PoE: El gran parche 0.11.0


Bueno señores, se acerca el gran parche(día 5 de junio) que yo por lo menos esperaba que arregla y mejora todo lo necesario y encima meten contenido con las nuevas ligas y nuevos base items entre otros.

Advertencia: El post aún no está terminado.

Dos nuevas ligas

Duración: 4 Meses

Anarchy: Liga donde nos encontraremos NPC's como si fueran jugadores con skills de jugadores y equipados, si tenemos el coraje de matarlos nos dropearán todo su equipo, pudiendo ser de cualquier rareza.

Onslaught: Liga hardcore para aquellos que encuentren el modo hardcore demasiado fácil, con más ataque, velocidad de movimiento y casteo de los enemigos.

Nuevos base items y únicos

Las ligas Anarchy y Onslaught tendrán 6 nuevos tipos de items base - tres anillos y tres amuletos. No es posible obtener amuletos onyx y prismatic rings en estas ligas.

También habrá nuevos únicos que sólo caerán en estas dos nuevas ligas, dos caerán en ambas, otros dos solo en Anarchy y los últimos dos sólo en Onslaught. También se eliminarán algunos únicos como los relacionados con los amuletos onyx y los prismatic así como la armadura Kaom's Heart (NEW META!).


Aparecen los logros en Path of Exile, bastante competentes y para varias ligas, el que complete estos 8 logros antes de que terminen las dos nuevas ligas recibe de premio una camiseta de Path of Exile!

  • Mata a los 13 rogues exile (Anarchy only).

    Llega a nivel 60 con cada clase (Onslaught only).

    Usa un mapa de cada tipo en el Aparato de los mapas.

    Usa todas las Keystones importantes de las pasivas.

    Recibe 34 items específicos de los vendor a través de recipes.

    Limpia completamente cada zona del juego en cualquier dificultad fuera de la zona de los mapas.

    Usa todos los items de currency (excluyendo el Mirror of Kalandra).

    Posee un set específico de 90 items únicos a la vez. Si tradeas alguno antes de que acabe la liga, lo necesitarás para que te cuente el challenge.

Cambios de Balanceo

Han reducido el daño que hacen todos los enemigos y también las pasivas de vida, energy shield correspondientes de los jugadores, también han modificado las pasivas de forma coherente para que las builds dependan menos de basarse en vida y podamos dotar de más importancia a otros atributos como la armadura, que será más potente que antes, según Chris los que más ganan en estos cambios son los personajes melee.

Muchas builds que antes estaban regular ahora serán más potentes lo que fomentará la variedad de builds.

Un respect de pasivas a todos los personajes

Después del parche, debido a la cantidad de cambios importantes en las pasivas, se otorgarán a todos los jugadores 1 refund de las pasivas, nada mas entrar con vuestros personajes después del parche podréis ver vuestra rama de siempre y tendréis 1 uso de respect, así que deberíais revisar bien como teníais vuestras pasivas para luego modificarlo acorde a la build que queráis hacer con las pasivas nuevas.

Antes en la beta cerrada esto no ocurría, nada mas entrar después de un parche te encontrabas el personaje con las pasivas vacías y no podías ver como lo tenías antes, ahora podemos revisarlo poco a poco.

Nueva orbe de currency

Eternal orb: Es un orbe que imprimirá el estado de un objeto para su posterior restauración, por ejemplo cuando le metemos mil fusings a un objeto para hacernos un 6L o seis enlaces unidos y al final obtenemos una birria de 4L pues usamos la orbe para dejarlo como lo teníamos antes por ejemplo 5L.

También será util para cuando exaltemos un item o le metamos una regal orb y nos salga un modificador que nos parezca bullshit podremos hacerle un rollback al estado guardado con el orbe eterna y no pasa nada, probamos con otra regal/exalted o lo que sea.

Opciones de loot en party

El lider de la party podrá poner estas opciones de loot.

  • Free for All: Los objetos no caerán a nadie en concreto y cualquiera podrá lootearlos.

    Short Allocation: El mismo sistema que hay ahora, durante un corto tiempo el item pertenece a un jugador, hay un pequeño bonus si estás lejos del item.

    Permanent Allocation: El objeto que caiga para tí siempre será tuyo en el suelo, no tendrá contador ni nada, sólo lo podrás lootear tú.

    Los items se desligan si te sales del area o pasan 5 minutos, además para los creadores de mapas, los mapas blancos caerán siempre para el creador.

Barritas de vida opcionales

Ahora podremos ver la vida de los enemigos así como de nuestros summons, será muy util para las builds de summoners sobre todo.

Post oficial de Chris


Mola, eso ya quiere decir que va quedando menos para que acabe la beta, le tengo ganas, me lo pasé en normal y no jugué más, quiero esperar a que tenga el nuevo acto, que metan más armas y armaduras, etc.


