Y se vuelven a cumplir todos los pronósticos, Breath of the Wild vuelve a conseguir el primer puesto, y ya van unos cuantos para Link y Aonuma.
From IGN's The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Review: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is evocative, exhilarating, and a masterclass in open-world design, and a watershed game that reinvents a 30-year-old franchise. It presents a wonderful sandbox full of mystery, dangling dozens upon dozens of tantalizing things in front of you that just beg to be explored.
It's a romantic take, but one that holds true if you open yourself up to it. Nintendo's beautiful and challenging masterpiece deserves more words than we can commit to it here. Like the most meaningful and landmark games of the past, Breath of the Wild is a game that will be discussed and analyzed for years to come. Everyone agrees that 2017 was an amazing year for games, but none other than Breath of the Wild can be considered a milestone for the medium at large.
La aventura de Link ha encandilado a los medios especializados y lo sitúan como la obra magna de este magnífico 2017.
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