Phil Fish no es conocido precisamente por ser un desarrollador agradable y con buen humor. El creador de Fez ha empezado a jugar Monster Hunter en 3DS y, pese a que el juego parece que no le desagrada, la consola de Nintendo es otro tema...
"Started playing my first monster hunter game last night. on 3DS. it's not exactly playable without that circle pad pro atrocity...i don't understand. why would you even release a game like that on a platform like that? why is it not out on let's say... vita? you know, the one where you could control the camera. it's too bad because MH looks like it's basically phantasy star online but not in space. and i love me some PSO.
Also, im so sick of this dual-screen clamshell bullshit. a 2nd screen adds NOTHING. it's a gimmick. 3D is a gimmick. it's too bad the vita isnt a bigger hit because hardware wise it's PERFECT. it has ONE AWESOME SCREEN, and TWO JOYSTICKS. there's never been a single DS or 3DS that didnt make me go 'i wish this was on a single screen'. and i've never played any game ever anywhere where i was like 'i wish this had a 2nd screen'. and absolutely fucking NOBODY ever went 'i wish this had 2nd screen that is smaller and a different aspect ration and touch but not 3D' the gameboy micro was the best handheld ever. i wish nintendo would just make a slightly bigger more powerful GBAM-type thing.
Y la cosa continúa más o menos así por varias horas más. Resumiendo, odia que no tenga un segundo joystick, odia el 3D, odia las dos pantallas y básicamente lo odia todo. Menos la Game Boy Micro que dice que ha sido la mejor portátil de la historia. Classic Phil Fish.