2 respuestas

#2 y pantalones por dios!


#2 ¿Que beta? Si es un F2P

2 respuestas

#4 Se refiere a la fase en que se encuentra es Open Beta, y el día 5 de junio comienza la segunda mitad.


#4 Y que pasa que los f2p no pueden estar en fase beta o qué? xDDD


Aquí la gente ya se cree que Beta = Jugar gratis, que mal ...


He traducido gran parte del post, mañana añadiré un vídeo hablando de este parchazo.


Esto es un "Major Patch", y no lo que intentan vender por ahí...


A lo que me referia es que por todos es sabido que un F2P cuando dicen que se lanza en OB es ya la release, por mucho que lo vayan mejorando, simplemente es un escudo para poder justificar fallos, menor contenido e ingresar fondos para mejorar.

Ojo, antes de que flameeis, el POE ha tenido una de las mejores releases que conozco, y son el equipo que mas se comunica con la comunidad y mas se lo curra, superando a compañias bien asentadas.


Segun las notas filtradas del .11 de la version alpha, van a salir nuevos supporter packs


parchaco del 15! aunque veo que siguen sin arreglar el drop de mapas o añadir zonas lvl 70+

es triste que con lvl 82 haya tenido que dejar el juego porque me fundí toda mi economía en comprar mapas. No puede ser que un mapa 72 te cueste 2 o 3 gemcuters y te lo ventiles en 10-15 mins sin que te caiga nada.

aun así sigo confiando en esta gente

1 respuesta

#12 Creo que meter más zonas y contenido está previsto para después de verano, con la continuación del acto 3.


Llegan a poner las old auras opcionales y el parche es 100% perfecto


Grandes me cago en mi puta vida



  • Due to substantial balance changes, every existing character has been granted an optional full passive reset. To use this, click the "Reset all Passives" button on the passive skill screen. Note that you must use this before allocating or refunding any other points otherwise the option will go away.

  • The new leagues don't start until the weekend of June 8. We're deploying the patch a few days beforehand so that problems can be sorted out before the leagues start.

Leagues and Challenges:

  • Two new four-month leagues (Anarchy and Onslaught) will start at at 1pm Saturday June 8 (NZ time). This is 6pm Friday PST. They will run until October 8.

  • The Anarchy league contains hostile Rogue Exiles you will occasionally encounter. They use player skills and drop a lot of items on death (including one for each equippable slot).

  • The Onslaught league is a hardcore league with 20% increased monster attack, cast and movement speeds. These stack with Map mods, so Onslaught is quite a lot more difficult than regular Hardcore. Characters that die in Onslaught are moved to Standard, not to Anarchy.

  • At the end of the four months, characters in Anarchy are moved back to the Standard league. Characters in Onslaught are moved back to the Hardcore league.

  • New base type items have been added that only appear in the new leagues: Moonstone Ring, Amethyst Ring, Diamond Ring, Turquoise Amulet, Agate Amulet and Citrine Amulet.

  • Six Unique items have been added for the new leagues. Two only drop in Anarchy, two only drop in Onslaught and two can drop in either league.

  • These items will not drop in the Anarchy or Onslaught leagues: Prismatic Ring, Onyx Amulet, Thief's Torment, Lori's Lantern, Astramentis, Carnage Heart, Eye of Chayula and Kaom's Heart.

  • The new leagues contain eight difficult challenges. These can be viewed and tracked on the Challenges panel (H). When the leagues end, if all eight challenges are complete, we'll ship you an exclusive t-shirt. Note that you have to play in both Anarchy and Onslaught leagues to complete all the challenges, as one challenge is specific to each league.

  • The challenge that requires you to obtain a set of 90 Unique items requires that you hold those until the leagues end to keep the challenge. If you complete the challenge and then trade a Unique item away, it will un-complete until you obtain it again.

Other Content:

  • Added a new currency item - Eternal Orb: Creates an imprint of an item for later restoration. Right click an Eternal Orb then left click on an item to create an imprint. This imprint can later be used to restore this specific item to that imprinted state.

  • Added three new cosmetic microtransaction effects - Ebony Footprints, Infernal Footprints and Radiant Footprints.

  • Added a quest item (Thaumetic Emblem) that opens the blocked path in the Way Forward quest.

  • Weathered Stones that describe elements of Karui history have been added to many Act One areas: the Terraces, Tidal Island, Mud Flats, Ledge, Rocky Climb, Ship Graveyard and Coves.

  • The Blacksmith (the boss of the Dunes and Spider Forest maps) has been redesigned with new stats, skills and AI.

  • New vendor recipes have been added, some of which only work in the new leagues.

  • The vendor recipe for Onyx Amulet does not work in Anarchy or Onslaught leagues.

