habra trilogia al final, confirmado por epic
(respuestas a las preguntas de los chicos de teamxbox)
Gears is a trilogy? If we can keep making quality games that fans obviously then why would we have to stop at three? I don't see the Metal Gear Solid, Mario, Grand Theft Auto or Final Fantasy series (among others) stopping at three and they're still delivering compelling entertainment content that's easily worth the money (see Unreal Tournament as well). There's definitely, as many of you have pointed out, a lot more to learn about what's really happening on the plant Sera and in the lives of the members of Delta Squad.
In the mean time we're working hard to support Gears of War (the first one) and come up with some great enhancements you'll hopefully see before too long. We're not ready to provide any details yet but I assure you we're on the job.[/i]