Ronda de análisis - Monster Hunter: World


Capcom se ha marcado el que probablemente sea el mejor Monster Hunter de toda la saga. Un título a la altura de la franquicia, plagado de contenidos, bien realizado y que dará mucho que hablar en los próximos meses. El primer AAA imprescindible del año.

Disponible para PS4, Xbox One y PC (en otoño ésta última).

OpenCritic - 91
Metacritic - 91


AngryCentaurGaming - Jeremy Penter - Buy

"An incredible title that makes the jump to the next gen consoles with all of its monster mastery intact."

Destructoid - Chris Carter - 9 / 10.0

If you've been skipping out on Monster Hunter games for a while because they seem to blend together, jumping into World is your chance to get in. Just know that Capcom hasn't really shaken up the formula enough to piss off veterans or appeal to people who don't welcome grinding with open arms.

Do You Even Game Bro? - Ash Wayling - 9.5 / 10.0

Monster Hunter: World represents a new generation of incredible battles for Veteran hunters, and a launching platform for newer players to finally see what the fuss is about. It is a testament to how a passionately created project can evolve throughout the years, without compromising what made it incredible in the first place

DualShockers - Giuseppe Nelva - 9.5 / 10.0

They created an immersive living and breathing world, allowing players to fully enjoy the charm of the titular monsters within a credible ecosystem. Combined with solid improvements in story and gameplay, this makes Monster Hunter World a must-have game for veteran fans and novices alike.

EGM - Michael Goroff - 9 / 10.0

Monster Hunter: World has found a way to lower its barrier of entry for newcomers while still delivering an immersive experience that long-time fans of the series crave. The combat has a bit of a learning curve, and multiplayer could use a few tweaks, but no matter your experience level with the series, this will be time well spent for all hunters ready to pick up a sword, bowgun, or gunlance.

Eurogamer - Martin Robinson - Essential

Monster Hunter opens up for the most accessible, most detailed and most magnificent entry yet.

Gadgets 360 - Rishi Alwani - 9 / 10

All in all, Capcom has crafted a large, sprawling RPG that's addictive and entertaining without watering down any sense of depth.

Game Informer - Daniel Tack - 9.5 / 10.0

Intense battles, rewarding progression loops, and excellent multiplayer experiences make this the best Monster Hunter game to date

Gameblog - Jonathan Bushle - French - 9 / 10

Monster Hunter World is the true reboot of one of Capcom's flagship series.

GamePro - Mirco Kämpfer - German - 89 / 100

The series has never been so beautiful and accessible. Nevertheless, Monster Hunter World remains a challenging action game for grind-happy hunters.

GamesBeat - Mike Minotti - 90 / 100

Monster Hunter: World is one of the more rewarding action role-playing games I've played in recent years.

GameSpot - Ginny Woo - 8 / 10

Monster Hunter World successfully proves that it's both about size and how you use it.

Gaming Nexus - Eric Hauter - 9.5 / 10.0

Monster Hunter World is a fascinating and beautiful game. MMO fans, action fans, RPG fans, and open world fans will all find something to love. This is a game that invites players in and gradually reveals its glorious depths. The unconventional multiplayer aspect might take some time to get used to, but the core loop of hunting monsters and crafting gear is so strong that even the most skeptical players will be snared by Monster Hunter's hooks if they give it half a chance.

GamingBolt - Shubhankar Parijat - 9 / 10.0

Monster Hunter World is a demanding game, but if you're willing to invest in it, you'll be rewarded with one of the most rewarding, addictive, and nuanced experiences of all time.

GBAtemp - Christopher Otero - 9.8 / 10.0

Monster Hunter: World stands high as top dog in the series. Tight gameplay, impressive visuals and great online only make up a small fraction of this fantastic game. A must play for vets and those new to the series alike.

God is a Geek - Chris White - 8.5 / 10.0

From the gorgeous visuals to the design in its monsters and ecosystems, Capcom has made the best Monster Hunter game yet. It's just a shame it doesn't help with its complex systems an occasionally poor explanations of them.

