Por la cultura opresiva de dicha desarrolladora. Así lo afirma Jeff Grubb, reconocido insider de los temas relacionados con Xbox, en su último podcast, así como el extenso artículo de Venturebeat.
"It's not like this culture is like something that is uhh, umm contained. Microsoft is well aware of what this company is like, and when they got done with Ori 2 there is a reason that Private Division is publishing their next game and not Microsoft. I was told this explicitly this morning, that Microsoft was aware and everyone understood that... that's what this company is like. And so, it's clearly not the kind of thing where it's like "Oh, this is just a couple of jokes happening on Discord." This studio had a reputation and it was hurting them financially, because they had to take a deal with Private Division instead of another big deal with MS and that affects everyone at that company."
Cuando veáis que el próximo título de Moon Studios ya no es exclusivo de Microsoft o ni sale en dicha plataforma sabréis los motivos de ello.