are beginning work on the project starting today.
• From the very first line of code, the very first art created and design decision made, development will happen in the open, as a collaboration between Epic, UT fans and UE4 developers. We’ll be using forums for discussion, and Twitch streams for regular updates.
• If you are a fan and you want to participate, create a free account and join the forum discussion.
• All code and content will be available live to UE4 developers on GitHub.
• The game will be true to its roots as a competitive FPS.
• Development will be focused on Windows, Mac and Linux.

So what’s the catch?

• It will take many months until the game is playable by gamers. This is real development from scratch.
• When the game is playable, it will be free. Not free to play, just free.
• We’ll eventually create a marketplace where developers, modders, artists and gamers can give away, buy and sell mods and content. Earnings from the marketplace will be split between the mod/content developer, and Epic. That’s how we plan to pay for the game.

A lot of this is brand new for Epic, and we don’t yet have everything figured out. Things will probably definitely go wrong from time to time, and when they do, we’ll have to work through them together. There will be a lot of tough decisions to make, and not every feature will make it into the game. But if you’re a fan of Unreal Tournament, a UE4 developer, or a future modder – or if you just want to learn how we make games – we hope you’ll join us. It’s going to be fun.

Want to get involved?

• Want more detail on the project? Read our wiki.
• Want to participate & give feedback? These forums are the place to do it. Sign up for a free account here to join Unreal Engine 4 community.
• Just interested in getting updates? Subscribe to our newsletter.
• In case you want to check out the classic Unreal Tournament games, we’ve put them on sale on Steam.

Lo que dije, siguiendo los pasos de Valve.


que quieren decir con:

When the game is playable, it will be free. Not free to play, just free.

que no habrá micropagos? entonces donde ganan dinero?

2 respuestas

#67 de la comunidad modder: puedes elegir si tu mod es gratuito o de pago, y en caso de que sea esta ultima opción, el dinero se divide entre los creadores del mod y los creadores del juego.


#67 Lo que quieren decir es que es un free to play pero de verdad, como Dota2. Y como éste ultimo, quieren que el juego se sustente solo gracias a la comunidad.