Hardcore Gamer - Kirstin Swalley - 4.5 / 5.0

For the first entry into a new generation, Monster Hunter: World wastes no efforts in making itself a sprawling experience with enough content to keep people going even without the planned free DLC quests.

Hobby Consolas - David Martinez - Spanish - 95 / 100

World is the perfect evolution of the Monster Hunter saga. Creature and level design is great, coop mode is incredibly fun and it´s weapon system is deep. We enjoyed every second of this gameplay that finds the perfect balance of following trails, collecting resources, studying beasts and killing them.

IGN - Joe Skrebels - 9.5 / 10.0

Whether or not it's the best, this is certainly the most audacious Monster Hunter game. World takes a dramatic leap into a look, feel, and size that feels truly new, simultaneously staying true to the series' ideals by maintaining the addictive loop of combat, intimidating monsters and meaningful upgrades that fans love. The sheer depth and commitment required is still intense, but it clearly isn't Capcom's aim to court a casual crowd. This is as all-consuming and incredible a ride as ever.

IGN Spain - Javi Andrés - Spanish - 8.8 / 10.0

Capcom will hunt new players with his biggest Monster Hunter game. At the same time it continues to feed the hardcore fans with a title that has all the keys to the series and important news. But now we will be facing bigger and more beautiful monsters and environments.

Metro GameCentral - GameCentral - 9 / 10

The best Monster Hunter so far, and already one of the most compelling multiplayer games of the year – with an elegant balance between depth, difficulty, and accessibility.

Player.One - Scott Craft - 9 / 10.0

Longtime fans might lament some changes but the series' soul remains intact. If you have ever been curious about Monster Hunter, or bounced off a previous iteration, there's never been a better time to pick up a sword.

PlayStation LifeStyle - Tyler Treese - 9.5 / 10.0

This is the modernization that Monster Hunter definitely needed. Not only is it the most dynamic title in the series to date, it's just a fantastic action role-playing game. Even if you've bounced off the series in the past, I highly recommend giving Monster Hunter: World a try. It's where the series finally truly clicked for me, and that is very much by design. Capcom has updated their formula for a new generation, and it's a real treat for all.

PlayStation Universe - Timothy Nunes - 9 / 10.0

With little in its way, Monster Hunter World smashes expectations with its organic, living, beautiful world. Matchmaking has its quirks and qualms, but little stands in the way of what's been created here. Monster Hunter World raises the bar high without distilling what made the franchise special in the first place.

Press Start - Matthew Zimmari - 8 / 10

For all its flaws, Monster Hunter: World is a game that manages to balance the expectations of newcomers while not straying too far from its roots. It is clear Capcom have tried their best to make it as accessible as they can without breaking tradition. This might frustrate new players who are expecting to have their hand held throughout the beginning, but if a newbie like me can pick it up in no time then it shouldn't be too difficult for you. Long-time fans are sure to love the tweaks and changes that have taken place, and will feel right at home getting back to what they love – slaying monsters. It remains to be seen how the game will continue once the online sessions open properly, and how this adds an extra dimension to the gameplay. With so much to explore and ways to play to suit a lot of different styles, this is definitely worth jumping into.

PSX Brasil - Thiago de Alencar Moura - Portuguese - 100 / 100

Monster Hunter World is a masterpiece of its genre. It is an incredible, challenging, accessible and extremely fun action RPG with a perfectly refined combat. Monster Hunter World is a must-have for longtime fans and for all players that are interested in checking it out.

Push Square - Glen Fox - 8 / 10

Monster Hunter: World is easily the finest entry in the franchise to date. The move to PS4 has only done it favours, with stunning visuals and environments that you'll want to get lost in. Flashy, satisfying combat will lead to many water cooler chats, and vastly improved online features make it a breeze to find help. It's a real shame that Capcom still hasn't found an ideal way to welcome new players, but if you are able to sink your teeth into World, you'll discover an incredible action RPG experience.

