Impresiones "filtradas" de Death Stranding


Los reviewers tienen el juego desde hace días, hay algunos que han puesto algunas impresiones y alguien en ResetEra ha hecho una recopilación:

Regarding killing enemies:

If you kill an enemy, 48 hours after death they'll go into necrosis and after that they will voidout, making a fresh BT and a crater. This applies to any enemy that is killed with a gun meaning if you kill an enemy, you HAVE to dispose of their body by taking them to Chiral Crematoriums located high in the mountains and burn their body. The reason they're so high up is because Chiral Smoke is dangerous to go over a city which can cause Timefall.

Mr. Throwaway Impressions #1:

Things happen in Skyrim, BoTW, RDR2 and HZD during your travels. Not much here though. My general impressions: I like the story, visuals and music, basically the whole package outside of the gameplay. Is it an acquired taste? Maybe, but I don't think so. There's only so much walking before it gets old. Motorcycle is cool, I love it but the terrain is not friendly for it

Mr. Throwaway Impressions #2

There are some good memorable missions early on, deliveries that show a connection between people. He liked it a lot. Gameplay might either be your cup of tea or something you hate entirely, depending on what exactly you were expecting with this game. He wasn't expecting much outside of hours of walking, he was right that it's pretty much what you do and thus it doesn't really appeal to him much.

I asked what Mr. Throwaway thought of the gameplay and he had this to say:

It felt tedious. Sam hitches up on a lot of tiny rocks so it breaks the flow here and there, but it's cool to set up ladders and use ropes. Even more cool to see stuff left by people. The walking makes it tedious, timefall are essentially the stealth moments, a lot of the time ur screwed if ur driving cause the weather damages it.

Shirrako Impressions #1

Mr. Throwaway Impressions #3

I wouldn't say the gameplay is the issue. It's the extensive padding done with the walking.

Shirrako Impressions #2

Shirrako Impressions #3

  • Pacing is way off. The story is interesting but there's too many gaps in-between. If you don't play this game often you'll forget what happened before the next cutscene happens. Death Stranding is basically 1 hour of cool shit but 4 hours of delivering packages to NPCs
  • Open-world is more interesting than MGSV but it has the same drawbacks
  • It's fun when you explore new land but when the game asks you to drive back 5km just to deliver a package to a place you've been to before you're like "fuck off"
  • All the safe houses look exactly the same, they have the same exact building you enter to connect and all the resting spots are 100% copy and pasted, they're all the same
  • The start of the game is a bit of a chore at some times
  • The game is not as good as RDR2 or God of War, but it's different. The focus is cooperation and exploration. If you're expecting a third person stealth action game then you're gonna want to refund.

Regarding Side Missions:

Side missions get forced onto you as part of the story



y no me he leido nada


Parece que la mayoría de críticas son: Historia buena caminatas aburridas.


Glovo simulator confirmado

Se viene la sobrevaloracion


It's fun when you explore new land but when the game asks you to drive back 5km just to deliver a package to a place you've been to before you're like "fuck off"

Como recoger el PSG-1 del MGS1?


Parece que el walking simulator ha terminado ser un... walking simulator! Sorpresa!


Haters siendo haters, me gusta.

Cada vez que me enorgullezco mas de mi preorder.

1 respuesta

The game is not as good as RDR2 or God of War, but it's different. The focus is cooperation and exploration. If you're expecting a third person stealth action game then you're gonna want to refund.

Hacía falta filtrar nada para esto ? XD

Lo de compararlo con GoW ya tal




Cada vez que me enorgullezco mas de mi preorder.

Pero por los haters ? O por las reviews?

1 respuesta

DEP Koyima

1 respuesta

#10 Porque demuestra que va en contra de las expectativas de la gente, y que es un juego distinto, y que es lo que se necesita. Dejar de comparar juegos y buscar innovacion. Y si es un truño, que sea un truño con intento de innovacion al menos.

17 2 respuestas

El juego mas o menos se sabe como va a ser, ya hemos visto un montón de vídeos, lo que digan cuatro pajeros de Wisconsin me la pela.


#1 Parece que hay algo de discrepancia con el tema.

Todo comenzó ayer cuando alguien a través de un canal de discord comenzó a stremear el juego, el canal/stream era privado, pero se filtraron screens. Luego simplemente se filtraron algunas screens de la historia, que posiblemente eran del mismo streamer, ya que se notaban que eran del principio de la trama, tal y como indicaron los que estaban poniendo en el chat el contenido, el pavo lo puso un rato y desapareció.

Luego llegaron supuestos leaks, varios falsos confirmados, y nadie ha validado los de arriba, ya que a pesar de todo, no hay screens/videos que corroboren nada de lo dicho arriba, la verdad. Ademas hay contradicciones, yo personalmente no me lo creo.


¿Confirmamos walking similator?

1 respuesta

#15 Glovo walking simulator xddddd


Vamos, que lo que todo el mundo decía. Es un juego de nicho que gustará al que sepa a lo que va. Pena por el aburrimiento de caminar y caminar.

No creo que sea goty.


muh gameploy


A ver, los del walking simulator, que ya lo djio el puto kojima, que el juego va de andar. Alguno aún vendrá con la salida del juego a dar la turra xD


¿Lo jugamos en YouTube entonces?

8 2 respuestas

#20 veo más un Twitch plays


Por lo que leo, básicamente los mismos errores y mierdas que Phantom Pain

1 respuesta

Nada que no se salga de lo esperado y que no pudiese haber dicho cualquiera que viese los gameplays oficiales. Cinemáticas e historia curiosa, gameplay tedioso.


#20 esto es carne de verse un video de 3 horas por youtube, flipar con la historia y darlo por jugado.

2 respuestas

day -1


Entonces si es un Glovo Simulator no? :new_moon_with_face:


#24 vaya aburrimiento

1 respuesta

Pues leído lo leído, me apetece muchísimo la kojimada.


#27 como el juego.

1 respuesta

Confirmamos control de daños