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New Battle.net UI
The Battle.net user interface has been completely refreshed with a new look and feel.
The StarCraft II Arcade has arrived! To make way for this new feature, significant changes have been made to the StarCraft II user interface. Two new buttons have been added: the Arcade button, which will act as a portal to a brand new custom games experience that features dramatic improvements in finding, rating and playing custom games, and the StarCraft II button, which will provide access to classic single player and multiplayer experiences, including the StarCraft II campaign, multiplayer ladder, melee maps and more.
Arcade Button:
A new Arcade button has been added to the main Battle.net navigation panel at the top-left of the user interface. Custom games once found in the Custom Games interface will now be found here with an improved interface and tools. Players now have more flexibility to find, play, and review custom games, more quickly and easily than ever before.
The Spotlight page displays new or up-and-coming games. Players can visit the Spotlight to browse featured games, new games on the rise, and top-rated games as reviewed by the community.
Players can search for games based on genre, popularity, star ratings, newness, and recent spikes in popularity.
Each custom game in the Arcade is represented by a game icon. The game icon contains a large game image (provided by the creator), and includes the game's name and star rating. Hovering over the icon displays the game description.
Clicking on a game icon brings players into the Game Info page, the main portal for each game in the Arcade. This page contains summarized information about a custom game, including a description, screenshots, play instructions, reviews, and other information. The Game Info page consists of several sections:
Overview: This contains the game description and a set of screenshots that show off the action.
How to Play: This is where players will find instructions (basic and advanced) and how to win. There is also space for additional images to supplement the game instructions.
Patch Notes: This is where the game creator can list updates that have been made to the game, so that players can see how the game is growing and improving.
Review: After playing, players can give a game a star rating and enter a text review. Once enough ratings have been submitted, the game receives an Average Star Rating that displays on the game icon. Players can also mark other players' reviews as "Helpful" which will ensure that the best reviews rise to the top.
Tutorial: Game creators can now publish tutorials for their creations. If a tutorial exists for a game, a "Play Tutorial" button will appear on the Game Info Page, which can be clicked to immediately launch the tutorial.
There is now a "Join Chat" button on the Game Info Page that allows players to join a channel named after that Arcade game.
The new Open Games List displays games that have players, but aren't full and ready to start yet. This should help players identify active games and find partners or opponents more easily.
StarCraft Button
The StarCraft II multiplayer ladder, melee games and other classic gameplay options have been moved to a separate StarCraft II button.
The StarCraft button has been reorganized to consolidate all single player and multiplayer StarCraft II play types in one easy-to-navigate screen. Players can now access the following from a single unified StarCraft screen:
Multiplayer: Quick Match, Coop vs. A.I., Team Games, and Melee Custom Games
Single Player: Campaign, Challenges, and Versus A.I.
New Streaming Launcher
A new StarCraft II Launcher will allow game data to stream during play. This should reduce download, install, and patching times. We look forward to your feedback on the new launcher! Please visit the StarCraft II forums to share your thoughts.
Graphics Improvements
Many physics optimizations have been across the entire game
Texture and resources management have been greatly improved, and now use less overall memory
StarCraft II is now significantly more thorough in pre-loading content, resulting in less in-game stutter
Custom games now load shaders during the loading screen rather than in-game, resulting in less stuttering caused by shader generation
The fog of war has been reworked to more accurately display units that are positioned near the edge of the fog
User Interface
Maximum selection size has been increased to 500, up from 255.
Items can now be instantly sold by pressing the Control + Right-Click key combination.
Instant items can now be used while in targeting mode without canceling targeting in custom games.
Items can now display range indicators and AoE targeting cursors when in target mode in custom games.
Inventory commands (Use, Move, and Pawn) are now available as custom hotkeys in custom games.
Alliance colors have been updated to propagate to the entire UI.
A new in-game pathing display has been added that shows the path a unit will take on the mini-map.
The News & Community and Help Buttons have been removed from the main navigation panel to simplify the display. These can now be accessed from the Home Screen.
The Player Profile Screen has been reorganized to streamline the overall display of profile information. From this screen, players can access their Profile Summary, Career Summary, Match History, Arcade Reviews, and Rewards.
New statistics have been added to the Player Profile: Games Played This Season, Most Played Mode, and Total Career games.
Certain statistics that were previously shown on the Player Profile screen have now been consolidated into the Career Summary screen.
Career Summary has been moved from the Leagues & Ladders screen into the Player Profile screen.
The Help Screen is now accessible from the Home Screen instead of the navigation panel.
Tutorials are now more appropriately accessible from the StarCraft menu.
A new Join Chat button has been added.
A new "Quick Nav" tab has been added to the bottom-left corner of the Battle.net UI. This is a customizable dashboard that allows players to bind up to five Battle.net screens to the F1-F5 keyboard shortcuts for speedier navigation.
The following new slash commands have been added:
Available anywhere on Battle.net:
/afk : puts the player into AFK status
/close : closes the focused chat window
/help : displays available /slash commands
/min : minimizes the focused chat window
/max : maximizes the focused chat window
/restore : returns the focused chat window to default position and size
Available only in private chat with another player:
/dnd : puts the players into DND status
/partyinvite : invites the targeted player to a party
/partykick : removes the targeted player from party
/block : blocks the targeted player
/unblock : unblocks the targeted player
/addfriend : adds the targeted player as a character friend
/removefriend : removes the targeted player as a friend
/profile : opens the profile page for targeted player
/report : opens the Report Player dialog for targeted player
/friendnote : opens the Friend Note dialog for targeted player
Players who have enabled the "Only allow friends to send me chat messages" option can now receive responses back from non-friends if they initiate the chat. The ability to chat with non-friended players will end if either player logs out, or if no conversation occurs for five minutes.
The Pylon power radius now displays up cliff levels properly on Low graphic settings.
Fixed an issue where certain protoss structures would sometimes continue to display a warp-in animation if they became unpowered.
The Medivac_HealLoop sound now plays properly when a player manually heals a unit with a Medivac.
It is no longer possible to stack a large number of units into tight spaces using Medivacs.
The Command Center's Load ability will no longer reserve a cargo slot for nearby SCVs that are busy constructing buildings.
Siege Tanks no longer use an SCV voiceover when they fail to enter Siege Mode.
Fixed an issue where flying terran structures would sometimes use their ground death animations when killed.
Fixed an issue where the Hellion‘s flame attack would only hit burrowed units despite other units also being in its line of fire behind the burrowed unit.
Fixed an issue where a Bunker could be made to look empty despite being loaded with units by using queued Rally commands.
Fixed an issue where the Seeker Missile's explosion would not display if a save was loaded while the missile was in flight.
Banelings will now auto-cast Unburrow if a Colossus comes within their attack range.
Banelings lifted by phoenixes now use proper visual indication when detonating and damaging units below them.
It is no longer possible to queue up multiple build commands using a single Drone.
Morphing units no longer become stuck in their cocoon state if they are underneath a Hatchery.
The Nydus Network and Nydus Worm no longer glow if they are holding Drones that are carrying minerals.
Active Creep Tumors no longer display as dormant if their Spawn Tumor action was canceled during the spawn animation.
Brood Lord and Overseer Cocoons now have a Rally command instead of Move, Hold Position, and Patrol commands.