El juego ha sido confirmado para Septiembre de este año, y se encuentra actualmente al 90% de desarrollo (ni al 91, ni al 89).
Según Tameem Antoniades co-fundador de Ninja theory, el juego podria tener un modo multijugador, que seria desarrollado despues de lanzar el titulo al mercado. Se pondría a disposición de los poseedores del juego via PSN y de forma gratuita.
No esta 100% confirmado, pero creo que va a ser que si. La declaraciones de Tameem:
"There's no multiplayer mode in Heavenly Sword as our focus was always to create an intense personal experience; it would have been too damn complex to deal with that as well," Antoniades told Eurogamer. "We did, however, develop the combat system using multiplayer test levels, as it's a great way of soak testing and balancing it."
"So who knows? Maybe we will decide to go down that route sometime soon. And when we do, it won't just be slapped-on to please marketing tick-boxes. You can be assured that we have our sights on multiplayer."
Heavenly Sword is around 90 per cent complete at the moment, reckons Antoniades, with mainly testing and bug finding to do before its September launch. And he's confident that Ninja Theory has used the extended development time to really wrestle an impressive performance from Sony's new console.
"We are pushing it bloody hard - that's for sure!" he promised. "But this is our first-generation engine for PS3, so there's certainly a lot more in the machine to give. And, more importantly, there's more in us to give it."
Al menos es humilde y no afirma como otros que su juego ya aprovecha el 400% de la consola y que ellos son los amos xD.
Fuente: Eurogamer.