  • Onyx Amulets have been removed from quest rewards of all leagues.

  • The Mortem Morsu and Silverbranch Unique items have been given 3D art.


  • A party leader can choose an item allocation mode for the party: Free for All, Short Allocation or Permanent Allocation. This is applied to new areas as they are created and is locked in for that area. If you join a party and find that it has an area open with a different mode than the party is currently set to, then just wait for the next area or find a different party.

  • In all item allocation modes, normal rarity (white) Maps permanently allocate to the creator of the Map area.

  • There are now options to display mini life bars on allies and/or enemies.

  • The Orb of Fusing and Jeweller's Orb now consume all the quality on an item to increase the chances of rolling more sockets/links.

  • Once you're right clicked on a currency item, you can now shift-left click on an item repeatedly to apply that type of currency item multiple times. If you're applying a currency item that increases quality then shift-left clicking will increase the quality to the point where the next usage would not give you full value.

  • Upcoming race events are now shown on the character selection screen.

  • The "/remaining" command will now tell you how many monsters remain to kill in the current area. This is useful for some of the new challenges.

  • Adjusted the height of nameplates on ground items so that they no longer cover the 3D item art.

  • The friends list is now sorted by account name.

  • Estimated stats on character sheet now cap out at level 77 monsters.

  • Continued to incrementally improve the art, effects and environments.

Audio Updates:

  • Added an ambient sound volume option to the options panel.

  • Completely overhauled basic weapon impacts.

  • Added impact sounds for when a target has Energy Shield.

  • Added new weapon swinging sounds.

  • Dual wielding with different weapon types now plays the appropriate sound for both types.

  • Improved Tempest Shield audio.

  • Improved Sweep audio.

  • Changed the way volume fades. You can now hear sounds in a smaller area.

  • Improved Extra Gore audio.

  • Fixed a gain multiplier issue with certain dialogue.

  • Previous audio environments should no longer persist into the character creation screen.

  • More environment and reverb tweaks.

General Balance:

  • Monster damage has been reduced in all difficulties to accompany the general reduction of Life and Energy Shield passive skills.

  • Endurance Charges now only provide 4% elemental and physical damage reduction per charge.

  • The attack range of all melee weapons and many monsters has been increased to better match their animations.

  • Damage reflection mods for monster auras and maps have been reduced from 20% to 18%.

  • The Alchemist Poison Bomb has been reduced in damage in all difficulties (beyond the general monster rebalance).

  • Puncture used by monsters has been significantly reduced in damage in Normal and Cruel difficulties (beyond the general monster damage rebalance).

  • Unrighteous Fire has been reduced to reflect the different relationship between Life and Damage in monsters.

  • Hillock now correctly restores a percentage of his maximum life when he draws his sword. This life restoration increases in higher difficulties.

  • Cruel bandit quest rewards: changed to 18% Physical Damage for Oak and 8% Attack Speed for Kraityn.

  • Adjusted the player spawn location in the Crematorium Map boss room.
    The safety of the Marketplace waypoint has been improved.

Item Balance:

  • Granite Flasks have been reduced to providing 3000 armour.

  • The drop rate of Life, Mana and Hybrid flasks has been reduced due to the addition of flask-upgrade vendor recipes in a previous patch.

  • The amount of mana recovered by high level flasks has been increased. For mana flasks this includes Giant and above. For hybrid flasks, Sacred and Hallowed.

  • The Rustic Sash implicit mod has been increased from 3-5% to 12-24%.

  • The 40% quality Flask vendor recipe now takes precedence over the Flask Fusing vendor recipe.

  • Increased the physical damage mod on The Magnate unique belt. This item now generates with +25%-40% Physical Damage (up from +25%). Existing belts will be unchanged, but their values can be rerolled within the new range with a Divine Orb.

Skill Balance:

  • Mana recovery from the Clarity aura has been increased.

  • The damage progression of Ethereal Knives has been reduced.

  • The base critical strike chance of Spark has been reduced from 6% to 4%, in line with the critical strike rate of other lightning skills.

  • Freezing Pulse's damage has been reduced.

  • Life values for minions and totems has been reduced to reflect new damage values for monsters.

  • Molten Shell armour and threshold values have been adjusted for new monster damage scaling.

  • Arctic Armour has had its damage reduction adjusted for new monster damage scaling.

  • Multistrike damage penalty reduced from 40% to 36%.

  • Melee Splash damage penalty reduced from -20% to -16%.

Passive Balance:

  • Notable passives with non-unique names have been renamed to their own names.

  • Life percentage passives and most Energy Shield percentage passives have been reduced in line with the changes to monster damage.

  • General and weapon-specific physical damage bonuses have been increased throughout the tree.