Reno Gazette-Journal - Jason Hidalgo - 10 / 10.0

The game could have easily done what’s safe and made minor improvements to a tried-and-true formula. Instead of going for the easy cash grab, however, Monster Hunter World takes a big risk creatively and financially by going for broke and making the most ambitious entry in the series to date. Is it perfect? No, it’s not. Is it a 10? In the eyes of this Monster Hunter veteran, absolutely. This is the best mainline Monster Hunter game I’ve played. Ever. It’s also one of the best games I’ve ever played, period.

RPG Site - James Galizio - 9 / 10

Capcom brings Monster Hunter back to the big screen in a big way, culminating in perhaps the best game in the franchise's history.

Spaziogames - Matteo Bussani - Italian - 8.5 / 10.0

Monster Hunter World is an incredible game, the new consoles have simplified many old gameplay mechanics and the gameplay has an enviable variety and depths. Too bad about the lack of true innovative mechanics and the technical aspect.

Stevivor - Hamish Lindsay - 7.5 / 10.0

In the end, Capcom hasn't built this game for me. It's hard and frustrating… but for some, that's exactly what they want. While it may be more accessible to newcomers, this is still a Monster Hunter game made for the series' faithful.

Telegraph - Tom Hoggins - 5 / 5 stars

Any issues melt away as you leap whooping from your seat, punching the air after you slay a giant beast while on your last sliver of health. In Monster Hunter: World, those heart-pounding epiphanies happen with thrilling regularity.

TheSixthAxis - Dominic Leighton - 10 / 10

Monster Hunter: World is the evolution the series has been waiting for. The giant creatures have never looked better, while the beautiful open world areas and the way Scoutflies assist your exploration have brought a newfound dynamism to every hunt. It remains brutally difficult and the unprepared may still be chewed up and spat back out, but this time it'll categorically be your own fault rather than the game's. Whether on your own, or in a group, now is the time to join the hunt.

TrustedReviews - Brett Phipps - 5 / 5 stars

Monster Hunter: World is one of the best RPGs you'll ever play, and the most inviting the series has ever been. It's clear to see why the franchise has such a dedicated following, and now that fanbase is set to grow ever larger thanks to the incredible steps the developer has taken to make this game more welcoming to many more players.

Twinfinite - Zhiqing Wan - 4 / 5.0

Every hunt in Monster Hunter: World demands so much attention from the player. There is a 50 minute time limit precisely because your prey are so tough to kill, and the game makes sure that you put in the effort and dedication required to take it down.

USgamer - Bob Mackey - 5 / 5 stars

Monster Hunter has been in need of a big change for years, and this reboot-of-sorts could have easily gone wrong. Instead, Capcom took a careful look at Monster Hunter's design and cut all the fat while leaving the series trademark dense gameplay completely intact. All the changes, from the broad, sweeping ones to the granular alterations, only serve to improve an already winning formula. The next generation of Monster Hunter has finally begun, and, with Monster Hunter World, it's off to an incredibly good start.

VG247 - Alex Donaldson - No Verdict

The truth is, Monster Hunter has always been brilliant – but it's always been niche. Monster Hunter World feels like the right game to finally crack that – a game that makes smart changes that might finally mean that a wider audience will at last fully understand, experience and enjoy that brilliance.

We Got This Covered - David Morgan - 4.5 / 5 stars

Monster Hunter: World is a balancing act of accessibility and classic appeal. Novice fans will enjoy the reasonable streamlining and fluid combat, while veterans will relish in the seemingly endless challenges set aside for high ranked players. Whatever 2018 brings, I'll be playing this game for a long, long time.

Xbox Achievements - Richard Walker - 90%

A colossal, polished RPG creature feature packed with a range of fearsome beasts to topple, Monster Hunter: World is an awesome debut for the series on current consoles. If this is your first bold strides into Monster Hunter's wild territory, then you're in for a real treat.


A todos los que tocáis MH por primera vez; paciencia y dedicarle tiempo, es un juego muy satisfactorio.

2 respuestas


Se viene algo parecido a cuando la gente conoció Dark Souls.

