Pues eso, mirais una peli/serie/anime, leeis el periodico/alguna web, jugais a juegos flash, os tocais, o simplemente llorais un poco por jaina? ¿Quizas jugais 100% concentrados?
#5 Ya somos dos haciendo lo mismo xD
#9 La verdad es que de aburrido tiene poco, juegas y mientras tanto aprendes de Dyrus jugar al LoL ¿Qué de aburrido tiene eso?
#11 Está OP pero no para el jajaja, que champs le toca enfrente cuando lo coge xD.
#5 #6 Si lo que haces es aburrido pierde el sentido :S
#8 Recomiendame uno maestro.
Yo juego bastante distraido y aun con la 'perdida' de una de mis pantallas sigo haciendo de todo un poco. Y es que cuando no tienes una gran variedad de cartas y sobretodo juegas barajas mas 'sencillas' creo que te puedes permitir estar un buen rato 'farmeando'. Supongo que habra quien lo vea mal.
#6 Queria dar vida al post, tranqui.
#11 Ya la vi, es genial. Gracias
#15 No he estado nunca en cerberus, solo jugue una opencup porque me lo pidieron. A lo que no se por que te ries :/
#16 no me he reído, he puesto "xd" pq me parecía curioso encontrarte por aquí, nada más, pero si, veo que eres tu
#22 In this Hearthstone patch, we fixed an issue where players were unable to re-enter the Arena if the client was closed before they claimed their Arena rewards. While we’re patching, we’ve also decided to take this opportunity to make a couple changes to certain cards that utilize the Freeze mechanic. Check out the detailed patch notes below!
Certain Expert cards have been changed and the amount of dust that you get from disenchanting these cards have been temporarily increased such that it is equal to the amount of dust that it would have originally cost to craft those cards. Affected cards are:
Cone of Cold
We understand that the Freeze mechanic can be frustrating to play against, and we wanted to make changes that would allow the Mage’s opponent some additional time to be aggressive with their minions and well as slow the overall pacing of the control-based Mage play style.
Blizzard’s mana cost is now 6 (up from 5).
Cone of Cold’s mana cost is now 4 (up from 3).
Frost Nova’s mana cost is now 3 (up from 2).
Bug Fixes
Resolved an issue where certain account states could prevent new Arena runs from being started. Previously impacted accounts should now be able to properly start new Arena runs.
#24 Hasta que no pruebe el mago control después del parche no digo nada. Pero de primeras, ese mazo me parece que dejará de ser viable.
#26 http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/5715-icy-manipulator?sort=cost
#24 Certain Expert cards have been changed and the amount of dust that you get from disenchanting these cards have been temporarily increased such that it is equal to the amount of dust that it would have originally cost to craft those cards. Affected cards are:
Cone of Cold
Hombre... si no eres mago y necesitas dust de cabeza, y si lo eres con esa build que se va a la mierda es posible que también xD