  • Axe physical damage notable passives have been increased further than other weapon physical damage passives.

  • Weapon and melee specific critical strike chance passives have been significantly improved.

  • Acrobatics now halves your Energy Shield and Armour, rather than removing them entirely.

  • Elemental Adaptation has been reduced to 2% maximum resists. More changes to maximum resistances are coming in the future. The intention is that players cannot hit 100%.

  • Diamond Skin and the renamed Crystal Skin notable passives have been reduced from 15% to 12% resistances.

  • Static Blows: the shock duration bonus has been reduced from 45% to 20%.

  • Inner Force has been reduced from 18% increased buff effect to 12%. The other increased buff effect passives have been reduced from 6% to 3%.

  • The Savant notable passive in the Witch start area has been changed to Elemental Dominion. This provides +20 Intelligence and +20% Spell Elemental Damage.

  • The Agility notable passive in the Shadow starting area has been changed to Coordination. This provides +20 Dexterity, 3% Attack Speed and 3% Cast Speed.

  • The Savant notable passive in the Templar starting area has been changed to Secrets of the Order. This provides +20 Intelligence and +20 Mana.

  • The Strength bonus on Heart of the Gladiator (in the Marauder start area) has been reduced to +10.
    +10 Strength has been added to the following early Marauder notable passives: Armour Mastery, Troll's Blood, Raw Power and Butchery.

  • The Soul Raker, Essense Raker and Spirit Raker notable passives have been increased to 4% leech each. Spirit Raker now includes 20 flat Energy Shield.

  • The Flaying notable passive now includes +6% Maximum Life.

  • Wicked Blade (the notable passive previously called Cruel Blade, directly south of the Duelist) now includes 6% Attack Speed. The other Cruel Blade notable passive has not been changed.

  • Renamed the Arrow Dodging keystone passive to Ondar's Guile.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where items would sometimes not drop from monsters killed by Fire Trap.

  • Fixed a bug where Spell Totems casting Molten Shell would keep recasting the skill.

  • Fixed a bug where summoned zombies and skeletons could not enter tight spaces that characters could.

  • Fixed a bug where Spectres and Zombies could explode during zone transition between town and the Eternal Laboratory.

  • Fixed a bug where the Letters of Exile could repeat the same letter twice in a row.

  • Fixed a bug with the Midnight Bargain Unique item. You can no longer reserve 100% of life in conjunction with buffs and not die.

  • Fixed a bug where skill popups showed off-hand stats when there was no off-hand weapon equipped.

  • Fixed a bug where Rain of Arrows would treat missed targets as though they had entered the area during the delay and hit them anyway.

  • Fixed a rare crash related to minion instability and area transitions of minions on low life.

  • Fixed bugs related to projectiles that chained or forked tracking their distance travelled incorrectly.

  • Fixed a bug with Conversion trap - anything killed by the converted enemy had the kill assigned to the trap rather than the player who placed it.

  • Fixed a bug where Shield Charge would deal no damage if used very close to a monster.

  • Fixed a bug where the Energy Shield stun avoidance check would not apply in the case of a shield block.

  • Fixed a bug where monsters that channel lightning could still hit targets that had moved out of line of sight or distance during the warmup period.

  • Fixed a bug where your minions were able to damage a monster you had recently used

  • Dominating Blow on if their attack started before the monster was converted.

  • Fixed a bug related to raising a Spectre of a monster type that normally starts inactive.


Dan ganas de volver a jugar y todo jajaja


A ver si lo aplican ya pq desde luego el tema loot cuando vas en grupo es un poco peste, en diablo 3 tengo que admitir que supieron hacerlo bien (probablemente lo único xD).


El tema de las reward de los bandits la puedes cambiar porque sino es una putada si quieres cambiarte la build y hacerla 100% efectiva.




a que hora lo ponen?

2 1 respuesta

Creo que aunq el notas del Kriparrian y único gamer conocido juegue a esto.... volvere a jugar. :palm:


Lo aplicaban hoy? porque venia todo contento para cambiar la build de mi witch a Crit y Ci y me encuentro con los talentos puestos todavia D:

1 respuesta

#23 Por la tarde en Nueva Zelanda y son las 01:00 allí así que casi que para mañana

1 respuesta

#24 joder... Vale gracias ^^

1 respuesta

Pues me parece un pedazo de parche la verdad, que mejoria y salto de calidad va a dar este juego.

Lo mismo lo reinstalo y todo.

Me canso un poco el tema de hacer mapas a fuego


#21 #25 Suelen poner los parches sobre las 3-4 de la mañana.


Pues hoy lo han subido antes. Ya se puede descargar, 1.05 gigas.


Me voy a crear una bruja arc para este parche


Las builds de exilepro siguen siendo validas despues de este patch?

1 respuesta

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