1 respuesta

Se viene algo parecido a cuando la gente conoció Dark Souls

senti que debia sacar ese juego de mi consola a la de ya, me gusto entre 0 y nada xd


Jugue a un MH en 3DS y me parecio una jugabilidad muy ortopedica junto con la camara que no ayudaba nada. Ahora con mando esto puede cambiar.



Destacar la nota del 7.5 xDDDDDD


Dios que ganas!


c mamut


Estuve viendo vídeos y es exactamente la misma fórmula que en portátiles. Éxito asegurado.


Joder, y que algunos tengamos que esperar a final de año para poder jugar... :(


A ver con quien competirá este anio con el GOTY

2 respuestas
1 comentario moderado

#2 jugué hace la tira al primero que salió en psp y me molaba jugar en local con amigos. Aunque no recuerdo absolutamente nada, espero que la curva de aprendizaje sea decente, al menos para ir progresando


Básicamente todo lo negativo que dicen es lo que define la saga. Apunta a ser el MH definitivo y será ignorado por mí como todos los demás.


Esto de esperar a final de año... me va a matar...

Solo hay una cosa que me haría un montón de ilusión, y seria que se volvieran a ver en un futuro, monstruos míticos como el Fatalis o el Yama Tsukami. Incluso un Rajang, que molaban mazo en modo super saiyan.


A mi tanto el combate, como el farmeo, como el componente multijugador no me gustan un pelo. Pero son buenas noticias para los fans de la saga.


El simulador de farmeo por excelencia. Cuando quieres algo no lo suelta y cuando no, tienes montones de ello.
La comparaciones con el dark souls esta comenzando a dar muchisimo asco

1 respuesta

Me tira un poco pero a la vez probé el de 3ds y no me llamo demasiado.....


A aguantar hasta final de año lul


Lo viciaré a muerte cuando salga en PC.



#17 es que son, sin duda, el dark souls de las comparaciones.

Por mi parte otro nope. Lo probé (el primero) en PSP y no me entretuvo nada de nada.


Ahora falta saber si las notas están infladas por la vuelta de la saga a Sony o realmente se han cascado un juegazo. Cómo todos los MH será jugado por mi parte, aunque no sé si a estas alturas tendré la paciencia necesaria para ciertas mecánicas.


#11 Pues si no se retrasa al año que viene, con Red Dead Redemption 2 y God of War mínimo.

De hecho yo creo que este año se lo va a llevar RDR2.


y yo que me tengo que eperar hasta otoño esto no se hace capcom


Lo comparáis con el DS por la dificultad? No he jugado nunca a ningún MH, y tiene buena pinta, pero soy algo manco y me da miedo que lo abandone rápido porque me resulte muy dificil.

1 respuesta

#25 Lo comparan con el DS porque es la moda. No es muy dificil si tienes un poco de cabeza y no vas a saco, no es un hack&slash. Prueba los anteriores a ver si te gustan, aunque este va a ser bastante distinto al resto, la base se conserva intacta.


lol Stevivor:

Editor’s note: Just because this is the internet doesn’t mean you can hide behind comments and abuse our authors. This is one person’s take on the game — it’s not meant to be sensationalised and it’s not designed for clicks. Feel free to play the game and think differently, just don’t be a dick about it. All comments are now being removed and no further comments will be accepted.

Les debieron dar palos por todos lados.


Ojo que yo no lo he comparado con Dark Souls en ningún momento, ni sé si alguna review lo ha hecho.

Lo decía que seguramente ocurrirá un fenómeno parecido al impacto que tuvo DkS, sentando bases y será un juego al que se usará como comparación en los años venideros. Además sale en PC con un tiempo de diferencia, como DkS, lo cual hace más redondo el símil.

De todas maneras, es mi ida de olla.

1 respuesta

Parece ser que Capcom ha defecado sobre Xbox One X y sus millones de teraflops.


#28 Sí que lo han hecho sí.

Ayer leí un tweet de una review donde decían "Monster Hunter is like Destiny and Dark Souls with dinosaurs" xD

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